Kings = Playoff Pretender?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BibbyForPrez said:
Great post. The media is so set on idolizing a select handful of players and saying that you have to have one of them on your team to make any kind of mark. You have to have a great TEAM to make it in this league, not just a superstar player. Look at Cleveland. Shoot, they do have two superstars (Lebron & Z) and they're lucky to even make the playoffs! Having a great team is exponentially more important that sacrificing for a superstar and expecting him to carry the whole load. And while we're on the subject (continuing my rant:) ), we have three players that, if they were on other teams, would be considered superstars. Brad is definitely the 2nd or 3rd best center in the west. Peja, although he's having a rougher year than usual, is one of the best marksmen to ever play the game. And Bibby is right there with Nash and Kidd for most efficient point guards (and I firmly believe that he would have been just as successful if he was handed a team like the Sun's as Nash was). But, as we all know, Kings players are often overlooked when it comes to getting the recognition they deserved. (I still am a little bitter over Ginobli getting that last All-Star spot over Bibby). But, sooner than later, this team will quitely rise to the top with their unselfish TEAM play and command the respect that is due to them. It's just gonna take a little more patience.

As good as we are now, I'm drooling thinking about how good we're gonna be next year ;) .

Did you call Zydrunas Ilgauskas a superstar? :p :eek:

In any case, the media did NOT make up the superstar paradigm -- the simple fact of the matter is that until Detroit pulled it off last year, every single NBA chmapion for generations has been led by at least one HOF talent. The names are legend -- Duncan, Shaq, Kobe, MJ, Pippen, Hakeem, Zeke, Magic, Bird, Dr. J, Moses. And even in the weird 70's with two leagues competing and diluted talent, the realtively weak champions were still led by the Wes Unselds, Rick Barrys and Bill Waltons. Only the Dennis Johnson/Sikma Supersonics were without a superstar, and I think even DJ made it to the HOF. And before that? Jerry West, Wilt, Russel, Cousy, Mikan, Schayes I think...The media did not invent the superstar/title connection. That's just the way things ARE.
greg anthony is a MORON! he's by far the worse guy on nba fastbreak, even steven a smith *sometimes* says something thats true ( that again i wouldn't know, i haven't seen that show much this year)
About 2 nights ago I was watching the Analysts 'pretending' to be experts and one of them said that Golden State was the best team in Cali and Anthony responded with "Well thats not that hard to do".
Bibby_10 said:
About 2 nights ago I was watching the Analysts 'pretending' to be experts and one of them said that Golden State was the best team in Cali and Anthony responded with "Well thats not that hard to do".
:shakes head: Thats not even right
Bibby_10 said:
About 2 nights ago I was watching the Analysts 'pretending' to be experts and one of them said that Golden State was the best team in Cali and Anthony responded with "Well thats not that hard to do".
Unbelievable :mad:


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
BibbyForPrez said:
Unbelievable :mad:
Not really if you watch Anthony at all -- not only is he wrong a staggeringly high percentage of the time he opens his mouth, but he really really dislikes the Kings for some unknown reason.
Bricklayer said:
Not really if you watch Anthony at all -- not only is he wrong a staggeringly high percentage of the time he opens his mouth, but he really really dislikes the Kings for some unknown reason.
Probably back when he was still playing in the NBA?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
N.U.F.A.N. said:
Probably back when he was still playing in the NBA?
Well that's the thing...other than possible Barkley Syndrome -- i.e. they sucked bakc when I played therefore they must always suck because I'm too much of a lazy lardass to bother watching games anymore -- I can't think of anything we could possibly have done to Greg Anthony. Maybe Adelman, but there too, I don't think he ever coached Greg so...? Maybe just his old Knicks defense first, last and always instincts repulsed by our lack thereof?
Joker112 said:
I think what happens with many analysts, especially those from the east, is that they base many observations on statistics alone. As Kings fans we consistently watch the games and sense the ebb and flow of the current season. We also are more familiar with the different injuries, their severity, and their subsequent effect on the team.

Statistically speaking the Kings would appear to be in trouble. Low scoring differential, a negative rebounding differential, and a relatively poor conference record normally are not typical of playoff "contenders".

However as this team continues to gel, with the hope of adding Bobby and Brad to the mix, the Kings playoff hopes might not be as bleak as an analyst(and I use the term loosely when referring to Anthony, Barkley, Walton, etc...) could infer only from statistics.
Exactly. Look at the Webber trade. If you really watched the team with Webber on the floor and not on the floor you knew why the trade was made.
OTOH, if all you looked at was C-Webbs numbers it was a mystery.

As for the playoffs, if Brad and BJax come back strong and Duncan doesn't doesn't I think we're pretty good. There are a lot of question marks in the West, moreso than in the East.

The Kings playoff outcome will largely be determined by how well Brad can and does play. With a strong Brad I think there is a better than outside chance of us getting to the finals.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Kings fans upset? shouldn't be. That means we are the underdog.

Pretender? probably. When have we shown consistency such as 2, 3 or 4 really good games in a row? Like DEN, DAL, even the warriors. Not that I can remember. So being the underdog has its advantages. If we get going in the last 4 games, can integrate Brad and Bobby smoothly, then who knows, we win the first round and play winner of PHX-MEM. Say we play PHX 2 of the last 3 games. Hmmm....
Heuge said:
Not really upset. I think I like the underdog position better.
yup me too i always cheer for the underdog of every sport and well this year it happens to be us, so what. i think once we get brad and bobby back were gonna kick some a**!!!!
I think it's justified, the Kings pull an upset every playoffs. It's nothing new. It's for the people who support the Kings 100% and to show those who can't phanthom the Kings are really that good.
Well its been like this ever since we lost to the lakers in the playoffs. Everyone has been expecting us to win it all every year, but it never happend and we ended up short every year since then. When will this end...
piksi said:
Isn't that the same guy who said in the beginning of the season that Minessota would go to the conference fianls and that Lakers will make PO

My point -

Greg Anthony = 0 CREDIBILITY
oh come on....who didnt predict the twolves to go far ?? but on the la part, that was an iffy predicition
I seriously was one of the people who didn't think that the wolves were gonna go as far as they did last year...I mean I did think in the back of my mind ofcourse that they'd be in the POs but they weren't gonna get to the the Finals or the WCF
I thought they'd go far in the PO's this year. The team didn't really change and with finally beating the Round 1 curse, they'd have the confidence to really take it to the next level. Holy crap was I wrong. I think KG should demand a trade during the offseason.

To Sac. :D
I learnt a long time ago not to pay the so called "experts" any attention. What makes them think they know anymore than anyone else? They don't. Nobody knows what will happen, we'll just have to wait and see but I'd love for the Kings to prove him wrong.
Im glad nobody is stressing over this...if it was before a lot of people would be very upset. Im glad to see Kings fans mature over these years. Good stuff.
I don't really pay attention to what these analysts have to say. They don't have anymore insight on this topic than anyone else...that is why they are usually wrong. I rememer after the Kings lost in the WCF everyone jumped on their bandwagon to win the next season and when they didn't I think it gave all these analysts the opportunity to bash the Kings.

And I hate how they all say "the Kings window is closing/closed"...I think it's absurd, if you're in the playoffs then you have chance and that's the bottom line. Only one team can why don't they say these things about the other teams in the playoffs?
MBgirl10 said:
And I hate how they all say "the Kings window is closing/closed"...I think it's absurd, if you're in the playoffs then you have chance and that's the bottom line. Only one team can why don't they say these things about the other teams in the playoffs?
MBgirl10 said:
And I hate how they all say "the Kings window is closing/closed"...I think it's absurd, if you're in the playoffs then you have chance and that's the bottom line. Only one team can why don't they say these things about the other teams in the playoffs?
I think it safe to say the Championshop window for the Lakers and Timberwolves is closed (this season anyway ;) )
SacTownKid said:
Greg Anthony used the word "rationality" in a sentence. Nuff' said.

My rationality was impaired when I made this post.

I just used it in a sentence.

'Nuff said? ;)
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IF kings can play decent defense in the playoffs , we will the title. Kings have been lacking in only one area the last 5-6 years (defensive teamwork). If the bibby can somewhat stop the penetration from the opposing guard. It will help relieve the pressure for the inside defense.

Questions :

1) Will Peja become that "legend " in the playoffs. Peja should be playing for a max contract soon.

2) Can bibby play defense in some crucial places in the game .

3)How will Adelman use our playoff rotation .