[Game] Kings v. Warriors - 1//9/16 - 7 PT, 10 ET

we can absolutely do a job on the warriors. We must be dialed into our defense though. Prioritize it.
Even when dialed in on D the Warriors will beat us 9 times out of 10. Way deeper team, better chemistry, built to exploit our weaknesses (perimeter D and TO's) and quite a few big bodys to send at Boogie on top of his very own nemesis in Bogut.
Even when dialed in on D the Warriors will beat us 9 times out of 10. Way deeper team, better chemistry, built to exploit our weaknesses (perimeter D and TO's) and quite a few big bodys to send at Boogie on top of his very own nemesis in Bogut.
tomorrows that 1 time out of 10.

in my eyes if we play how we are capable of playing and executing we'd take them down. We do need more from Rudy and the signs are promising of late.

Demarcus is in mid season form and fitness (as long as his ankle is Ok which by all accounts and lack of media coverage it is). Bogut be damed.

Rondo, Boogie and Rudy to lead us to the promised land.

There are way too many warrior fans in sacto, send them home sad just like the lakers fans.
Even when dialed in on D the Warriors will beat us 9 times out of 10. Way deeper team, better chemistry, built to exploit our weaknesses (perimeter D and TO's) and quite a few big bodys to send at Boogie on top of his very own nemesis in Bogut.
I understand your point, but no need to qualify a team with a record of 34-2. Even veteran video gamers would have trouble getting to that on easy.

If we are tied halfway through the 3rd like last time I will likely be satisfied with our game.
I understand your point, but no need to qualify a team with a record of 34-2. Even veteran video gamers would have trouble getting to that on easy.

If we are tied halfway through the 3rd like last time I will likely be satisfied with our game.
I agree. Just be competetive. My wife loves the Warriors. I can't stand to be mocked once again.....

And I love your optimism Sac.1989 ;)
Lets hops the Fellas are ready to rumble!!!!!!!:) I'm talking in the Warriors face defense, talking smack all game long, lets make them cry!!!:D

Let Acy shadow Green and Ben shadow Klay. Sic Rondo and Seth on Steph, tell them to USE their 12 fouls:)

Lets find out if the Warriors want to play HARD.

Tonight is the night Boogie ends Bogut's intimidation tactics.

Lets hope the Refs let the Men play Basketball!!!!
I feel good about where this team is at right now and it is the first time I have been able to say this all year. So we'll probably lose by 45 points tonight :)

But this team is in a better place than anytime on 2015 with resurgence of Cousins...which is sort of overshadowed by the near collapse vs. the Lakers and heartbreaker in Dallas.

The thing that Boogie has to know going up against the Warriors is the shots he gets easily against guys like ZaZa and Randle and Hibbert are not available against Bogut and Ezeli. He has to work harder and be more patient to get quality looks and he has not played with this prudence in previous match-ups. Not only does this lead to bad shots it leads to offensive charges and frustration fouls and foul trouble.

3-9 FG 5 fouls 1 ejection in 12 minutes L
Last year
10-21 FGs 3 TOs 3 FO L
9-19 FGs 5 TOs 4 FO L
9-19 FG 5 TOs 2 FO L
4-14 FG 4 TOs 6 FO L

Only once in previous 5 games has Boogie not had foul or turnover trouble against the Warriors. Increase patience and discretion will determine our competitiveness tonight.

Yet this patience balanced with beast mode to which I am referring has been on display over 4 games and 63.5% TS and will be tested against the third best defensive team in the NBA (based on defensive efficiency)

This gets lost in the Dubs offensive firepower is they have strong defensive principles (they don't gamble much or trap or double much) and get you to play faster than you want and make you prone to mistake and Boogie has fallen into this trap.

I raised concern in last match-up that Omri's brilliance was predicated on Boogie being sent to the bench with foul trouble and that for one player to go off like that should not require your best player to be on the bench. In other words I want to see Omri go 5-5 in 3s in one quarter and Boogie be on the floor at the same time!

With the play we have seen from Boogie so far this year this possibility becomes more likely which is his willingness to act as a decoy while his teammates carry more of an offensive load.

123 PPG over 4 games is because Cousins is making better decisions than any time this year when to defer and when to attack. (I kind of exclude the 10 turnover game in Dallas because without Rondo he was put into position to handle more than he otherwise would, and besides the TOs he played a great game)

If Cousins makes similar smart reads tonight we can win. We also need Rondo to lock in Curry and make him work for every open 3....and hope Klay Thompson just has an off-night because I don't have confidence any of our perimeter defenders (Ben, Anderson, Darren) can remotely slow down Thompson if he brings his A or B game.

I also think Karl should sub Seth Curry into the game with 11:59 in the first quarter to guard his brother. Steph be like :eek:
I'm going to the game tonight with my friend that's a Warriors fan. I want this win so badly haha.
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This is how we'll be able to win...

1. Put Bogut in foul trouble
2. Put Cuz out in the perimeter...until Bogut is out
3. Tell Rondo to actually put effort on defense
4. Bench shows up
5. Stop at least Green or Klay

Boom, Kings win.
We'll be able to tell if the Kings have a chance in this game by mid-point in the 1st quarter:

If the W's are able to do their slap-happy, handsy defense without getting fouls called, they'll win going away.

Really, I'd like a second-by-second breakdown by a stingy official analyzing video, and pointing out every time the W's hands are fouls.

It'd probably be something like this:
1st quarter 11:45 Bogut commits body foul denying Cousins post access.
1st quarter 11:22 Klay Thompson commits reach in foul on McLemore drive.
1st quarter 11:22 Curry commits reach in foul on McLemore drive.
1st quarter 10:51 Bogut commits foul on Cousins while slapping ball away.
1st quarter 10:12 Curry commits reach in foul on Cousins drive.
1st quarter 10:12 Bogut commits body foul on Cousins drive.


Hall of Famer
Well I admire the optimism of everyone so far, but there is reality. If the Kings play their A game, our shots are falling, and Cousins figures out how to be effective against Bogut, and, and this is a big and, the Warriors aren't up for the game, and their shots aren't falling (live by the sword, die by the sword) we have a chance to win this game. The fact that the Warriors have the best record in the NBA isn't an accident. They're damm good, and wishful thinking isn't going to beat them. A win is possible, but then my winning the lottery is also possible. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed on both counts.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well I admire the optimism of everyone so far, but there is reality. If the Kings play their A game, our shots are falling, and Cousins figures out how to be effective against Bogut, and, and this is a big and, the Warriors aren't up for the game, and their shots aren't falling (live by the sword, die by the sword) we have a chance to win this game. The fact that the Warriors have the best record in the NBA isn't an accident. They're damm good, and wishful thinking isn't going to beat them. A win is possible, but then my winning the lottery is also possible. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed on both counts.
You might as well not worry on the latter count:


And I'm winning it. So go kick rocks.

Then I'm buying the team from Vivek.
Acy and WCS are key if we have any chance(and Cuz has to stay out of foul trouble). Acy and WCS are quick enough to cover their high screens and attack Curry high and force him to pass to the picker. From there its about rotating back and basically hoping that the other Warriors are having off shooting nights.
We'll be able to tell if the Kings have a chance in this game by mid-point in the 1st quarter:

If the W's are able to do their slap-happy, handsy defense without getting fouls called, they'll win going away.

Really, I'd like a second-by-second breakdown by a stingy official analyzing video, and pointing out every time the W's hands are fouls.

It'd probably be something like this:
1st quarter 11:45 Bogut commits body foul denying Cousins post access.
1st quarter 11:22 Klay Thompson commits reach in foul on McLemore drive.
1st quarter 11:22 Curry commits reach in foul on McLemore drive.
1st quarter 10:51 Bogut commits foul on Cousins while slapping ball away.
1st quarter 10:12 Curry commits reach in foul on Cousins drive.
1st quarter 10:12 Bogut commits body foul on Cousins drive.
I wouldn't discredit one of best teams ever by implying they need help from the refs. The benefit of the doubt goes to the better team. Its human nature with borderline calls refs are going to give preference to the better team. The way a team like Kings gets better treatment is get better. And get so good you win regardless if the refs screw you on a few calls!

The reason the Warriors maybe get away with plays that look like fouls is because more often than not they are playing sound defense. You are rewarded for playing the game the right way. On other hand with Boogie reaching a lot defensively instead of moving his feet that catches up to him as does complaining on legitimate calls.

When Curry complains to the refs he is more likely to be taken seriously because he rarely complains. And need I remind you when Cousins got ejected he fouled Curry on the hand. There's no better way to lose credibility with refs than going on tirade when you clearly hacked.

Instead of hoping for help from the refs we need to ignore them and play our game. The success we have had in 2016 has been due partially to less obsession with every whistle.

I am in favor however of Karl getting up off of his perch every blue moon and launching into the ref. I like it when the old guy shows he has more life left than a MOMA statue.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
You might as well not worry on the latter count:


And I'm winning it. So go kick rocks.

Then I'm buying the team from Vivek.
Unfortunately, after the one-time-payout discount and taxes, there's no way you have enough left over. Just for a bit of perspective. You could win this lottery and be so unfathomably rich you would have no idea what to do with all of your money and you STILL couldn't buy the Kings.