Is Arco Arena Cursed??

I have herd from a few people now that arco arena was built on an Indian burial ground. I have tried to find some stuff on the internet on the fact but can not seem to pull up much. does anyone know for sure if arco was indeed built on an indian burial ground? Because if so, that explains a lot about the kings lack of luck in the past.


Super Moderator Emeritus
This rumor has floated around for years. IF anyone knows for sure, they're not going to say anything.
Arco arena maybe or maybe not an old indian burial ground site. Native indians did dwell in the area and everywhere else in sacramento. Arco probably isn't cursed but instead it is a sacred place. The vibe does feel a little ancient and the energy and vibrations seem to be somewhat mystic on the grounds. Hubie brown has said how arco arena is a magical place and anything can happen when the kings play in the building. Players around the league from robert horry to ray allen talk about how errie and mystic it is to play at arco.

Bottom line arco can curse you or bless you depending on the energy you bring into the arena. You can loose game 7 in the western conference finals like the kings or you can win game 4 of the WNBA championship like the monarchs. You can score 51 points and pull down 27 rebounds like C-webb or you can loose consistently like the kenny smith sac king . Arco arena is arena of good luck and Bad luck and it all boils down to the vibrations you bring into the arena. John stockon played his last game at arco arena, so did dawn staley and lebron james played his first game at arco. Arco arena is a arena that blesses the ones with good vibrations.
I have herd from a few people now that arco arena was built on an Indian burial ground. I have tried to find some stuff on the internet on the fact but can not seem to pull up much. does anyone know for sure if arco was indeed built on an indian burial ground? Because if so, that explains a lot about the kings lack of luck in the past.

Maybe they were the ones that cursed our free-throw stroke in the 2002 WCF! ;)
You can build on many archeological sites. If any artifacts or evidence turns up, construction halts, until it has been properly excavated by archeologists and any significant artifacts found are removed. Construction of the new city hall had to be stopped for an archeolgical dig.

Burial grounds are a little more complicated and a tribe may try to stop development. At the very least any remains found are to be returned to the tribe claiming them for proper re-burial.

Truthfully, there are not many places in the US (or the Americas, for that matter) that weren't occupied by native peoples and artifacts and burials can show up anywhere.

Makes for a good excuse, tho, huh? ;)


Homer Fan Since 1985
The Kings are not cursed. Otherwise, how do you explain the 2005 Sacramento Monarchs as WNBA Champions? They play at ARCO too.
The Kings are not cursed. Otherwise, how do you explain the 2005 Sacramento Monarchs as WNBA Champions? They play at ARCO too.

ok, just to be obnoxious, who said it wasn't a Native American womans burying ground and that's why the Monarchs have a championship and the Kings don't.:eek: :p :D :eek:


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wasn't there a rumor that there was a Casket in the Titanic and that was the reason the Ship was cursed?
Now you're just being silly.

The Titanic wasn't cursed. It hit an iceberg because it was traveling too fast, ignoring the warnings of unusual ice in the area, as it tried to set a record for its first Atlantic crossing. Had there been adequate life boats, there would have been much less loss of life since the boat actually took quite some time to sink.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
It hit an iceberg because it was traveling too fast, ignoring the warnings of unusual ice in the area, as it tried to set a record for its first Atlantic crossing.
Especially for conditions (night!). That speed also caused the unusual damage to the ship (long, glancing blow along the side). IIRC, had the ship collided head on instead of turning to aviod the iceberg, it probably would have been able to survive the collision.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Especially for conditions (night!). That speed also caused the unusual damage to the ship (long, glancing blow along the side). IIRC, had the ship collided head on instead of turning to aviod the iceberg, it probably would have been able to survive the collision.
Exactly. The Titanic was designed specifically to be "unsinkable." They just didn't think of the long gash as a possible scenario they needed to consider.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Disgarded human cells. Considering how many each of us have and lose every single day ( and how many "us" have trod this planet over the millenia), those suckers have to be piling up somewhere.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Exactly. The Titanic was designed specifically to be "unsinkable." They just didn't think of the long gash as a possible scenario they needed to consider.
That and they limited the height of the bulkhead walls in the assumption that if any one of the compartments was breached and filled the ship wouldn't list that much. They never considered a gash breaching multiple compartments causing the ship to lean due to the weight of the water. The leaning allowed water to spill from one compartment to the next, domino-style, ultimately dooming the ship....


Super Moderator Emeritus
And even if there was a casket, that wouldn't be considered a curse. Bodies have been transported via ships for centuries. They also "travel" in the baggage compartment of commercial airlines a lot more often than most people probably realize.

The mummy lid, on the other hand, might be cause for speculation...if the ship had gone down without all the other factors playing a part.


When you really think about it, every place on this planet is/was a burial ground.

Good point. nonetheless irrelevant. No curse on arco. Curse follows people not place. but curse is similar to consequence. good or bad. so far arco's been good to me.