[Game] Kings vs. Bucks 3/13/2023 7p PST/10p EST

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Honestly don’t know why Hali and fox didn’t work out. Fox almost seems like a fast sg compared to pg. glad we made the trade but a part of me thinks brown could have made it work
Fox need to work on his free throw man...he doesn't seem consistent to me. Even Sabonis is better than him i think...Sabonis doesn't seem to miss when he's at the line. But FOX? Nah. When it comes to technical foul...Fox shouldn't be shooting it...I rather see Sabonis. Tonight, Fox wasn't that clutch...turning the ball over twice in crucial time. And I think he doesn't go to the basket that much...keep shooting 3s. He should attack and focus on his bread and butter play. Yes, he did attack...but I just feel it's not enough. Look at Giannis...he attacks every opportunity he get...that's what Fox should be doing...
Thanks Coach. Do you have any spots open on your Rec League team? I'd love to play for you. You sound amazing and insightful.
Well, refs gotta start actually calling those fouls.
I'm not about to blame the officials for the KINGS "L" tonight. The Bucks just got hot. It's really that simple. It wasn't just one player, either, but several of them. Giannis even made a couple threes, and he's a sub-30% shooter.

Over 82 games, that happens from time to time. The Bucks shot 45% from 3 and nearly 60% for the game. Quite honestly, I don't think they could play any better than they did, yet the game was still competitive. So that's a PLUS.

The one area I can blame the KINGS for losing this game was their physicality. Other than Domas, who clearly out played that Frankenstein wannabe thug Lopez, and perhaps at times Lyles and Fox, everyone else played way too tentatively.

Both Barnes and Metu were WAY too passive and ceding way too much ground on Giannis. I get that Giannis is Giannis -- arguably the best player in the league along with Embiid -- but they were making things WAY too easy on him. They looked like Chris Dudley guarding Shaq. They both need a crash course in playing physical defense. Step up and put your chest into the damn guy. Don't retreat so easily. Challenge him.

Same goes for playing against that stiff Lopez. Who's not especially athletic or mobile. What do you do against a guy like that? You take it to his chest. Which is exactly what Domas did, and usually does to most larger defenders that try to guard him. While he missed some chippies around the basket, he was controlling and dictating the game and the backboard. Because he was assertive, physical and patient. He didn't allow Lopez to bully him. He did most the bullying.

Quite honestly, I see why Lopez is a DPOY candidate. When you get away with as many fouls as he does, because the NBA is money making marketing machine that doesn't want to foul players out of the game every night, it's no wonder he can have the impact he does.

Circling back to the officiating that, again, I am not blaming this loss on, if they actually called these games to the letter of the law Lopez would foul out or be in serious foul trouble before the end of nearly every first half. He gets away with A LOT.

IDK if anyone else noticed, but something I believe played a bit of a role in the late-game scuffle was Lopez clearly shoving Lyles to the ground after he secured a rebound that went uncalled. There were probably a half dozen other plays just like that. The guy goes over the back and reaches constantly, and was hammering Domas all game long.

I was yelling at the guy through my TV when he started chirping late in Q4, as if he's the star of the team. Someone remind that frankenstein MF'er that it's easy to play tough guy wanna-be superstar when Giannis is on your team piling up an "easy" 46. But how'd it go in SF when Giannis didn't play? Dude was 1-6 from 3. STFU tough guy. Know your place.

Shout out to Lyles for showing some spine late in the game, but please do that a bit earlier and before the game is decided. IDK why he decided to mess with Giannis at the end, but I'm glad he stepped to Frankenstein. Next time be sure to throw the Doug Christie right hook or Anthony Peeler uppercut, okay?

In the end, the KINGS got a crash course in playoff physicality. If the officials are gonna allow that type of physical play, they need to adapt. Domas is certainly prepared, and one or two others might be prepared, but Barnes, Metu, and Murray need to review this tape and get to work.

Oh, and props to Red Velvet for his performance tonight. He sure was a bright spot. Hopefully that's the guy we get going into and during the postseason. Same goes for Domas and Fox.

Lastly, couldn't have Mike Brown tried Kessler Edwards on Giannis for a spell? I don't recall seeing it and despite whatever size disadvantage he'd be in -- I just don't believe he'd have been more physically passive than Barnes and Metu were.
You've got to be kidding me with this crap.

Ok, so you're complaining about Fox and FT's when he shoots 78% for the year? Why, because he missed 2 FT's tonight? So did Malik Monk. And he's an 89% shooter. Where's the complaining about him? SMH.

Not only that, you completely wreck your rant session by lobbying for Domas as a foul shooter when he shoots a lower percentage than Swipa, at 76%. In what universe does that make any sense whatsoever?

Furthermore, you're dogging Swipa for not being "clutch" tonight when he scores 35 points 13/23 shooting and 5/12 from 3? And 13 points scored in Q4 on 5 for 7 shooting? You point out the couple of turnovers, but nary a mention of the turnover he forced off Kris Middleton?

Again, in what universe does any of this make sense??

The KINGS lost tonight because they allowed Giannis too many easy, virtually uncontested shots in and around the paint -- which allowed MIL to stay in the game the 1st half -- then had to withstand a Bucks team that just couldn't miss a perimeter shot the 2nd half.

They didn't lose because Fox missed two freaking FT's or made a couple turnovers. I mean, he had 3 turnovers for the game and 2 steals. There's no way to spin this as bad game. I mean, WTF were you actually watching tonight?

Even if you had the remotest of points, you still feel it's appropriate to trash Fox over one game when he's the clear runaway favorite for clutch player of the year??

78% is not good. He should be shooting AT LEAST above 80%. Early in the year, he was clutch at the line...shooting above 85%. He ain't clutch at the line is all I am saying. I tend to see Sabonis making clutch shots at the line more than Fox. Go study the clutch shots at the free throw lines and tell me if I am wrong. Don't look at the overall percentages...that ain't nothing.
78% is not good. He should be shooting AT LEAST above 80%. Early in the year, he was clutch at the line...shooting above 85%. He ain't clutch at the line is all I am saying. I tend to see Sabonis making clutch shots at the line more than Fox. Go study the clutch shots at the free throw lines and tell me if I am wrong. Don't look at the overall percentages...that ain't nothing.
If you aren't willing to go look up the stats, then don't make a claim you can't back up.
Kings are getting the best efforts from great teams now. The elite are gunning for the Kings. The Kings lost, but they didn’t back down.
You cannot convince me that the Bucks are capable of playing better basketball than they did that 2nd half. They are clearly one of the best teams, if not THE best team in the league. So it's not unexpected to see a performance like that now and then.

BUT, that type of shooting isn't going to happen half the time. On another night when a few less shots fall, the KINGS likely win that game.

Regardless, they went toe-to-toe with the best from the East and answered their runs multiple times. In the end, they've got Giannis and had a night where a few others got hot late in the game. The KINGS had a red hot Huerter, and Swipa hit a few late, but they needed Barnes, Murray, Lyles or Monk to join in to match what Middleton, Frankenstein, and Giannis were all doing late and it didn't happen.

One last thing on Fox, in looking at the boxscore I notice that Jrue Holliday only posted 11/6/8, so props to him, Off-night, Monk and whomever else helped to defend him tonight. When I said the Bucks couldn't play any better, well, that's one area I guess they could have. But Jrue did hit a BIG step back three late in the game to really tip the scales.

Again, the Bucks just couldn't miss when it counted most. Shots were even going in, then out, then back in. Unreal.
I agreed, Barnes isn't that great defender. He's above average. He doesn't have the length and strength to bother someone if they're taller than him. I think Brown should go with Kessler guarding Giannis....at least Kessler can make him work. Barnes is the type of defender that let you back him down and do whatever you want...which is not going to work. I know nobody can guard Giannis but at least with Kessler...he has better footwork...i think.
I think Barnes is an average at best defender. Keegan however is a rookie and Kessler we picked up for Free. We don’t have anyone who can match up with Giannis and they have Holiday to put on Fox. Just a horrible match up, a good game and we move on.
I want more. Just like Brown. Why? Because I see where he can do more. You look at his stats and it's what you want from your All Star. But I'll tell you one more thing that I wanted from him tonight as a point guard - I wanted him to set a faster pace in that 4th quarter. He's got to force the issue at times. He was just too cautious or too passive at times. Maybe it's because he's too cerebral. I want him to tap into the "F-it, I'm taking this mutha to the basket, period," type of mentality. The Bucks needed to feel his speed in the 4th and I don't think they ever did. They played at their pace and the Kings played at the Bucks' pace, which made it too comfortable for the polished Bucks' team against the relatively unpolished Kings' team.
That "more" is going to be Monte's job is my guess. Fox one manning this team to greatness every game come crunch time is too much to ask and not a reasonable scenario when you're staring at 4 series of 7 games. The team needs another player that can carry the offense every night when needed because Domas at heart is the PG/C, not Shaq.
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78% is not good. He should be shooting AT LEAST above 80%. Early in the year, he was clutch at the line...shooting above 85%. He ain't clutch at the line is all I am saying. I tend to see Sabonis making clutch shots at the line more than Fox. Go study the clutch shots at the free throw lines and tell me if I am wrong. Don't look at the overall percentages...that ain't nothing.
78% is not BAD, either.

Regardless of what you THINK he should be shooting, he's still shooting a career percentage. But that's besides the point.

The main two points are these:

One, of all the things to rant about from this game, De'Aaron's FT's and clutch performance aren't among them. They played no part in the loss. Not only that, De'Aaron's stat line for the game and Q4 don't at all support what your trying to push here.

It's just puzzling that of all the things to bring up after the KINGS go toe-to-toe with the best team in the league -- an anti-De-Aaron Fox rant is what you come up with?!

Be better than that. It's not warranted. Bush league, really.

Secondly, you discredit yourself completely in ranting about Swipa's FT numbers while then lobbying for a statistically worse FT shooter. Then double down w/o even knowing what the late-game percentages even are.

Guess what, IDK know what they are either. I really don't care to research.

But I can tell you, unequavically, that De'Aaron has hit a myriad of late-game FT's to keep the KINGS in games and even win some games. Does the game in Houston ring a bell? How about the OT classic against the Clippers just a few weeks ago?? Meanwhile, I do recall at least one game when Domas missed a key late-game FT in the waning moments. I'm sure Fox has too. It happens.

You seem to only want to point out or recall the misses and none of the clutch makes. Suffering from a bit of confirmation bias, it seems.
78% is not good. He should be shooting AT LEAST above 80%. Early in the year, he was clutch at the line...shooting above 85%. He ain't clutch at the line is all I am saying. I tend to see Sabonis making clutch shots at the line more than Fox. Go study the clutch shots at the free throw lines and tell me if I am wrong. Don't look at the overall percentages...that ain't nothing.
I've noticed the same thing. There's a noticeable room for improvement there. Out of our top 8 players, I'd pick him last to go to the line for big free throws. He shouldn't be picked to shoot techs at this point either, like they did tonight.
Kings Reddit bombarded with prickly Bucks “fans”. Brook is at least as much responsible as Lyles for what happened wish he had gotten his head ripped off.
Tell those Bucks fans to go back and review Lyles rebound at 9:45 Q4 where Frankenstein shoves him to the ground with the ball in hand. No call. Just one of many all game long.

Lyles was likely tired of that $#1t by the end of the game, especially once the sting of the loss began to hit and probably even more especially because Frankenstein was whining and crying all game long over anything he actually was called for.

I can't say I blame Lyles. I would have wanted to go at him too. He just shouldn't have started with Giannis, that was the mistake.
I've noticed the same thing. There's a noticeable room for improvement there. Out of our top 8 players, I'd pick him last to go to the line for big free throws. He shouldn't be picked to shoot techs at this point either, like they did tonight.
You two with your FT nitpicking is beyond maddening. You don't like his "routine" and because of that would choose a statisically worse FT shooter? What sense does that make?

Thank the basketball gods Mike Brown is this team's head coach. You know, the likely runaway COTY who clearly disagrees with the FT coaching weekend warriors we have here at KF.

I probably should do a deep dive into FT makes in the last 5 minutes and when the scores is within a certain range to demonstrate how silly you guys are.

Singularly focused on the wrong thing for this game.
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Sure it is, 'cause the Kings lost. If the Kings had won, it would have been somewhere in the middle of the second segment, they'd have showed all forty-two of Antetokounmpo's points, and then mumbled a halfhearted "Kings win" at the end of the highlights package.
It's quite sad that this is 100% accurate.

It's exactly what would have happened, based upon past precedent.
True and why did the Bucks win? They rode two of their stars to the top and made plays. That's it. Domas kind of disappeared and Huerter stepped in to fill the void. But, if that's what happens then you really have to get stops somewhere along the line. Riding different role guys night to night is only usually possible if you have like those Lakers dynasty teams where former MVP level players come to ring chase. This team ain't there yet.
And the KINGS have had many games where they rode their starts to victory. They did so by outlasting a classic Kawhi performance, with PG also playing well. They just did it against against PHX the other night. And against #77 and Kyrie not that long ago.

Tonight the Bucks were the team that stayed hot. If we played them again tomorrow, it's possible the exact opposite happens.

It was one of 82. And strange things happen over 82. The key is to have it happen for you more times than against you.

So far the KINGS have been doing just that.
You two with your FT nitpicking is beyond maddening. You don't like his "routine" and because of that would choose a statisically worse FT shooter? What sense does that make?

Thank the basketball gods Mike Brown is this team's head coach. You know, the likely runaway COTY who clearly disagrees with the FT coaching weekend warriors we have here at KF.

I probably should do a deep dive into FT makes in the last 5 minutes and when the scores is within a certain range to demonstrate how silly you guys are.

Singularly focused on the wrong thing for this game.
The small details matter at the highest levels. The margins are very thin. Mike Brown knows there is room for improvement there, but he's not going to announce it at a press conference


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I can't say I blame Lyles. I would have wanted to go at him too. He just shouldn't have started with Giannis, that was the mistake.
Fox had said if Giannis had just dribbled it out the game was over, Giannis cut right by Lyles and odds were he whispered something in his ear.

I don't think the Bucks are generally a dirty/heelish team, but they came into Sacramento with something to prove. I think its been a long time since we got that out of a team that actually won something recently.
Fox had said if Giannis had just dribbled it out the game was over, Giannis cut right by Lyles and odds were he whispered something in his ear.

I don't think the Bucks are generally a dirty/heelish team, but they came into Sacramento with something to prove. I think its been a long time since we got that out of a team that actually won something recently.
I didn't notice him say anything, but if he did -- I get it.

W/O the context of hearing what was being said and just going off the screen it didn't look like Giannis did anything and that Trey was just frustrated. Which, again, I get. It was a chippy game. A high intensity game. And Frankenstein was getting away with murder.

But Giannis saying the wrong thing right at that moment? Yeah, I fully understand why Trey did what he did.

As I said earlier, I just wish he'd thrown a DC right hook or Anthony Peeler uppercut to his dome. (yeah, yeah, I know it's wrong to condone violence, but at the moment IDC. Frankenstein deserved it.)
I think key fact in this game was that Kings stopped to feed Sabonis in post low. Sabonis was dominant vs Lopez and we had to use this strenght on maximum.
Few turnovers at the end, some missed shots and Bucks punished us .

Good game despite loss and I am proud of our guys, we proved that to beat us you need to play very good.
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Last game a against Suns Keegan was a complete non-factor, 15 minutes 0 points. Against Buskc he had a C--- game. Welcome to the NBA, rookie :) He is loaded with skills and talent, but Suns (with KD) and Bucks are clearly contenders this season and that's how things are late in the season.
Huerter's 2 quick fouls in succession in the third made him sit with 4. His absence was clearly felt. Domas sets him up very well and he got his confidence back. Sad, when reffs make their own adjustments to the game.
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