Kings @ Spurs Game Thread (Game 2)

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Hall of Famer
In 2001 Kings played Suns in the 1st round and for the first time we had HCA and were favorite to advance. Unfortunately, Suns came in and won the game 1 so we gave up the HCA quickly and it was only best of 5 so we were in trouble. On April 25th we won the game 2 116-90 and ended up winning the series. Pedja lead the Kings with 22/6 in that game. JWill had 18/2/3, Webber had 16/9/5/3st,Vlade had 10/8/3, DC had 12/4/3. Bobby came of the bench with 16/9/2 and Scot had 11/8/1 in a game that was never close.

With the league's most potent offense in devastating form, Peja Stojakovic scored 22 points and Jason Williams had 18 as the Sacramento Kings evened their first-round playoff series with a 116-90 victory over the Phoenix Suns on Wednesday night in Game 2. Led by inspired play from point guards Williams and Bobby Jackson, who made his first six shots and finished with 16 points, the Kings jumped to a 22-point first-half lead and never let up on the way to the franchise's biggest playoff victory since April 7, 1951.

"There was never a doubt in my mind this team would respond,"
Sacramento coach Rick Adelman said. "We talked about getting back to the way we play. All we did was try to get a flow going. If we lose playing that way, then we're going to lose. But we're not going to lose walking the ball up the floor."
We all wish that game one never happened or that we get a "do over" but unfortunately - it happened and there are no "do overs" so we have to somehow get over with and move on. We were brought back to the "real world" in which we are not in the same league with the defending champs on any level.
After all gaem #1 are compleated we can conclude that 15 teams showed up with more or less success. Kings as a royalty appearently decided that Game 1 wasn't wothr showing up.
Cavs-Wizards series will be the long one and whoever wins will have a short series against Pistons.
Pistons- Bucks - let the janitor know to get the broom teady
Heat - Bulls - all games will be tight but Heat will win in 5 (I hope that I am wron because I hate Heat)
Pacers-Nets - that was the worst game played out of the 7 series beside ours. OMG ! Looks like Pacers in 6 or Nets in 7. Pacers have a deeper team butNets have better starting 5. At one point Pacers had a lineup - Jasikevicius, Pedja, Foster, Chroshere and Jones. It was the most unathletic lineup I have ever seen:eek:. couln't get a rebound to save their lives.
Clippers - Nuggets - I hope that Clippers win because we own them and obviously, we want to see our property gaining value.
Lakers - Suns - it should have been us here. I hope that Suns win but I am not sold yet.
Mavs - Grizzlies. Was nice to see Bobby in action. He did great as usual. Unfortunately, You can't win a game when You are outrebounded 24-6 at the half.
Spurs-Kings - still not a series. it is up to us to make it one.
Talking is cheap and sometimes it has counter effect. Everything Ron said made Spurs upset and so they sent mesage and it is well received. There is a tiny line between confidence and insanity and Ron crossed it yet again. Now we know that none of them really believed that they can win because that is the way they "played." It is like rabit going at the snake saying I will get You this time. Never heard of a rabit killing a snake.
I was mostly disappointed about the fact that Kings aren't even "hungry." There was no fight, no effort nothing. During that game one I was thinking about Doug Christie the whole time. Especially about the game against the Mavs when he came back hurt after Pedja went down and together with Bobby helped us turn the game around. He was always excited to play. He was jumping around after ever deflection he made. HUNGRY. We don't have that. The way we played even Valium would cancel the sponsorship. As the 8th seed - You have got to be hungry. You have to play hard, fight, bite, scratch, do something.
In the past - Kings had leadership so we knew they would respond. Now, we don't know what will happen. I don't believe that there is one person in the Kings organisation who really believes that we can win the series. they just have way too much kryptonite for us to handle. We might be able to make it respectable but I just don't see us doing much more.
Tony Parker can't be guarded one on one. Nobody can deal with that speed except maybe Leandro Barbosa. It needs a team defense. it was sad watching Mike or Kevin or Jason try it. A Kia will never outrun Ferrari. You have got to atack him on the other end. make him work, make him foul some. Make some switches, create missmatches. Otherwise prepare the broom.
Manu is a punk and I have known it since I saw him play in Europe. He is a wuss, a whiner, dirty player and a flopper on both ends of the floor. He deserves to get a beating every game he plays. He has yet to be "leveled." I wouldn't want to see him get hurt but other than that some pain wouldn't hurt him. He knew he can hit Ron and get away with because Ron can't get him back. Ron tried and he might be in trouble but not "holy" Manu. He will get his no later than the WC this summer.
The clowns from the NBa just suspended Ron for a game 2. NBA is a circus. Only thing that I really regret is the fact that Ron should have earned the suspension buy hitting Manu harder. He got suspended for nothing. Spurs are bunch of whiner. Since I can't dislike them more than I already do. I hope they lose and I will be rooting aginst them all the way. Hell, I will even root for the mavs against them and I hate mavs.
At one point in the game spurs had a lineup - NVE, Finley, Horry, Ginobili and Rasho. Come on man ! Have some mercy ! Damn ! Obviously they didn't miss a shot. And then arry came in for manu and of course they still didn't miss a shot. Nazr even hit the three.Checkmate.
What doesn't kill You - makes You stronger - until it eventually kills You. Playoffs are very similar to real life. You fall numerous times and You can either stay down our pick Yourself up and try again. The fact that You have fallen doesn't say anything about You. Wheather You stay down or get up tells everything. Especially considering that while You are getting up You know that You will fall down again. but then again- You also know that You can get up and try again, and again and again. There is no quitting, no laying down, no giving up, no going quietly. You get pushed - You push back as hard as You can. It still might no be enough but when You look in the mirror - You are OK with Yourself. That is all we can ask from the Kings - to push back as hard as they can.
The TDM award goes to the Spurs bench. you take a pick because whomever You pick - You can't go wrong. As usual - sponsored by Kings defense.
The LW-VC award goes to Brad Miller who didn't reall do anything out there. I wish that I can say the he will not be as bad again but I just can't.
Game 2 is on TNT and You all know the drill. Wors case scenario - Steve Kerr is one of the comentators. We will get abused but then again the Sun comes out every day and a Sunday is followed by Monday. As always there is amute button on Your remote. If we lose - do not watch the postgame show because there is no need to add an insult to injuty
Adjustments for game 2 should be easy to make. We will miss Ron especially on defense. I assume that Kevin would start and Binzi would go to SF. We will play better and they won't shoot as well but still a win might e unrealistic. It doesn't matter really as long as we can compeate. I hope that someone levels Ginobili so that they finally have reason to complain.
Mike - show some pride man.
Ron - You should have hit him harder
Brad - pathetic really. You played better when You were on the injury list.
SAR - Well, now that You know what POs are - get it done.
Bonzi - You are the one that can lift us here.
Kevin - come on kid !
KT - how about a good game man
Cisco - what the hell happened to You
Hart - he discovered shooting and it makes him very dangerous:eek:
rest - mateen
RA - do something man - the Titanic is sinking quickly
Spurs - never liked them and now I really dilike them. While they will never reach Lakers level of hate they will always have a special place on my dart board. I will not predict the award winners because it is just too painfull.

"go with the ones like doug christie"
chris webber, 2004

another great game thread piksi. doug christie indeed.

talk is cheap, but with all that artest said the series is still not over. so lets wait till we lose the series to get on artests' case.
i am always excited to see the kings play, but when the game was over i felt relief like i've never felt it before. we were embarrassed as a ball club. what will rick adelman do!

losing artest we lose a good offensive player and our best defender. dont see much success comming out of his 1 game suspension. it pratically set us up for another loss. i would be suprised if we're within 10 points by halftime.
piksi said:
What doesn't kill You - makes You stronger - until it eventually kills You. Playoffs are very similar to real life. You fall numerous times and You can either stay down our pick Yourself up and try again. The fact that You have fallen doesn't say anything about You. Wheather You stay down or get up tells everything. Especially considering that while You are getting up You know that You will fall down again. but then again- You also know that You can get up and try again, and again and again. There is no quitting, no laying down, no giving up, no going quietly. You get pushed - You push back as hard as You can. It still might no be enough but when You look in the mirror - You are OK with Yourself. That is all we can ask from the Kings - to push back as hard as they can.
You got that right, piksi. Do the best you can and never back down from anybody.


no artest = no chance

good thing artest is a team player tho...send a statement to ginobili...cost the team game 2


Super Moderator Emeritus
0championships said:
no artest = no chance

good thing artest is a team player tho...send a statement to ginobili...cost the team game 2
Thanks ever so...

Boy, I needed that.
that was great piksi. you were right on the nail.

i hope the kings open a can of whoop *** on the spurs just to give the finger to the NBA for suspending ron.

GO KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Word from the Coaching staff via Grant is don't be surprised to see Martin guard Parker and Bibby on Bowen (who they aren't worried about offensively, even if he posts up etc...)

So, if the Spurs played their best game on Sat, and the Kings played their worst game on Sat, odds are the Kings can only do better and the Spurs will have to come down from that high. :) Right? In any case, with the events of today :)rolleyes: ) I'm hoping that we see some type of response from the "leaders" of the team. Mike? Brad? Anyone? This team was embarrassed, the players even said so themselves. I would hope they would just use that and today to add fuel to the fire that I hope someone lit under their rear-ends.
ReinadelosReys said:
Word from the Coaching staff via Grant is don't be surprised to see Martin guard Parker and Bibby on Bowen (who they aren't worried about offensively, even if he posts up etc...)

So, if the Spurs played their best game on Sat, and the Kings played their worst game on Sat, odds are the Kings can only do better and the Spurs will have to come down from that high. :) Right? In any case, with the events of today :)rolleyes: ) I'm hoping that we see some type of response from the "leaders" of the team. Mike? Brad? Anyone? This team was embarrassed, the players even said so themselves. I would hope they would just use that and today to add fuel to the fire that I hope someone lit under their rear-ends.
logic would tell you that huh?
Great intro again Piksi. Well, except fot the Titanic analogy. I certainly hope RA can do more than the Captain of the Titanic could do. ;)
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I dont want to be some kind of Negative Nancy but I see the Kings realistically lose this game. I mean what makes you think that the Spurs are just gonna relax and let the Kings steal one at their home. This is probably their chance of ending the series.
ReinadelosReys said:
Word from the Coaching staff via Grant is don't be surprised to see Martin guard Parker and Bibby on Bowen (who they aren't worried about offensively, even if he posts up etc...)
What happens if Pop subs in Finley for Bowen early?
Best lines:

piksi said:
I hope that Clippers win because we own them and obviously, we want to see our property gaining value.
I wouldn't want to see [Ginobili] get hurt but other than that some pain wouldn't hurt him.
What doesn't kill You - makes You stronger - until it eventually kills You.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rome said:
I dont want to be some kind of Negative Nancy but I see the Kings realistically lose this game. I mean what makes you think that the Spurs are just gonna relax and let the Kings steal one at their home. This is probably their chance of ending the series.
If you didn't want to be a Negative Nancy, you wouldn't have posted the comments...

You're not saying anything most of us don't know. But what you're missing is that, as fans, we don't have to be logical or realistic all the time. We can have hope because it ain't over 'til it's over.

We believe... even though our minds are telling us it's just a silly game and we're not going to win.

We believe... even though our team is not as good as the San Antonio Spurs and will be facing a lot of hostility from the Spurs fans.

We believe... even though our coach doesn't have a new contract and he might not be here next year.

We believe... even though Arco Arena is practically falling down around us and there's no replacement deal in the works.

We believe... even though everything and everyone says we shouldn't.

And what does that makes us?

Kings fans. Ride with us ... or get out of the way.
VF21 said:
If you didn't want to be a Negative Nancy, you wouldn't have posted the comments...

You're not saying anything most of us don't know. But what you're missing is that, as fans, we don't have to be logical or realistic all the time. We can have hope because it ain't over 'til it's over.

We believe... even though our minds are telling us it's just a silly game and we're not going to win.

We believe... even though our team is not as good as the San Antonio Spurs and will be facing a lot of hostility from the Spurs fans.

We believe... even though our coach doesn't have a new contract and he might not be here next year.

We believe... even though Arco Arena is practically falling down around us and there's no replacement deal in the works.

We believe... even though everything and everyone says we shouldn't.

And what does that makes us?

Kings fans. Ride with us ... or get out of the way.

Stands and applauds!!!!!!! That is the great think about basketball...on any given night even the Champs can be beaten!


VF21 said:
If you didn't want to be a Negative Nancy, you wouldn't have posted the comments...

You're not saying anything most of us don't know. But what you're missing is that, as fans, we don't have to be logical or realistic all the time. We can have hope because it ain't over 'til it's over.

We believe... even though our minds are telling us it's just a silly game and we're not going to win.

We believe... even though our team is not as good as the San Antonio Spurs and will be facing a lot of hostility from the Spurs fans.

We believe... even though our coach doesn't have a new contract and he might not be here next year.

We believe... even though Arco Arena is practically falling down around us and there's no replacement deal in the works.

We believe... even though everything and everyone says we shouldn't.

And what does that makes us?

Kings fans. Ride with us ... or get out of the way.
Im not trying to get in your way. Im just expressing and posting a clue of reality.


Super Moderator Emeritus
We aren't clueless. We know the reality; that doesn't mean we have to just sit back and wait for the end.

As I said, ride with us or get out of the way. If you can't manage to work up a little enthusiasm and excitement, then why bring everyone else down?

You quoted my post but you must not have read it:

You're not saying anything most of us don't know. But what you're missing is that, as fans, we don't have to be logical or realistic all the time. We can have hope because it ain't over 'til it's over.


so does that mean that I can't post my opinion that the Kings are gonna lose? Does everyone in this forum have to believe that the Kings are gonna win? I mean this is a Kings vs. Spurs thread and everyone has different ideas and opinions of whats going to happen. So why not let people post their own opinions?


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rome - Do what you like, dude. If it's that important for you to post the Kings are going to lose, more power to you.

I was merely trying to point out that people want to have something to look forward to. If that upsets you, I am truly and heartily sorry.


VF21 said:
Rome - Do what you like, dude. If it's that important for you to post the Kings are going to lose, more power to you.

I was merely trying to point out that people want to have something to look forward to. If that upsets you, I am truly and heartily sorry.
Sorry VF21. Its just that seeing whats been happening recently with the Kings losing on Saturday and Ron ARtest being suspended has a lot to do with my posts being on the negative side. I'm trying to controll my self but sometimes its really hard. So excuse me if I might be very spiritless and hopeless in some of my posts. :(


VF21 said:
Rome - Hey, we're Kings fans. They knock us down and we get up again.

Thanks for cheering me up VF21,
You gave me a little more hope now. I think we will come out at least stronger then the last game we played. Plus this game will hopefully give Garcia some time to get some playoff experience. So I guess there are some positive things to look forward to afterall. :)

I would also like to apoligize for my previous posts. I feel so ignorant and dumb after I look back at them.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Rome - Hey, we're Kings fans. They knock us down and we get up again.

So read this post and instantly I visualize a limited edition Play School Kings Fan's Weebels play set. You remember Weebles don't you... "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down"
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