[Game] Kings @ Nets, 3/16/2023, 4:30p PST/7:30p EST

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When is that Bricklayer dude gonna come back to the forum? I know he was in love with DMC but what’s not to love about Sabonis and crew?
Right?! He’s gotta be in love with his game in the post, I’ve always thought this lol but the DMC trade was final straw in terms of rooting for us out loud, i fear.
I wasn’t able to watch this one. How did Edwards looks? Thanks
Excellent. Can tell there's some rust with not playing a ton of minutes this season and obviously very little on-court/practice time with the Kings. But he's incredibly incredibly active on defense with his rotations, can defend multiple positions and he crashes the offensive glass hard on nearly every possession. 4-6 shooting for 10 points is a great offensive addition too, that's all we're asking from him.

Very much looks like a great developmental piece to be that defensive "swiss army knife" wing defender the Kings have been missing for so long. I think he's going to have a big role down the stretch with Huerter likely missing some time.
Very odd game. We didn’t play good or bad really. Didn’t shoot well, didn’t really defend well but also didn’t turn it over. Good enough
When you have 7 different player scoring double figures, that is excellent. Winning and picking up the scoring slack is what happens when you spread points around. This was a good win against a winning team.
When you have 7 different player scoring double figures, that is excellent. Winning and picking up the scoring slack is what happens when you spread points around. This was a good win against a winning team.
id agree, although 7 in doubles figures is almost par for course for us. We shot 39% and 31% from three while playing just adequate defense against a good squad. That is strange and for sure excellent
I have a simple solution how to fix NBA reffing. Basketball players are very fast and athletic. Plus - refs have their own "agendas". If human refs can't manage the game by the rules (it's been like that for the last 20+ years) - let's employ AI. AI, connected to the supercomputer would be a chief ref, while guys on the floor would do manual job. Simple.
I played a lot of chess and i never imagined that a computer could beat a world champ. it happened when Deep Blue defeated Gari Kasparov. Now everyone has now problems using chess engines. Why don't follow the trend and let AI call the game? All the fans around the world would be happy.
I have a simple solution how to fix NBA reffing. Basketball players are very fast and athletic. Plus - refs have their own "agendas". If human refs can't manage the game by the rules (it's been like that for the last 20+ years) - let's employ AI. AI, connected to the supercomputer would be a chief ref, while guys on the floor would do manual job. Simple.
I played a lot of chess and i never imagined that a computer could beat a world champ. it happened when Deep Blue defeated Gari Kasparov. Now everyone has now problems using chess engines. Why don't follow the trend and let AI call the game? All the fans around the world would be happy.
This might be the worst idea I’ve heard of in a long time.
I have a simple solution how to fix NBA reffing. Basketball players are very fast and athletic. Plus - refs have their own "agendas". If human refs can't manage the game by the rules (it's been like that for the last 20+ years) - let's employ AI. AI, connected to the supercomputer would be a chief ref, while guys on the floor would do manual job. Simple.
I played a lot of chess and i never imagined that a computer could beat a world champ. it happened when Deep Blue defeated Gari Kasparov. Now everyone has now problems using chess engines. Why don't follow the trend and let AI call the game? All the fans around the world would be happy.
If there is an XFL style Bball league started up (not Big3) then that would actually be a good gimmick and if the NBA were a sport and not entertainment that might work, haha. It's no surprise to me now that there is money to be made off of individual statistics the game is almost entirely one sided and players average triple doubles in their sleep. That said, the human element of reffing makes the game less rigid and even if it's far from perfect and inconsistent it adds something to the mix that the game would miss as far as entertainment value. The other answer is to bring things back like hand checking and open up the game a little on the defensive side. My hope is that the brutish style of the 90's does somewhat come back into the game to some degree, and both Fox and Sabonis are throwbacks in certain ways, they'd definitely both thrive in that game even if at different positions, but that was honestly probably too far the other way back then IMO. The game since basically the Stern years has built itself around his stars. In the 80's of course the game was going to be a fastbreak one, Magic and Bird set the tempo. In the 90's to early 2000's? Of course it was a physical alpha's game, it was built around Jordan and Shaq. Nash and Curry types show up, and it's a soft pick and roll game. Is what it is.
id agree, although 7 in doubles figures is almost par for course for us. We shot 39% and 31% from three while playing just adequate defense against a good squad. That is strange and for sure excellent
It wasn't a pretty game, for sure. But it's the type of ugly road win you gotta get to be an upper-tier team.

On a back-to-back, on the road, after last night's ending --- I couldn't ask for much more as a longtime, loyal fan.

They got it done. Light up the BEAM!
I remember being absolutely ecstatic after reaching 5-6 games above .500. I can’t believe we’re 15 games over :oops: praying for continued health for these players so we can keep this magical ride going.
Exactly, 5-6 games above .500 was a feel good story with them old Kings. But 15 games above .500? That's reaching for a star. Not long ago, they were just 10 or 11 games above .500...things are moving fast.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I think Vivek redeemed himself and even a few years ago I think he was showing he had learned some.

I miss Brick the insightful poster but I don't miss the way he treated some posters around here, and I think after skipping out on 4 or 5 of the most miserable years this franchise has ever had to endure he's lost the right to act like that, which I think is why we won't see him under that moniker.

I hope its not out of line to say that. I genuinely like the dude. Just the "carry a big stick" persona was something that seemed reasonable from someone who was a day one fan and carrying season tickets despite living 3000 miles away from the arena. But if you skipped out on the entirety of Luka vs. Bagley and the Luke Walton years, you don't get a front seat in the bandwagon.
Exactly, 5-6 games above .500 was a feel good story with them old Kings. But 15 games above .500? That's reaching for a star. Not long ago, they were just 10 or 11 games above .500...things are moving fast.
Thing is, it's not as if they've overachieved to the point of hitting some sort of proverbial ceiling, either. They actually could have a much better record than they do, as crazy as that may seem to some.

We all know about the 0-4 start and also the 2 minute report games. But even taking those out of the equation, there have been more than a few games they really shouldn't have lost or that took the opponent getting other worldly hot in order to beat them.
I think Vivek redeemed himself and even a few years ago I think he was showing he had learned some.

I miss Brick the insightful poster but I don't miss the way he treated some posters around here, and I think after skipping out on 4 or 5 of the most miserable years this franchise has ever had to endure he's lost the right to act like that, which I think is why we won't see him under that moniker.

I hope its not out of line to say that. I genuinely like the dude. Just the "carry a big stick" persona was something that seemed reasonable from someone who was a day one fan and carrying season tickets despite living 3000 miles away from the arena. But if you skipped out on the entirety of Luka vs. Bagley and the Luke Walton years, you don't get a front seat in the bandwagon.
I may not have had much in common with Brick, but the one thing I surely did is my affinity for the old school back-to-the-basket post up game. And running the offense through a skilled BIG. Specifically a tough as nails, physical, 2-way BIG. Olajuwon was probably my favorite to watch. While he wasn't a center, I always appreciated Charles Barkley's post game and rebounding skill set -- especially for a guy playing PF at like 6'6" and DOMINATING much taller dudes.
I have a simple solution how to fix NBA reffing. Basketball players are very fast and athletic. Plus - refs have their own "agendas". If human refs can't manage the game by the rules (it's been like that for the last 20+ years) - let's employ AI. AI, connected to the supercomputer would be a chief ref, while guys on the floor would do manual job. Simple.
I played a lot of chess and i never imagined that a computer could beat a world champ. it happened when Deep Blue defeated Gari Kasparov. Now everyone has now problems using chess engines. Why don't follow the trend and let AI call the game? All the fans around the world would be happy.
In your world? Perhaps...
In the world the rest of us live in? Wishful thinking...
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