Is There Anything That Could Cause You to Not Be a Kings Fan?

Acquiring Kobe Bryant, Manu Ginobili or Baron Davis.

Otherwise, no not really, and that'd be a temporary ban on fanship suring these players tenures. I hate them all.
I will always be a King's fan. Can't even think about them leaving Sacramento, so I don't. I HATE THE LAKERS AND WARRIORS, so forget them. But, because we love the game and watch most other games as well, we would follow the players from here, i.e., Kevin, Garcia, Hawes to the ??? Kings. I don't like this thread---Annie.
I could follow the Kings IF they stayed small market... but I can only remain a fan, according to my own rules of fandom, if they are geographically closer to me than the Oakland... or, if they went to San Francisco (maybe)... but that's it! So unless they move to Stockton, I would probably fall out.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Anaheim/Orange County is NOT LA, period end of f'ing story.
Well it certainly isn't any better. Its not like a major chunk of LA's bad reputation isn't properly attributable to those living behind the Orange Curtain. My biggest complaint about LA itself was the traffic.

And I must add that if the Kings moved I'd never root for an LA team. I'd just bump Boston up to first place and consider following the Blazers if I could get a personal reassurance from Paul Allen that he'd never move the team :)
Yeah if the Kings left I'd probably just become a Warriors or Suns fan, but I doubt I'd follow them as seriously as I follow the Kings. As long as the team doesn't move I'm a fan for good.
No offense but how does that make any sense? I assume you don't live in phoenix or oakland so why can't you root for the kings in another city? Like its any good with them in sacto with god damn laker fans chanting MVP for Kobe
I don't think I can ever stop supporting the Kings. They are my team and no matter what happens, I think I'd just feel guilty and dirty if I tried to support another team (not that I'd want to).

If the team moves, that would be a big disappointment for me. However, it wouldn't be the deciding factor since I don't even live in the US. It would annoy me because of all the fans from Sac that I've got to know and I know how much Sac loves their team.
Yeah, there's absolutely no way in hell that I'd support ANY other team just for the sake of having an allegiance...I probably wouldnt be watching that much basketball, except for college, if they moved. I have a good friend that's from LA and is a Rams fan in football, and has been for like 40 years, and stuck with them even after they up and left to St. Louis. I'd probably think long and hard about NOT supporting them, I'd just feel quite heartbroken if that was to ever happen...but I know one thing's for sure, I wouldnt be rooting for anyone ELSE.
No offense but how does that make any sense? I assume you don't live in phoenix or oakland so why can't you root for the kings in another city?
I'm assuming you don't remember the period when the most hated football team in Northern California was the "Los Angeles Traitors."
No offense but how does that make any sense? I assume you don't live in phoenix or oakland so why can't you root for the kings in another city? Like its any good with them in sacto with god damn laker fans chanting MVP for Kobe

Because the Warriors would become the local team and I like watching the Suns play. Sorry but I'll never like a team from SoCal and I'd be pissed if they moved.
if it ever got to the point where the team and management got as dysfunctional as the current era knicks, then i'd have to take a break from the NBA. watching the travesty in NYC the past few years, cannot imagine the ulcers one would develop cheering for a team like that.
Californians are an interesting sort... You'd seriously consider rooting for the Lakers over the Kings if the Kings left Sacramento?
Personally I grew up on the Lakers. I moved to Sacramento in 87 and became a Kings fan in the early/mid nineties. If the Kings moved, I would go back to the team I grew up on. They would be the main team that I would root for, while checking from a far what the re-located organization was up to.
Well it certainly isn't any better. Its not like a major chunk of LA's bad reputation isn't properly attributable to those living behind the Orange Curtain. My biggest complaint about LA itself was the traffic.

And I must add that if the Kings moved I'd never root for an LA team. I'd just bump Boston up to first place and consider following the Blazers if I could get a personal reassurance from Paul Allen that he'd never move the team :)
And what exactly of LA's "bad reputation" is attributable to OC?
Californians are an interesting sort... You'd seriously consider rooting for the Lakers over the Kings if the Kings left Sacramento?
I am a Sacramento Kings fan because I'm proud to say they represent my hometown. If they leave, that bond will be broken and I will feel betrayed.

And as a fan, the only vengence I have available for such betrayal is to switch my allegiance to a hated rival.

Although, pragmatically, I'd most likely just end up disowning the NBA altogether. The Niners and A's could fill the void efficiently.
I am a Sacramento Kings fan because I'm proud to say they represent my hometown. If they leave, that bond will be broken and I will feel betrayed.

And as a fan, the only vengence I have available for such betrayal is to switch my allegiance to a hated rival.

Although, pragmatically, I'd most likely just end up disowning the NBA altogether. The Niners and A's could fill the void efficiently.

I would also stop watching the nba.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
As I said, Californians are interesting... I'm not a fan of the Kings because they're in Sacramento, but I'm also not from Sacramento, either.
Only possible reason would be if the team moved. I have a hunch I'd keep rooting for them however in their new city... depends on how much the "brand" changed however... honestly, I have no idea what I'd do. It'd be weird not to have a team to root for.

Alright, thinking about it now I bet I'd stick with the Kings in whatever incarnation they ended up in. :)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
As I said, Californians are interesting... I'm not a fan of the Kings because they're in Sacramento, but I'm also not from Sacramento, either.
I don't see what this has to do with being from Californian though, any team that leaves a city is going to lose most of the fans in that city. The rest would be incredibly bitter and carry on a grudge towards ownership for the remainder of their lives, even decades later when their city gets a new team and all is good again.
I spent the last ten years living within an hour of Sacramento, but have never considered myself a Central California girl and have absolutely zero sentimental attachment to the area, so a move wouldn't affect my status as a fan one little bit
The Kings represent my city and the people that I love. The people I care about live and die with each shot--they live and die with J, 21st, 16th, Freeport, Fruitridge, and Florin. When the Kings succeed I know my family celebrates--when the Kings falter I know my family anguishes.

I am a fan of basketball, so I will always watch the NBA for entertainment--but in terms of fandom, in terms of what makes my heart beat: if the Kings move I will wait for our city to receive another symbol for which to rally behind, and I will be patient.
I was not much of an NBA fan before the Kings moved to Sac, but when I did watch I rooted for the Lakers (family ties). I can't think of anything that would cause me to not be a Kings fan. If they moved, I would still be a fan. I was a fan for years when the team was horrible, so management incompetence would not affect me. I guess the only scenario would be for the Kings to move, then getting another team in Sacramento (highly unlikely).
if kobe bryant were ever to don a kings uniform, i'd stop being a fan until he was out of it.

other then that, i'll always be a fan. even if they moved.. haha well i'm a bay area girl who loves the kings.. so rooting for them from a little further away wouldn't be much difference to me lol. i do like having the kings so close to quick road trips to sacramento.. but with these freaking gas prices....yikes.

i have a feeling they will stay in sacramento.
For me personally I think that the only thing will stop me from being a kings fan is if the team moved. It wouldn't be the same not to have the team here.But even with that said I would probably still watch games ocassionally but not as often as i do would, and I wouldn't follow them as closely because they are not the local team any more.
nothing will take me away from the kings :p i know im new here but ive been a kings supporter

if i did stop being a kings fan.. i wouldnt bother going to the website and knowing the community would i :D

A king is nothing with out its subjects and kingdom :p