Kings @ Clippers Game Thread

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Hall of Famer
Twix said:
^What matters is that Pedja got the rebounds since it's been a long time that he got 7. :)

Grant Napear said on the radio that he believes Brian Skinner is the key guy to the Kings and will make the Kings better now and in the future. He said Skinner can block, do something inside (the paint), and always play hard. Grant really is loving this guy! (Like me! :))
I like his defense, shot blocking, athleticism but, he can't shoot more than a foot outside the paint. Plus when he gets the ball at the Elbow he looks scared to death that Bibby or Peja might not make it to him in time before he has to make an actualy pass. Thomas looks comforable at the Elbow but it we never really run through him at the high post. When he got it there it was the end of the play and he was open for the shot.
Twix said:
I heard that Kenny Thomas learn his rebounding from watching Ben Wallace videos. Ever since then, Thomas have been a better rebounder! That's nice...a player IN Kings rebounding like Ben Wallace!
Thats funny because between Skinner and Kenny we've got a full Ben Wallace!!! With a better offensive game too!!!


Hall of Famer
yeah if we could somehow morph Skinner and Thomas together. Sign them to a 7 year deal and give them titanium legs. We would have our PF of the future and could get that championship.
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