[Game] Kings @ Wizards, 2/12/2022, 4pm Pacific 7pm Eastern

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Hall of Famer
not trying to jump the gun but do we got at the very least a Big 2.5/3 with Barnes?

Barnes seems to have a natural chemistry with Sabonis and if this efficiency keeps up, this team ain’t a “get right” game for opposing teams anymore
I had to record and watch later. But the chemistry between Barnes and Domas is strange how it’s seamless in only 2 games. That’s a vet in Barnes that has played with talent before. He has perked up as he is actually playing with talent again.


Hall of Famer
I missed out on the game chat as I just finished watching game. 32 assist and 27 assist as a team in first 2 games together. That’s not supposed to happen when you trade away your “best playmaker”. I think the best thing for the kings is multiple playmakers. I’d much rather see 4 guys with 4 assist than one guy with 16. One guy doing it all makes your offense predictable. That’s why rondo, cousins, gay didn’t workout.
What got into Harkless - one of his best scoring games as a King.

Sabonis 3 assists from a triple-double. Kings outrebound Wizards by 10. Kings players adjusting....

Are these wins worth the draft dump?
Im down to see how the dominoes fall these last 20+ games.
I haven't looked at the draft prospects this year. Sabonis is very polished looking. He reminds me of Brad Miller in his prime. - with a better post game. You can see Sabonis likes setting screens which is a good attribute.
Holmes is a very good defender in situations that require a mobile center to front on the perimeter and recover to the paint. He’s undersized and can get bullied on the block. But what sets Sabonis apart for me is the rebounding. Defensive rebounding is a part of defense that the Kings have been horrible at. Now they have Sabonis and now they are good.

And - Sabonis is so good at offense that our defense benefits because the other team has to inbound the ball.
Mitchell should do pick n roll with Holmes more to take advantage of his push shots. I am sure the success rate is just as great as him with Haliburton.
What got into Harkless - one of his best scoring games as a King.

Sabonis 3 assists from a triple-double. Kings outrebound Wizards by 10. Kings players adjusting....

Are these wins worth the draft dump?
MH has had quite a few wide open threes. Domas and Fox draw double teams and someone has to be open:) Its nice to look forward to games again:)
This renaissance of the Kings is so reminiscent of the 1999 - 2002 Kings after only two games. IF this keeps up these Players, Coaches and the Front Office have something to be very proud of and they may have found a home:)
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I had to record and watch later. But the chemistry between Barnes and Domas is strange how it’s seamless in only 2 games. That’s a vet in Barnes that has played with talent before. He has perked up as he is actually playing with talent again.
HB certainly seems to be enjoying himself - playing hard, playing well, and, as he might say, playing with real "force."

AND it's worth noting that his "perking up" started before the trades - 3 of his now-5 consecutive games of 20+ happened before Sabonis et al got to Sacramento. And I'd say the energy uptick preceded that, even if the insane efficiency wasn't always there. (Possibly coinciding with Fox being out and Tyrese dominating the ball.)
DDV needs to get fully healthy and work his way back. But if Harkless keeps shooting corner 3’s at the rate he has lately no one is replacing him in the line-up. In the last 10 games Harkless has shot 41% from 3.
And if he keeps that up no one should replace him. Even before the trade acquisitions, his games this month - the scoring, the rebounding, the defense, the general feistiness - have been a revelation.
I have been saying it for a minute and Kayte said it too during the game, since holmes came back from injury, they have not used him in the PNR. I think also, that give Sabonis some time to practice and work with Holmes, and while the spacing may be bad right now, they will be able to play a dangerous 2 man game together from the high/low post where sabonis will be able to take advantage of holmes' push shot and verticality. The other thing is that on the second unit, i feel if ddv and Mitchell (who are both good playmakers) should really utilize holmes better. He is the perfect PnR guy for them to dominate the paint with offensively. No one is getting him looks at the rim or push shot opportunities. I feel he looks joyless out there which is sad to see given how much energy and fire he normally has.
I have been saying it for a minute and Kayte said it too during the game, since holmes came back from injury, they have not used him in the PNR. I think also, that give Sabonis some time to practice and work with Holmes, and while the spacing may be bad right now, they will be able to play a dangerous 2 man game together from the high/low post where sabonis will be able to take advantage of holmes' push shot and verticality. The other thing is that on the second unit, i feel if ddv and Mitchell (who are both good playmakers) should really utilize holmes better. He is the perfect PnR guy for them to dominate the paint with offensively. No one is getting him looks at the rim or push shot opportunities. I feel he looks joyless out there which is sad to see given how much energy and fire he normally has.
Hopefully, but this doesn’t explain the defensive ghosting.
She has since deleted the tweet, but in a response to someone tweeting "Holmes is just not right at the moment" his mother responded that he lost a very close family member recently.

Yes, saw that tweet before it got deleted. This was the reason that Holmes had to take a game off for personal reasons. Let's please give him some space to grieve.
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She has since deleted the tweet, but in a response to someone tweeting "Holmes is just not right at the moment" his mother responded that he lost a very close family member recently.

unfortunately I don’t tweet so I didn’t see that… Dang maybe that’s why he looked so sad sitting on the bench as that really bothered me. I’m sorry for their loss
I mean let’s be honest here. Beating the Wizards without Beal and KP should happen as they aren’t a very good team. The upcoming games with Denver will be more telling if we really have something or we are just good enough to reclaim our customary 9-14 late lottery draft spot.
She has since deleted the tweet, but in a response to someone tweeting "Holmes is just not right at the moment" his mother responded that he lost a very close family member recently.

He was missing for personal reasons recently, wasnt he? I think he missed the 1st T-wolves game after the trade. Hope all is well, but he hasnt been right since gettinf the eye injury. On defense i cant explain why he is constantly out of position for the rebounds, but offensively he is not being put in pnr, not getting touches at all. That has been going on since before the trade and is an issue of game planning and the guards not looking for him. Yesterday there was a play he made an open cut to the rim and the pass went the other direction. He could have had a lob for a dunk easy. No one is looking to him and he himself looks very low intensity.
Damn. That makes more sense. Cause just from a game perspective, he's one of the most mentally tough players out there
Good reminder we know very little that's going on behind the scenes with these guys. But yeah, makes total sense why he hasn't been nearly as engaged, which is his calling card as a player
I mean let’s be honest here. Beating the Wizards without Beal and KP should happen as they aren’t a very good team. The upcoming games with Denver will be more telling if we really have something or we are just good enough to reclaim our customary 9-14 late lottery draft spot.
Kings have lost - badly - a LOT of games this year against teams that weren't very good (in some cases because they were missing tons of rotation guys). We'll keep getting more information as we go, but the evidence of these last two games is very promising.
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