Kings @ Hornets Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
With 82 games to - Kings still unbeaten - and try to stay unbeaten playing in Oklahoma City against the NOH.... - yeah I know , I know
Some 20 hrs till the season finally beginns it is abot time to face some "facts" and some more fiction about what we can expect in 05/06.

The way I see it - Season 05/06 - enter at Your own risk

You might want to reconsider entering if:

You like to get some sleep (east coast)
You like a defensive oriented team
You expect that kings will stop opponent's guard penetration
You can't handle Barkley, BSPN morons, Walton etc
You are a heuge fan of Michael Finley
You actually like Lakers
You are expecting than Knicks and Clippers will make PO
You think that Hawks will win more than 20 games
You think that V Palmer should still have a job
You expect Bibby to actualy stop someone
You hope that Pedja might dive for a lose ball
You hope that Brad will hit the layups
You don't like Corliss playing center
You don't like midget / hobbit ball
You hope that there will be 9 man rotation
You hope for a good free throw team
You think that AV (famous bee writer) will not mention Webber at some point in time
You think that Iverson vill lead the league in FG % and assists
You think that Shaq will hit more FTs
You hope that Spree will be able to feed his family
You hope that Nash might get a haircut
You hope that national TV will show games from teams other than Cavs:rolleyes:
and many many more
You are in the right place if:

You like cowbells
You like the ARCO roar
You want to see Mike's clutch
You want to see Pedja's shooting
You want to see Brad's passing and hard screens (refer to D. Harris and L. Ridenour)
You want to see Skinner's blocks (refer to Shawn Marion)
You want to see some young guns looking for their place in the sun
You like to see Lakers lose
You like Kings for "better or worse"
and everyting else opposite from what was mentioned above

Under normal circumstances - I had a chance to see Kings live in a first game of the season ( NO is my closest ride to a NBA arena) but Katrina made it impossible. Hopefully, there will be other opportunities soon to go to NO for an NBA game or just to have good time. Great city.
Summer is finally over and Kings made some changes but nothing really major or nothing that will make our weaknesses go away. We still have all players from Webber trade whose trade value is pretty overated. Our 'core" is as unathletic as it gets. We have acute alergy against defending of any kind. Rebounding will probably be an issue again. Additionally we have a team that has no identity at the moment.
Changes are not always good because they open the door that can get You where You want to go but also they open the door that can get You into a nightmare. It is a narrow road between greatness and downfall. Kings are on the crossroad knocking at one of those 2 doors.

Here is what I expect from Kings this season:

Mike Bibby - some defense were nice so he can get his all star game
Pedja - " show me the money" - He will get the money unless some bad injury happenes. Will he earn it - remains to be seen. It might be his last season as a King
Brad - needs to earn his salary and not just 3/4 of it. He needs to stay healthy in March, April and hopefully longer. He needs to shoot more and complain less
SAR - will never be Weber but he will make PO for the first time
Bonzi - Just shut up and play
Hart - help out Mike or even play some minutes next to mike
Martin - needs to prove that he is capable of more than "Gerald Wallace" award
Garcia - if his shots are not falling - lots of DNP - CD
Williamson - will be traded
Thomas - see Williamson
Skonner - will get Shawn Marion some company
The rest has to prove that "Mateen" can be replaced
RA - his last season either way. He will not have a problem getting a job in this league. If things go bad - will be replaced. If they go great - why in the world would he like to work for people that were publically looking to replace him behing his back.

Tonight's game should be won with a serious approach. It would be a bad loss to start the season. Hornets might be the worst team at the moment. We need to take advantage.



Homer Fan Since 1985
As always, piksi, a good read. I missed this series during TDOS. Glad you are back and in full swing. :)


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow, piksi... you obviously worked hard on your game this summer. So, you DO do basketball at home, right???



The Knicks or the Clippers will make the playoffs
Hawks will win over 20 games
We will shoot over 75% from FT
If Nash gets hurt, AI could be 2nd in line in assists. % he'll be around 40

piksi said:
You might want to reconsider entering if:

You are expecting than Knicks and Clippers will make PO
You think that Hawks will win more than 20 games
You hope for a good free throw team
You think that Iverson vill lead the league in FG % and assists
I think the best way to start the season is to expect our team to suck! Yes you herd me suck. The reason I say this is because you will feel so much better if they start to win, but right now I expect them to lose every game.

For example look at the 49er's, they play horrible, but every now and then they win a game and surprise a few fans. This makes me and many more much happier then to expect them to be a great team(not really a fan just using it as an example).

Last but not least go kings!!!

Disclaimer: I do not really think this, but I try to get it in my head every season so I do not get disappointed.
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piksi said:
Under normal circumstances - I had a chance to see Kings live in a first game of the season ( NO is my closest ride to a NBA arena) but Katrina made it impossible. Hopefully, there will be other opportunities soon to go to NO for an NBA game or just to have good time. Great city.
BAton Rouge is only about 45 minutes away. The Kings will play here in Janunary. You should try to make that one! - New Orleans will be a GREAT city again!

ALSO. . . Great words of wisdom. Well done!!!

Good read Piksi.
I think we will beat the hornets rather comfortably, although chris paul will cause some problems and hornets have a good perimeter threat but hey so do we.


Hall of Famer
VF21 said:
Wow, piksi... you obviously worked hard on your game this summer. So, you DO do basketball at home, right???



Well some of us have to earn the max:D
I´ve been a very frequent visitor of this forum for quite some time now and i really have a good time, avidly reading what you kings fans have to say. I believe you really are the best fans of the nba, not just because you are so incredibly passionate about this team but because you also are very knowledgeble about the game.

Since the new season is just about to begin i thought i should post something about the upcoming season, my expectations and some random dissertations. I hope you can forgive me if this becomes a bit too long (and/or boring).
This is a view from afar (in distance), so it might not be accurate.

First, i believe this will be a far more entertaining season than last one and the team should do pretty well, deep into the playoffs. I am just very sceptical about this being the year of the so desired championhip.
There are just too many ifs for that to happen. If the team stays healthy, if shareef and bonzi fit the team, if peja can rebound, if bibby can defend, if adelman can rotate the team well, if martin has developed enough, if garcia will breaktrough, if thomas accepts is role, and so on...
Personally, i think it will take a good amount of time for this team to perform to the high level of expectance that we all have, its just the nature of collective sports (unless something unexpected happens). But if this team could stay together for some seasons with a couple surgical additions, then it has the potencial to become a top contender.

From last years team to this one, i think that the addition of shareef and bonzi were steps in the right direction, but they didn´t adress the main fragilities of the team that were defence and rebounding. And we still lack atheleticism, specially inside and i believe this will be explored to the bone by other teams.
The absence of (an healthy) b.jackson will be missed too as he was a very special and hard to find type of player.
I also have my doubts with b.miller. He´s a very good player and fits the system very well but without someone that can mask his defensive dificulties the kings will always have problems defending the paint, he´s just completely unathelethic and at times lazy. I wonder how it would be if ben wallace would be our starting center.
Also, the philly trio didn´t bring as much as one would wish for and i think that K.thomas fits our needs as much as mobley did. If he could ´ve been traded for a defensive minded 4/5, that would ´ve been ideal,i´m sorry it didn´t happen.

Now, adelman. I think he is a very good coach who just has a problem of playing his starters to exhaustion. He also has a problem of not stressing enough, how important defence is.
He was one of the reasons why i started loving this team/club in the beginning with it´s different style of basketball and i believe he has done a good job, taking in consideration all the dificulties he delt with through the years. I think sacramento underrates him, a bit.

In the end i´m sure this will be a very entertaining season ( i am just sorry that i wont be able to watch more than 3/4 games, more if we go all the way to the finals) and maybe some kings magic will somehow do the trick. I sure hope so.



Hall of Famer
Well it's official TDOS is over... Piksi is back, a game that matters on tV tonight and leaves on the front lawn... the universe is back in ballance.
Some people might jump all over me for this one but RA needs to grow some balls and pull Bibby if he’s not making an effort to stop all the dribble penetration. RA should sit Bibby and play Hart to teach him a lesson. I mean, we are talking about a guy that wants to make the All*Star team, and getting bench would put a fire under his a**!

We will see tonight if Bibby has been listening to the critics.

Let’s get it on!!!!
Wow, it's been a long summer and it's time to re-open the Circus that is the Kings.

It's time to get angry again, time to be the Coach again, time to yell at the TV again (luckily, I don't get to see a lot of Kings games). I can't even imagine watching more than 20 of them, it would surely kill me ;)

Ah that's what Kings Fans are all about. If you don't suffer a nervous breakdown now and then, it just isn't fun. You gotta love it...
You'd be better off running the marathon every day I guess.

Well I say bring it on already, I need more stress in my life :D

And yeah, Piksi keep up the good work...
maybe both barkey and steven A smith have decided to think before speak this season...

wait.. i cant even get myself to finish typing that... WE ARE DOOMED
iheartBrad said:
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its here its finally here OPENING NIGHT!! Woohoo!

Spot on iHeartBrad

Win or lose we're going to cheer our Kings..this is what we've been waiting for!

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