Lets Go Denver! Pass Our Kings!

If Denver passes Houston and the Kings they take the 5th seed and get a matchup with Dallas. Therefor we will drop to 6th and play Seattle which I have no problem with doing. Houston plays SA and gets eliminated as well as Memphis getting knocked out by Pheonix.

This has been discussed a lot but I would love being the 6th seed and not having Dallas (who ESPN says has a very good shot at the title) and instead having Seatte a team we are confident around.
I agree with everything you said but...

I'm sure that the Kings organization is not going to go down on purpose to play an easier team.

Their just going to win as much as they can, regardless of their seed.
what on earth are you talking about?

I would love to face dallas, they have not done anything to show me that they are any better than the kings!

Don't be afraid to play a team!!!!!

Do you walk on the other side of the road when you see someone who looks bigger than you?

The last few years people had said sacramento was the team that had the best shot at the title!

I want dallas, bring them on! SACRAMENTO WILL BEAT THEM!!
If you want to contend,

you have to be willing to play the contenders.

The Kings should try to win every game for the rest of the season. If they go 5-1 at the end of the regular schedule, they will be well-prepared to take on anyone next.

(Brad and Greg willing. I do think we need a couple of 7 footers to deal with San Antonio and Miami).
The prize of getting the 5th seed is being on the opposite bracket from San Antonio (most likely). Another prize is it likely means you finished the season strong. If the goal is to win just one round, 6th seed looks better. If the goal is to win as much as possible, 5th seed is better. no?
heypartner said:
The prize of getting the 5th seed is being on the opposite bracket from San Antonio (most likely).
Thats kinda true, but it seems like San Antonio might not even make it past the 1st round. Nuggets are on fire, Houston can beat them, and they always had problems against Memphis. Either one they go up against could be trouble for them.
they always had problems against Memphis.
Not in the playoffs they havent.

SA swept Memphis in the 1st round last year. 4 games to nuttin.
Also, Houston has not beat SA in San Antonio since Duncan got drafted. That's 0 fer 15 over 8yrs.

I wouldn't bet against SA in the 1st round vs Memphis and Houston. I'd expect the Kings to lose to Seattle before I'd bet on SA losing in a 7-game series, first rounder to those teams.

That said, who knows what to expect from Denver.
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I believe the Kings own the tiebreaker with Denver.

Houston owns the tiebreaker with the Kings.

If Denver catches the Kings, it is quite possible that so does Houston. That would result in the Kings being in the seventh seed rather than sixth.

I'm with Patrick, win every game they can and let the chips fall where they fall.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Diehard Jim said:
Do you walk on the other side of the road when you see someone who looks bigger than you?
Er...if there is a smaller guy on the ther side of the road, and I know I have to fight one or the other of them, yes.

6th would probably be the best spot for us to fall (Dallas under Avery might be tougher than they have been), but trying to time that out just right is nearly impossible with things beng so tight in the standings. Ironically 7th is tougher than 5th, so you fall too far and if Duncan is healthy you are looking at first round and out. Not worth the risk. Obviously the team isn't going to tank in any major way -- think best that you do would be on the final game of the season vs. Phoenix, if you know a win/loss will make the difference between 5/6, maybe you play the starters limited minutes to "rest them for the playoffs" + incidentally assure yourself of the loss and the 6th seed (of course odds are we lose that game anyway, so it might be out of our hands regardless of how we want to play it).


Hall of Famer
Success builds, failure spirals. Planing for failure even just a minor set back for some kind of match up stratagy does noting to build success or confidence. IF the Kings are going to go anywhere in the Play offs they have to start with the absolute belife that they can beat any team on any court at any time.
I've always just been of the philosophy that we should try our best, get as many Ws as we can, and let the chips fall where they may. Can't imagine purposely trying to drop a spot, even if it seems like a better match up. If you did that and then were out in the first round, you'd always be doubleguessing your decision.

Play our best, play consistently, and start "peaking" right in time to sweep through the playoffs and bring home a championship. That's my theory!;) Hey, a girl can dream, right?
Guys.....guys....guys...The rules are the following, the top 3 seeds goto the Division Winners. So Dallas can NEVER be the 3 seed unless they join the Northwest division in the coming weeks or the Spurs magically start dropping off. So, at best Dallas is looking at the 4th seed and are pretty much locked in that position.
I say win as much as possible and stick to the 5th seed. Seattle might be easier to beat than Dallas, but if the Kings win the first round, I'd rather they face Phoenix than San Antonio.
All points taken, I'd just rather play Seattle because matching up with Dallas is getting a little old. Then again, knocking them out would be awesome to watch!
Diehard Jim said:
what on earth are you talking about?

I would love to face dallas, they have not done anything to show me that they are any better than the kings!

Don't be afraid to play a team!!!!!

Do you walk on the other side of the road when you see someone who looks bigger than you?

The last few years people had said sacramento was the team that had the best shot at the title!

I want dallas, bring them on! SACRAMENTO WILL BEAT THEM!!
Amen! Did you see those chumps get rocked by Cleveland......yes Cleveland! These guys are falling apart at the seams and Dallas got killed by em'! I'm not afraid of the Seattle matchup either! Things are looking a lot better now than they were a month ago!
i would rather face dallas, plus its like a tradition we have to play dallas! :) although seattle would be a good match up too, man i can't decide.... you have your ups and downs with both team, hmmmm :confused:


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
If Denver passes Houston and the Kings they take the 5th seed and get a matchup with Dallas. Therefor we will drop to 6th and play Seattle which I have no problem with doing. Houston plays SA and gets eliminated as well as Memphis getting knocked out by Pheonix.

This has been discussed a lot but I would love being the 6th seed and not having Dallas (who ESPN says has a very good shot at the title) and instead having Seatte a team we are confident around.
Oh, geez...

Go Denver? Pass the Kings?

If you have to root for another team to help the Kings get into a favorable spot in the first round, you really don't have much confidence that the Kings are, in fact, anything more than another team looking to get lucky in the playoffs.

Sorry, but I tend to want my team to win in the playoffs by playing the best ball they possibly can. If you have to hope they get a weakened opponent, you're actually saying you have no faith in their ability to beat the tougher teams.

P.S. And I personally don't give a rat's patoot about what ESPN has to say about us or any other teams.
VF21 said:
Oh, geez...

Go Denver? Pass the Kings?

If you have to root for another team to help the Kings get into a favorable spot in the first round, you really don't have much confidence that the Kings are, in fact, anything more than another team looking to get lucky in the playoffs.

Sorry, but I tend to want my team to win in the playoffs by playing the best ball they possibly can. If you have to hope they get a weakened opponent, you're actually saying you have no faith in their ability to beat the tougher teams.

P.S. And I personally don't give a rat's patoot about what ESPN has to say about us or any other teams.
Well I do agree with you, BUT positioning plays a big role in the playoffs. You'd rather play the weaker opponent rather than the tougher because you are preparing for the tougher team.

And the whole ESPN thing.... they love to play favorites. All the commentators play favorites, the only commentators i remember saying something good about the kings is Hubie Brown and Bill Walton. I dont give a care about what all the others say.
P.S. And I personally don't give a rat's patoot about what ESPN has to say about us or any other teams. - VF

mm..rat's patoot
N.U.F.A.N. said:
BUT positioning plays a big role in the playoffs. You'd rather play the weaker opponent rather than the tougher because you are preparing for the tougher team.
Huh? I would rather see the Kings play the tougher team. If the Kings would rather play a "weaker" team then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Rockmeister said:
Huh? I would rather see the Kings play the tougher team. If the Kings would rather play a "weaker" team then they don't deserve to be in the playoffs.
Think people need to recognize the difference in our situation now -- once upon a time that was a fair statement -- you can't duck people on your way to a title run. Gotta be able to beat everyone. That's NOT where we are now. Now we're just trying to string together the best run we can. We are NOT the best team in the league at this point. For the first time in years we DO need to worry about matchups. And there is real value to this team to survive a round, or if we get real lucky two. Getting punked in the first round would just kind of finish off a real ugly half season and send us off into the offseason with a whole herd of ?????s. So at this point, with this team, and its realistic goals, we are not looking for showdowns that likely result in us getting bounced. We're looking for the path of least resistance which lets us get as far as possible, fully earned or not.
Bricklayer said:
Think people need to recognize the difference in our situation now -- once upon a time that was a fair statement -- you can't duck people on your way to a title run. Gotta be able to beat everyone. That's NOT where we are now. Now we're just trying to string together the best run we can. We are NOT the best team in the league at this point. For the first time in years we DO need to worry about matchups. And there is real value to this team to survive a round, or if we get real lucky two. Getting punked in the first round would just kind of finish off a real ugly half season and send us off into the offseason with a whole herd of ?????s. So at this point, with this team, and its realistic goals, we are not looking for showdowns that likely result in us getting bounced. We're looking for the path of least resistance which lets us get as far as possible, fully earned or not.
How far do you really think the Kings can go into the playoffs, especially with all the inconsistencies?
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Rockmeister said:
How far do you really think the Kings can go into the playoffs, especially with all the inconsistencies?
Realistically? Rnd 2 if we're lucky. But I'd really like to see that Rnd 2 just for the confidence of the team and franchise. Getting KO'd in the first round would be such a clear step backward that I think it would be a rough offseason full of all sorts of questions. Not good for the team, the coaches, the fanbase -- just a morale buster. Personally I would much rather obscure the decline by at least making it to Rnd 2 again and going into the offseason with our elite team dignity not totally torn away. If it feels like the sky is falling, going to be a lot of pressure from the fans, maybe the owners, definitely the press.


Bricklayer said:
Realistically? Rnd 2 if we're lucky. But I'd really like to see that Rnd 2 just for the confidence of the team and franchise. Getting KO'd in the first round would be such a clear step backward that I think it would be a rough offseason full of all sorts of questions. Not good for the team, the coaches, the fanbase -- just a morale buster. Personally I would much rather obscure the decline by at least making it to Rnd 2 again and going into the offseason with our elite team dignity not totally torn away. If it feels like the sky is falling, going to be a lot of pressure from the fans, maybe the owners, definitely the press.
yeah because dallas losing in the 1st round last year hurt them so much this year.... i dont care if we lose in the 1st... as long as we make the necessesary changes in the off season(c'mon boozer/artest or both), i'll be okay.....
AriesMar27 said:
yeah because dallas losing in the 1st round last year hurt them so much this year.... i dont care if we lose in the 1st... as long as we make the necessesary changes in the off season(c'mon boozer/artest or both), i'll be okay.....
man, we going to make it the way, us kings arent suppose to wait another year or the year after that to go all the way, this offseason stuff, put it on the side, we still have 6 regular season games, plus the playoffs, so before thinking about the off season, think about the champion ship, thats our goal for this season, 2004-2005 NBA champions KINGS!


ive been thinking about this offseason since last years playoffs when we didnt do anything..... lets all just pray for some bibby 0.4's and try to not lose our hair over playoff seedings..... we can beat dallas.... we can beat seattle.... who cares who we beat or who we lose to as long as our guys do their best not to look like losers...