Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

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You knew this was going to happen.

This team has no identity. They have no go to guy. Although Bibby spoke up, he is no leader. Look for this team to miss the playoffs :(
KP said:
Are we really going to lose by 30 to arguably the worst team in the league?
disappointing, discouraging & a little depressing to all of us who have looked forward to the season opener. However, it's just one game. More disturbing to me is the report of our players laughing on the sideline.... if I can't laugh about this kind of display I think they should be taking it a little more seriously!
Someone please tell them that preseason is over, and these games actually count. If its true that the guys were laughing on the bench, then it shows how much we really lack leadership. If i was getting blown out by New Orleans I would be furious, NEW ORLEANS OF ALL TEAMS! But no..looks like our guys are having a jolly good time on the bench. Hope that the coaches really beat some sence into the guys.
Gary said:
You knew this was going to happen.

This team has no identity. They have no go to guy. Although Bibby spoke up, he is no leader. Look for this team to miss the playoffs :(

Damn after one game we are missing the playoffs?!


Why dont we take advantage of our ability to post and kick it to the open man. I mean it worked everytime they did it. We didnt do anything right on offense. This is really shocking cause we are known for offense, shooting, and passing. And defense wasnt to good either considering that were playing the Hornets.
It's just one game.

--But if this team goes on a big time losing streak I don't even wanna hear that. Houston, Phoenix, Detroit, Denver... we better step up and show some fire or we are in deep, deep, deep, trouble.


Is adelman making sure this team is disciplined? I mean laughing on the bench being down 25 is a DISGRACE! And a disciplined team would not lose this bad. They would find a way to still stay close despite the fact they are playing bad. I don't care if they lose cause I'm giving this team time, but they better not EVER be laughing on the bench again. If I'm adelman, those players don't start the next game. And if I'm the maloofs, I suspend adelman for 1 game for allowing such matters to occur. Sorry for the vent. On a good note, wheel of fortune nba is on. Change it to abc if you're tired of this game.
I don't like the feeling of this team right now, at all.

I remember the days when we would open the season 1-0/2-0 and we would be bringing signs to Arco of 82-0.

This is going to be a tough stretch. Let's hang in there. C'mon Kings fans.
Cheer up guys, it'll take them a few more games to really start clicking, but I can wait that long. One game isn't a big deal, but its done now and nothing anyone can do to change it. I just hope that someone goes into that locker room after the game and starts yelling at everyone of the guys tonight. If the only positive thing we have for tonight is "Holding them to under 100 points" then that is no laughing matter. They'll smarten up and take all their anger out on Huston....hopefully :)....
One thing for sure, Kenny Thomas has to play more then 19 minutes a game this season if we even want to win anything. He is the most active rebounder on this team. I dont care if Peja has to sit a little more, Thomas deserves and should play more then 19.
It's going to be OK. I REFUSE to believe that we are going to be this bad all season.


It will be better. We tend to lose to the Hornets once a season. This was it. No more.

We have A LOT of work to do. They will do it.
Is adelman making sure this team is disciplined? I mean laughing on the bench being down 25 is a DISGRACE! And a disciplined team would not lose this bad. They would find a way to still stay close despite the fact they are playing bad. I don't care if they lose cause I'm giving this team time, but they better not EVER be laughing on the bench again. If I'm adelman, those players don't start the next game. And if I'm the maloofs, I suspend adelman for 1 game for allowing such matters to occur. Sorry for the vent. On a good note, wheel of fortune nba is on. Change it to abc if you're tired of this game.
There isn't an Adelman coached team that would have played the way this team did tonight, against this quality of opponent. If you want someone to blame, look to the top.
I feel the same way OneZ. I am more upset about the laughing on the bench then the beating we took. Funny looks like us fans care more about the loss then the players.

Guess we shouldn't care either and stop spending money on them.
Well, this is the way I see it. It is a learning experience for them. I am sure that in the next couple weeks the team will start to click. We are going to make it to the playoffs (maybe out the first round though). I really don't see much of championship for this team though....... /cry
Are we sure they were laughing on the bench? I did not see it. Of course, I did close my eyes A LOT.

Maybe they were laughing sarcastically about . . . (fill in the blank)


KP said:
There isn't an Adelman coached team that would have played the way this team did tonight, against this quality of opponent. If you want someone to blame, look to the top.
Yeah, ooooooooooo k.
I logged on my computer and check the scores.....i thought it was a mistake so I kept on pushing the refresh, Im gonna get it tomorrow by all those kings-haters..........ima go cry now
After considering the whole laughing incident, I think we need a few more blowouts so that it really hits our players how disgracefull it is. haha, who says basketball players are smart? Maybe they need some more "hints" that tell them that their is a "slight problem".
Its one game. It was ugly, but just one game of 82. As for laughing on the bench....what are they suppose to do, cry???? Its not a big deal. People are ready to jump off the bridge. As Grant and Jerry said, "I can't see the kings playing this bad again". So, have faith and see how things progress and see how they do tomorrow.
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