Kings @ Warriors Game Thread

WTF moment of the game

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The Kings should've atleast tried to play Hawes/JT/Brockman more instead of trying to play small ball with Casspi/Noc at the 4. And Hawes was doing well in the 3rd/4th.


Tyreke holds the Ball to long, they don't slow it down when they're up in the double digits. Omri played bad and... whatever, this was just sad.
Watching Tyreke on the bench so upset, maybe this is a big learning experience for them. They expected to lose against teams like the Lakers, but not the stupid Warriors.
It's one thing to lose close games to contenders. It's another to blow leads and lose close games to the Warriors. They aren't learning. They don't have a successful strategy for the fourth quarter.
Watching Tyreke on the bench so upset, maybe this is a big learning experience for them. They expected to lose against teams like the Lakers, but not the stupid Warriors.
Maybe for guys like Tyreke it's a learning experience. But Beno has been in the league for a few years and still cant see the shot clock right above the hoop? And Thompson is still making the same stupid mistakes he did a year ago...maybe even worse.
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