Kings @ Pistons Game Thread

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NO WAY Stuckey goes off for 30+ pts if GARCIA was guarding him up close and personal most of this night. Garcia (a natural SG or SF) is a way better PG than Bobby Brown - and that's not saying much.
hey at least we put on a fight! against the Pistons bench but hey it's the Kings afterall... some terrible decisions by Natty as always and Kevin dissapointed once again but life is beautiful nonetheless!

NO WAY Stuckey goes off for 30+ pts if GARCIA was guarding him up close and personal most of this night. Garcia (a natural SG or SF) is a way better PG than Bobby Brown - and that's not saying much.
pardon moi but wasn't Garcia taking these uncalled retarded shots 2 or 3 times earlier in this game? not saying he was virtually ice cold throughout the whole game...
Kenny Natt slept entering the last 2 mins.

How in the world would you put a very small lineup with Jackson, Brown, at perimeter and Brad as the lone big man going into the final 2 minutes?

Leading with just 3 points, you know that the pistons are going to mismatches, so why not pull out Brown and put Garcia on Stuckey or even bring back Thompson for rebounding and move Salmons or Martin on Stuckey.

This was a winnable game but Natt is just not used to this tight calls yet. That's the price we pay for another rookie coach.

So 2009 draft pick #3 here we come!
I am starting to get sick and ******* tired of this crap i keep seeing especially since Kenny Natt has taken the coaching position. I dont even know where to start.

First of all im just about fed up with seeing bench quality players score career highs (or close to it) almost every night. Rodney stuckey, a 12 ppg player, should not be scoring 38 points on us. I don't care how hot he is, 38 points is just about ridiculous.

Second of all, Is Kenny Natt Retarded? Every time the Pistons would start pulling away and getting on a run what does Natt do???? NOTHING! He leaves the same players on the floor just for the Pistons to extend their lead and doesn't sub in the players who actually did something until we were pretty much down and out, yet they were still able to bring us back into it every time. Im completely regret ever doubting Reggie Theus because at least he got the concept of playing the future of our team.

Thirdly, nice 2 points 3 assists and 2 turovers beno, I'm so glad you got 20 minutes of playing time when you deserved less than 5. Browne didn't do much better at 2 points 2 ast in 17 minutes, but at least he didn't turn the ball over.

Fourthly, Mikki Moore....such a productive 24 minutes with your 2 points and 6 rebounds...Why in the living hell is Thompson not starting over Moore? Thompson had 8 point and 10 rebounds in the same amount of minutes!!! HOLY CRAP, how obvious can it get that a problem is present.

Fifthly, Donte Greene. We are throwing this guy away. What is this, his 3rd DNP in a row now? He may only get 4 points a game but thats better than Moore and Beno put together tonight in a 4th of the minutes alotted.

Sixthly, Brad Miller. I know, I know...he had a good game on paper but the guy is flat out lazy, i don't care how many rebounds he got because all of them came from no one else wanting to get the rebound so someone has to get it. He has the jumping ability of an elephant and is probably the worst "and 1" finisher in history. I know the "and 1" thing isn't a normal complaint, but seriously...i cant be the only one who notices how he just gives up after he gets fouled. He could add on another 4-5 ppg if he just exerted a little effort in that area. We need to trade him now while his numbers lie about how good (or bad) he actually is.

Seventh of all, everything else i don't feel like writing a whole paragraph about so ill just list them.

1.we need to go back to dribbling school so we stop dribbling the ball out of bounds everytime we get to the baseline.

2. Our defense, sometimes we play it good...other times it doesn't exist. I How come it took us 45 minutes to realize that stuckey was having a good game? How come we gave Allen Iverson 10 feet of space which he destroyed us on everytime we did...and when we played in his face he would miss.

3.Our shooting. While were at dribbling school we might as well stop at shooting 101 while we are at it....

This was set up by my frustration about loseing this particular game, but in reality its all stuff that continues to plague us in EVERY game we play. I know we aren't the best team, and we aren't making the playoffs, but what i see out there is sad. If the effort is their, the coaching and shooting isn't and vice versa. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
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Hall of Famer
I agree with the criticisms of the defense, especially the lack of D on Stuckey. I just don't see a good defensive team allow a guy to go the basket like that. That said, I get the sense this team is slowly improving, primarily because Natt isn't accepting the incredibly sloppy point guard play, primarily from Beno. If Hawes comes back, and Martin and Garcia can come back near 100%, then this team can win some games.
I agree with the criticisms of the defense, especially the lack of D on Stuckey. I just don't see a good defensive team allow a guy to go the basket like that.
That's what happens when, in the previous 10 drafts, your first round picks are:
1 C
1 PF
2 SF
3 SG
0 PG
3 traded away
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I agree with the criticisms of the defense, especially the lack of D on Stuckey. I just don't see a good defensive team allow a guy to go the basket like that. That said, I get the sense this team is slowly improving, primarily because Natt isn't accepting the incredibly sloppy point guard play, primarily from Beno. If Hawes comes back, and Martin and Garcia can come back near 100%, then this team can win some games.
If we had ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs.
all i have to say is Mikki Moore was -15 on the + - and Jason Thompson was + 9. Get Mikki off the damn court. This season is over as far as winning games. I can understand Miller playing big minutes because we need to up his trade value, but Mikki should be seeing no more then 15 minutes a game. Thompson needs to learn now. stop hurting our future kenny natt.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I agree with the criticisms of the defense, especially the lack of D on Stuckey. I just don't see a good defensive team allow a guy to go the basket like that. That said, I get the sense this team is slowly improving, primarily because Natt isn't accepting the incredibly sloppy point guard play, primarily from Beno. If Hawes comes back, and Martin and Garcia can come back near 100%, then this team can win some games.
If we had ham we could have ham and eggs, if we had eggs.
Jespher wins the thread.
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