Kings @ Nuggets Game Thread

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Super Moderator Emeritus
We may have the better team. Tonight, however, the Nuggets played the better game. It happens. If you don't want to acknowledge how well the Nuggets played, no problem. I'm just not going to blow a gasket over this loss. The Kings gave up 64 points in the paint. I don't care what else you have to say. You aren't going to win when a team can do that against you. We had Skinner in early foul trouble; we had Tag who was effective but clearly suffering from the altitude. The rest of the TEAM appeared more like green-flag wavers at a racetrack than players capable of guarding the paint.

Having the better team is one thing. Fielding the better team is entirely different. Tonight in Denver the team that won was the team that played harder and played better. You can't argue with the scoreboard.
Aleksandar. We are both homers and I respect what you are saying, but it is a one loss against the team on a hot streak. Sometimes hot streak and home crowd is enough to subdue all the talent.

We were as talented last year when we played in Denver our second to last game of the season, with DC, CWeb, Mike, Vlade and Peja in the starting lineu, but we still lost.

Come to think of it I was more worried about our horrible finish to the last season, than I am worried about loosing every other game now with a lot of talent that is still learning to play togeter. Good things will come in their due time :)
ONE GAME PEOPLE!!! The nuggets are rolling and we were lazy lazy lazy. It happens. You may beat the Spurs one night and lose to the Bobcats the next night.

Bring on the Spurs!
lol no im just kidding AleksandarN actually im leaving cause its 11 over here in wisconsin and nba fastbreak it on soon and i always watch that show when the kings play so i have to go and watch it now.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You want to feel bad? Trying being a Memphis fan. They lost by 11 at home to New Orleans. I have a feeling there may be a line at the bridges of Memphis fans waiting to jump...
VF21 said:
We may have the better team. Tonight, however, the Nuggets played the better game. It happens. If you don't want to acknowledge how well the Nuggets played, no problem. I'm just not going to blow a gasket over this loss. The Kings gave up 64 points in the paint. I don't care what else you have to say. You aren't going to win when a team can do that against you. We had Skinner in early foul trouble; we had Tag who was effective but clearly suffering from the altitude. The rest of the TEAM appeared more like green-flag wavers at a racetrack than players capable of guarding the paint.

Having the better team is one thing. Fielding the better team is entirely different. Tonight in Denver the team that won was the team that played harder and played better. You can't argue with the scoreboard.
I know I just hate losing when we can do better individually and as a team. I aggree when more on court time together but I want us to succeed.
AleksandarN said:
Not as close as you think plus who is better than our very own Corliss Williamson
I guess that is your opinion but tonight the better all-around player was Melo. Corliss has played minimal SF for us. RA has used him at the 4-5 (mistake if yiu ask me). Buckner (SF) killed us tonight, don't you think?
Heuge said:
I guess that is your opinion but tonight the better all-around player was Melo. Corliss has played minimal SF for us. RA has used him at the 4-5 (mistake if yiu ask me). Buckner (SF) killed us tonight, don't you think?
I know that is why I was mad at Pedja earlier
VF21 said:
You want to feel bad? Trying being a Memphis fan. They lost by 11 at home to New Orleans. I have a feeling there may be a line at the bridges of Memphis fans waiting to jump...
Nah their moto is WWED............................................................................ What Would Elvis Do... they will just go get their Oxycotton refilled. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
AleksandarN said:
I know I just hate losing when we can do better individually and as a team. I aggree when more on court time together but I want us to succeed.
Oh believe me. I, too, want us to succeed but I'm trying very hard to be realistic about the whole thing. Before you can run, you have to walk. Before you walk, you crawl. I'm glad the team still isn't lying face-down, prone on the floor. Any number of teams would have been if they had gone through the same things our team has experienced this year.

I'm willing to wait and see what happens. I'll support them through thick and thin. I have before and I'm not going to change now.


VF21 said:
Oh believe me. I, too, want us to succeed but I'm trying very hard to be realistic about the whole thing. Before you can run, you have to walk. Before you walk, you crawl. I'm glad the team still isn't lying face-down, prone on the floor. Any number of teams would have been if they had gone through the same things our team has experienced this year.

I'm willing to wait and see what happens. I'll support them through thick and thin. I have before and I'm not going to change now.


still mad about the loss though:mad:;)
Heuge said:
I guess that is your opinion but tonight the better all-around player was Melo. Corliss has played minimal SF for us. RA has used him at the 4-5 (mistake if yiu ask me). Buckner (SF) killed us tonight, don't you think?
Buckner had 11 points and 3 rebounds, hardly a killing machine. Now, Najera on the other hand...:rolleyes:

Would you agree he's a player who appears to have recovered well from microfracture surgery?
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kingskings! said:
Buckner had 11 points and 3 rebounds, hardly a killing machine. Now, Najera on the other hand...:rolleyes:
Points and rebounds are not everything. Buckner came up with key loose balls and hit big shots...that's all you should ask from deep on your bench. My point was that he outplayed our bench counterpart.
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Heuge said:
With Brad and BJax, it is close. Without them, the Nuggets are much more talented. Especially their bigs. (SF, PF, C)
Hey, have you ever checked out this link from ESPN?

The gap in efficiency at all positions for tonight's game was fairly narrow (7% or less) at all positions with the exception of PG (19.5%). And no, I'm not picking on Bibby, I love the guy and he's just having an off week. Disclaimer: My last statement was just so that you know I won't be starting any trade Bibby threads because his play has been off. :D
loopymitch said:
OK I just got in from work, what happened? Does anyone want to fill me in real quick? I don't have time to read all the posts right now.
Basic enver game. Kings hung tough in the first half, secondhalf the Nuggets came out blazzing, Kings took too many out side shots that did not fall and they just ran the Kings out of the gym in the 4th.
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