@Capt. Factorial one of the changes I have heard about in the updated CBA is the 200% rule on trades of a player making under 7.5MM, but it was stated that these can be aggregated. So two 7.5MM players could bring back one 30MM player.
Is this accurate as far as you know. It didnt seem accurate to me.
Well, the principle is right. What I mean by that is that the 200% rule applies to aggregated salaries, so if one could apply the 200% rule to this situation, then $7.5M + $7.5M = $15M, and 200% of that is $30M.
But the problem is that you can't apply the 200% rule to $15M worth of outgoing salary.
There are actually THREE rules that each output a different maximum incoming salary (based on outgoing salary), where A is the lesser of A1 and A2, and the final value is the greater of A and B. It's kind of crazy. The rules are as follows:
A1) Max incoming = 200% of outgoing, plus $250K
A2) Max incoming = 100% of outgoing, plus $7.5M (with the $7.5M adjusted upwards proportionally as the salary cap increases)
A = Lesser of A1 and A2
B) Max incoming = 125% of outgoing, plus $250K
Final Max incoming is greater of A and B.
So, assuming $15M outgoing, the maximum incoming value according to each of the rules is:
A1) $30,250,000
A2) $22,775,000 (approx. for '24-'25)
so A = $22,775,000
B) $19,000,000
So in this case, rule A (technically A2) wins and the max incoming would be $22.75M.
Basically, rule A1 wins for low salaries (anything below $7.5M outgoing), rule A2 wins for middle salaries ($7.5M - $30M outgoing), and rule B applies for high salaries ($30M+ outgoing). These levels will change upwards a bit as the salary cap goes up, but not a lot.
Of course rules A/B only apply if the post-trade team salary does not place the team over the apron. If it does, then rules A/B do not apply and instead rule C (100% of outgoing, plus $250K) applies regardless of outgoing salary level.