GS ball.
MO, Webber, Pedja, MIller and Bibby on the court.
GS for two.
36-30 KINGS
Pedja wide-open jumper misses; GS board.
GS miss; Kings ball.
Webber miss from top of the key...GS ball.
Fisher draws foul from Bibby.
Fisher at the line...crowd boos.
Makes first; crowd shuts up.
Crowd boos again. Fisher makes second. Crowd shuts up again. I think it's stupid to boo Derek Fisher...
36-32 KINGS
Kings look like the Keystone Kops out there. Horrible spacing, poor shot selection, etc. Another miss and GS for two.
36-34 KINGS
Evans nice pass to Miller; MIller miss. Evans gets the board and tips out to Bibby. Another miss; ball oob off Kings.
Pedja out; DC in.
GS ball.