anyone who thinks Kayte knows more about the NBA than Henry Turner, Fat Lever, or Tank Thompson is an idiot. Thompson is an assistant coach for Larry Brown. Fat was an all star and Turner is an avid follower of the NBA game. I like Kayte, but please, let's not make idiotic comments!
I rarely make idiotic comments. Just ask me.
And to be clear in case you misunderstood the argument, Kayte absolutely knows more
basketball than these dufuses, and can certianly express that knowledge in a way none of the three stooges has a prayer of doing. Now more
NBA depends on what is meant by that. NBA as basketball? Oh yeah. NBA as a culture, a profession? No, probably not. But then again that is a very minor at best area for an analyst to cover.
And I think people the most in awe of a jock talking basketball are precisely the people who know the least about the sport. Being good at bouncing a ball is not equal to having the brains to analyze it. You could put any one of those dunces on this site right now, you could give them extra coaching from Jalen Rose or Charles Barkley, and unless they have been seriously holding out on the world I flipping guarantee you I could trounce them at any number of tests of basketball knowledge (not all mind you, Tank would probably have a better feel for footwork inthe post than I do etc.).. As could a number of us. And we don't even have the advantage of being former professional ballers like Kayte does. The jocks areas of special/restricted knowledge? Behind the scenes stuff. Where they go out to eat, what they do on the plane, exercise routines, whatever. They would know their own teammates games from back in the day/coaches' styles etc.. The rest is just basketball. And basketball ain't that hard.
As an aside how many games of NBA basketball do you think Pete Carril played? You thin when he showed up in the NBA that any of these dips knew more basketball than he did? How many NBA games did Sam Presti play in? You think any of the dips under discussion here has a better basketball mind than he does? Knowing basketball has very little to do wiht your skill bouncing a ball, and nothing at all to do with your reproductive organs. Its got quite a lot to do with the grey matter upstairs, an often quite neglected area of the body by many (but not all) jocks.