Kings @ Spurs Game Thread (Game 2)

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Why am I not surprised......

I knew in my gut that when the Spurs had a shot at a 3 pointer to tie that they would do it, that's the way the Kings seem to work in games like this.

Although to be fair I suppose it was just ending things early, we knew that they would come home and blow it.

and no I'm not tearing them down, I love my Kings.

But I know they always seem to blow it, and the Spurs are the best.
OK, I've gone through a bizarre range of emotions before logging on to post so I didn't say anything I would regret.

My final thoughts are these:

- No way you can blame Adelman...telling the guys to foul when they're in the huddle and there's 14 seconds left isn't going to help. That means they would have to watch the clock and foul with under 5 seconds left...when Barry hoisted up that miracle, there were 6 seconds on the clock. Not Adelman's fault. The only thing I could blame on him was not taking Miller out earlier and at least TRYING Potapenko in there...couldn't have been any worse.

- That brings me to Brad Miller...WTF dude...get your head out of your ___ and show up to play, or don't show up at all. I can't count how many times he's let the opposition skip to an easy layup in these two games. His shot comes and goes, but defense is all effort, and he's not even trying out there.

- Bibby made some stupid plays, but c'mon...we don't need to trade him. What we need is a reliable, veteran backup for him so when he sucks to high heaven, we have an alternative plan. Have to admit I've never seen him a playoff game, though.

- SAR, Bonzi, and Martin...I love you all, thank you for playing your butts off to the best of your ability. Yes, Reef could've won it, yes, Bonzi could've sealed it. But without them we're not even in this game. I just hope, if nothing else, this guaranteed their return to our roster next year.

- Brent Barry...congratulations, you've just become the 8th Spurs player that I cannot stand. I hope you go to Vegas soon with that kind of blind luck.

- Ron Artest- we REALLY could've won this with your help. Be ready to play Friday, and let's tie the damn thing up. Show us why we're happy you're here again. Time to save face and give a big FU to Stern and Co.


It is really hard to be a Kings fan sometimes...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
If you foul with 10 seconds left or whatever, then you simply willingly continue the FT shooting battle. And if you miss another one before they do...

This was simple. You're up three. There are 4 seconds to go. Under no circumstances should ANYBODY be open for a three. There should not have been a King wihtin 20 feet of the hoop. No Spur should have that shot. Its a basic philosophical divide amongst coahces, with very good ones playing it either way. But defended correctly, the percentages are very much in our favor. Not defended corrrectly...well, you;re going to lose no matter how you play it.
KingCookie said:
OK, I've gone through a bizarre range of emotions before logging on to post so I didn't say anything I would regret.

My final thoughts are these:

- No way you can blame Adelman...telling the guys to foul when they're in the huddle and there's 14 seconds left isn't going to help. That means they would have to watch the clock and foul with under 5 seconds left...when Barry hoisted up that miracle, there were 6 seconds on the clock. Not Adelman's fault. The only thing I could blame on him was not taking Miller out earlier and at least TRYING Potapenko in there...couldn't have been any worse.

- That brings me to Brad Miller...WTF dude...get your head out of your ___ and show up to play, or don't show up at all. I can't count how many times he's let the opposition skip to an easy layup in these two games. His shot comes and goes, but defense is all effort, and he's not even trying out there.

- Bibby made some stupid plays, but c'mon...we don't need to trade him. What we need is a reliable, veteran backup for him so when he sucks to high heaven, we have an alternative plan. Have to admit I've never seen him a playoff game, though.

- SAR, Bonzi, and Martin...I love you all, thank you for playing your butts off to the best of your ability. Yes, Reef could've won it, yes, Bonzi could've sealed it. But without them we're not even in this game. I just hope, if nothing else, this guaranteed their return to our roster next year.

- Brent Barry...congratulations, you've just become the 8th Spurs player that I cannot stand. I hope you go to Vegas soon with that kind of blind luck.

- Ron Artest- we REALLY could've won this with your help. Be ready to play Friday, and let's tie the damn thing up. Show us why we're happy you're here again. Time to save face and give a big FU to Stern and Co.


It is really hard to be a Kings fan sometimes...

since there really nothing to be done...i agree...wait for game 3 and show them we arent gonna let up, and hope bibby and miller show up

good effort by the didnt go unnoticed
Bricklayer said:
If you foul with 10 seconds left or whatever, then you simply willingly continue the FT shooting battle. And if you miss another one before they do...

This was simple. You're up three. There are 4 seconds to go. Under no circumstances should ANYBODY be open for a three. There should not have been a King wihtin 20 feet of the hoop. No Spur should have that shot. Its a basic philosophical divide amongst coahces, with very good ones playing it either way. But defended correctly, the percentages are very much in our favor. Not defended corrrectly...well, you;re going to lose no matter how you play it.
i agree, it was totally inexcusable. someone should have helped mike out on D since duncan was right there
troosvelt said:
Why am I not surprised......

I knew in my gut that when the Spurs had a shot at a 3 pointer to tie that they would do it, that's the way the Kings seem to work in games like this.

Although to be fair I suppose it was just ending things early, we knew that they would come home and blow it.

and no I'm not tearing them down, I love my Kings.

But I know they always seem to blow it, and the Spurs are the best.
one thing is for sure in the adelman era, we blow game after game. doesn't matter who the personnel is.
Bricklayer said:
If you foul with 10 seconds left or whatever, then you simply willingly continue the FT shooting battle. And if you miss another one before they do...

This was simple. You're up three. There are 4 seconds to go. Under no circumstances should ANYBODY be open for a three. There should not have been a King wihtin 20 feet of the hoop. No Spur should have that shot. Its a basic philosophical divide amongst coahces, with very good ones playing it either way. But defended correctly, the percentages are very much in our favor. Not defended corrrectly...well, you;re going to lose no matter how you play it.
Well, this will be debated for years I'm sure.
Makes you wonder about the Kings heart in the beginning of the season. They had a no basically Peja, and they played the Spurs tough... Where was this in the beginning of the season?
KingCookie said:
Yeah, he's also the common denominator of us even MAKING the friggin' playoffs!!! Adelman haters, save it for the don't have long...
I don't hate Adleman-he is a great regular season coach-- He just gets outcoached at crucial moments
kings need to carry the intensity over to game 3. add artest to game 3 too. if theres a time for brad to be found on offense, itll be game 3 at home. if brad starts hitting that jumper at the top of the key and if bonzi and reef keep crashing the boards and finishing inside, we got a chance game 3. bonzi was scoring on bruce tongiht and reef was scoring on duncan. goooo kings
agreed...if mike bibby and brad miller show up, along with SAR bonzi and kevin martin....add artest into....i think the kings can even up the series....its just depends how they take this game....
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