Is There Anything That Could Cause You to Not Be a Kings Fan?


Hall of Famer
Such as,

Ownership/management really deciding to build around Ron Artest?

Drafting another wing player?

Drafting a non-athletic pf to complement Hawes?

Signing another 32 year old to a MLE?

Trading our first round draft pick for a 28-29 year old?

The drip, drip, drip approach of Petrie is starting to wear me down....I'm just wondering if anyone's close to breaking.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Moving the team to Kansas City or anywhere else would most likely do it for me. I became a Kings fan when they came to Sacramento. If they left, that original bond would be broken.
I'm so damned patient that I don't know quite where I'd get to the point of giving up on the team, although I'm kind of on vacation as a fan now. Bit by bit, I've stopped buying things, and so on... watched my last game before the trade deadline... I could continue on in a dormant state for some time. Or not.

So I don't want to be overly hasty in defining a cutoff, but if it turns into Whisnant and Artest's Anaheim Jailblazers, I'll have cashed it in by then. How much sooner than that? I hope I don't find out.
re-signing (and not trading) Ron would cause me to go on a vacation from buying kings gear or going to a game. I would still watch them but they wouldnt get any of my hard earned cash. Move the team and im done with basketball alltogether.


Hall of Famer
Moving the team (unless they stayed in cali).

Other then that, I can wait..

I can see at least 2 of the OP's list happening this offseason anyways haha
I'll abandon my fandom if "Kings" ever follows something besides "Sacramento"

If that were to happen, I've debated whether I'd cut all ties to the NBA altogether or become a Lakers fan out of spite.

Otherwise, I bleed Purple and Black.
Californians are an interesting sort... You'd seriously consider rooting for the Lakers over the Kings if the Kings left Sacramento?
Never. Would never root for the Warriors over the Kings either.

It would be hard for me to be as interested in the team if they move. If they move to SoCal, then I definitely would not be a fan anymore. I'd be extra pi**ed.
Californians are an interesting sort... You'd seriously consider rooting for the Lakers over the Kings if the Kings left Sacramento?

Yeah if the Kings left I'd probably just become a Warriors or Suns fan, but I doubt I'd follow them as seriously as I follow the Kings. As long as the team doesn't move I'm a fan for good.
I spent the last ten years living within an hour of Sacramento, but have never considered myself a Central California girl and have absolutely zero sentimental attachment to the area, so a move wouldn't affect my status as a fan one little bit. Don't really know what could, actually, but think that where I'm at is about as low as it will go. Not because I don't like them anymore, or because I think they're poopie-head stink-faces, or because they suck...

I still consider them to be my team, I still care what happens, but where I'm living now is such a basketball dead zone (no local team, no league pass or NBA TV on my cable system) and my schedule has become so focused on school (two majors and a minor = Gadget's nose in a book and fingers turned rainbow with highlighter stains), that paying attention to the team and even the sport in general takes a certain amount of actual effort on my part. Effort that I just wasn't willing to put in this season. I could have watched/listened to games online, I could have spent more time studying box scores and player stats, but... meh. Seemed like a lot of trouble to go to when the front office has done everything they can to ensure that those stats are going to remain pretty consistent throughout last year, this year, and likely next year. I care, but I've got other stuff going on, so instead rely on the knowledge that if something REALLY major happens I'll find out about it here.
Yup. Basically if they sign Artest to an extension or do anything that falls in line with what they have been doing the last few years and it's in direct opposition to what a rebuilding team should be doing then yes. When it becomes painfully obvious that they have no intention of changing they way they run things, then I'll probably stop caring. I'm not a norcal native, I basically started getting into the kings because of Vlade and then kind of fell in love with that team because of the way they played, so I'm still into them out of habit really; if they don't get their act together soon I'll lose interest because I don't see the point.
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Californians are an interesting sort... You'd seriously consider rooting for the Lakers over the Kings if the Kings left Sacramento?
Nope. And, unlike some, I've been okay with the Lakers before. The Jerry West Lakers didn't bother me, or the Kareem-Magic Lakers. But I look at some of the players that have been associated with that franchise in the last several years the same way that you look at FSM. A year ago I kinda liked the Suns, but not now. It's personal. I don't think I could root for any team with certain people on the roster. If any of them ever became Kings, I'd be having a major crisis.

If the Kings ever manage to blow me off, I'll probably go down the list of cities that I like... Vancouver, too late... San Francisco, too late, Warriors are Oakland now... Seattle, too late... Portland? Maybe. Or maybe I'd lose interest in the NBA. They seem pretty screwed up in a lot of ways.

But I'd light myself on fire before I'd root for the Phil and Kobe show.
I'd quit being a Kings Fan if they moved away.

Speaking of that, there doesn't seem to be any news of progress on an arena. With the current economy, I'm not too hopefull of Cal Expo selling enough commercial rights to developers to get anything going. I don't have a good feeling about it.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
If they stopped serving garlic fries, I'd be done. No garlic fries? I bid you good day, Maloof family. Good day.
I don't think I can ever stop supporting the Kings. They are my team and no matter what happens, I think I'd just feel guilty and dirty if I tried to support another team (not that I'd want to).

If the team moves, that would be a big disappointment for me. However, it wouldn't be the deciding factor since I don't even live in the US. It would annoy me because of all the fans from Sac that I've got to know and I know how much Sac loves their team.
The only thing that would stop me from being a Kings fan is if the team showed no effort or heart on the court. And this year we’ve shown plenty of both.
Moving the team to Kansas City or anywhere else would most likely do it for me. I became a Kings fan when they came to Sacramento. If they left, that original bond would be broken.
Moving is about all that will get me to quit being a Kings fan, too.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
If the team Moved I would be heartbroken, I probably wouldn't watch the NBA anymore or keep track of it.

and BTW I'm a huge fan of the NBA and Kings...

I root for the Sacramento Kings no matter what, but if they moved.. I would just be heartbroken