I was listening to Grant rant on the radio on the way home, he was saying that people are ignorant for not being informed about how much the Maloofs have tried to get an arena built. Could someone on here tell me the average lifespan of an arena in the NBA? Is it 15 years, 20 years, 25 years? If Arco opened in 1988 and the maloofs have been trying for ten years to get a new arena built, then that means that Arco was only like 13 years old when they started their push for a new arena. I am all for a new arena and would hate it if the Kings leave, but I don't think there has really been good education presented to people about why a building that is 13 years old needs to be replaced. If they do build a new arena and get it done by say 2013 are they going to ask for another new arena in 2026? Raley Field was opened in 2000 does that mean that the owneers of the Rivercats can expect for tax payers to want to pay for a new baseball field in 3 years? I understand that I do not know what I am talking about, but I can see why other people have a hard time when they keep hearing that the maloofs are tired of waiting. If the average lifespan of an arena is 25 years and we are now at 28 years or 30 years then it makes sense. I just think there has been a lack of education presented to the people by the Maloofs and the City. Alright I am going to shutup now, I am just frustrated!!!