i agree... unless u can control these threads so that people only write about the latest info or ideas on the latest info... and not about random stuff like the celtics... but that is not possible so i say after a few days, a number of rumors, and 24 pages later.... i think a new thread is a great idea... plus espn is a trusted source... not right about everything... but the best source next to being a GM
And Marc Stein at ESPN is NOT a trusted source. Where do you think BSPN comes from? He's not even claiming to have current information. His comment is about as noncommittal as anything you'll see.
This is really derailing this thread so let's just leave it at that. This is the official Bonzi rumor thread. Anything else will be handled in the manner the moderators of this forum - all of us - feel is most consistent with the board format.
Thanks again and now...back to the LATEST rumor.