If an arena doesn't pan out, could you still blame the Maloofs for leaving?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
This. The problems with Anaheim wont be gone next year either. The Lakers and Clippers are still there.
I think if the Maloofs had tried to move to KC or Seattle, maybe even Louisville instead of Anaheim they'd be gone by now. I agree though I think it extends even beyond the Lakers and Clippers in the concern that an NBA team would be second tenant to an NHL team. Stern wants cities bending over backwards to accommodate teams, not crappy deals like the Honda Center.
Doesn't mean they are top of the relocation list either.
Anaheim is on top of the Maloofs' list, that we know. Stern sees Anaheim in the future and said he would throw his support behind the Maloofs next year if there is no arena. You can interpret it any way you want.

We all know it all depends on the new arena. Anaheim, KC or wherever, the bottom line is the Kings will leave if there is no arena. The focus shouldn't be on Anaheim at this point. If Sac can make it happen, I'll be happy for the city, team and the Maloofs. Like the OP, I was a Kings fan before this whole relocation thing. That doesn't change.
You'd blame them for wanting to keep their business?
I think regional sports teams are, in spirit, part owned by the region. If there's a buyer willing to keep the team in Sac; then I think they should be in Sac. This is where I think it's the NBA's responsibility to prevent owners from defecating on the locals when things go bad financially. So yes. I'd blame them for failing, and I'd blame them for quitting. If they moved to Anaheim, then ended up selling to Samueli; I'd blame them harder.
Which OC guys are you refering to? Those of us that have been on this fourm, but are Kingsfans?
Yah.. In general.. You see where I am going with this right? LA is Lakertown like Sac is Kings town.. Can't really expect Laker fans to turn into Kings fans since the drive is closer.. You are either a fan of the King or you aren't, and with how close LA and Anaheim are you can't really expect them to start supporting a whole new team.

Not to mention if Anaheim wants to stand alone then you have to start looking at whether or not they can actaully support a team by themselves, and look into a seperate Anaheim media market which wouldn't even be top 30... That's why it's all lumped together as the LA media market and that's why I can't see that area getting a new team. It's basically Los Angeles. That's Laker land. There aren't many new NBA fans that aren't aware of the Lakers. The ones that hate the Lakers are Heat fans, Spurs fans, Celtic fans ect ect, and some are Kings fans. So you could drum up about the same support for any team that moves there..

Now if they REALLY want to test it give them the Hornets, and do a 5 year study. See if the honeymoon ends after a year or two.
Stern said he'd support a move to a new location next year if there isn't an arena plan. He made enough statements questioning the Anaheim deal. Unless the terms change dramatically in a year; I expect Anaheim to be below other options next year.

Anaheim is on top of the Maloofs' list, that we know. Stern sees Anaheim in the future and said he would throw his support behind the Maloofs next year if there is no arena. You can interpret it any way you want.

We all know it all depends on the new arena. Anaheim, KC or wherever, the bottom line is the Kings will leave if there is no arena. The focus shouldn't be on Anaheim at this point. If Sac can make it happen, I'll be happy for the city, team and the Maloofs. Like the OP, I was a Kings fan before this whole relocation thing. That doesn't change.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I think regional sports teams are, in spirit, part owned by the region. If there's a buyer willing to keep the team in Sac; then I think they should be in Sac. This is where I think it's the NBA's responsibility to prevent owners from defecating on the locals when things go bad financially. So yes. I'd blame them for failing, and I'd blame them for quitting. If they moved to Anaheim, then ended up selling to Samueli; I'd blame them harder.
Yeah, I agree with this completely. If someone has the money to buy a sports team and wants to keep them where they are, they should be given precedent I think. It's not just a normal business.
OK I take that back.. A place where you wanted them.. Cool?
All I'm saying is that you don't have grounds to say that "they" wouldn't have wanted them, or in other words, that they wouldn't have had fan support. You don't have reliable evidence to make that claim because that evidence doesn't exist.
Yah same.. You guys in OC will probably one day get the Clippers... Learn to enjoy them.. there will never be 3 NBA teams in the LA market as long as Buss is an owner.

Would you OC people welcome the Clippers? Serious question..
I'd want to welcome the Clippers, but I'd have to welcome Sterling in the process, and I can't stand that jerk.
if we cant get it done with a time table, then i cant put the blame on the maloofs. what i have learned from this whole ordeal is that i dont very much like them anymore as owners and dont trust them. but if the city cant get them an arena, you cant blame the maloofs for relocating
KJ needs to get an arena done on his terms. Go forward with the arena plan without consulting the Maloofs. Go forward as if you do not have a team. Then, when it is built, offer them to pay rent to the city on fair terms. Have the city be the managing group (or hire an independent group to do that, whatever) and rake in all the money for non-NBA events. This way the city can actually see a return on the investment while simultaneously controlling the design parameters that could actually strengthen the urban core.

The Maloofs had their shot to sit down and eat with rest of us. They spit-up all over themselves and now have to sit back down at the kiddie-table. The city now holds all the cards and Sacramento doesn't owe the Maloofs jack. It'll be hard for the Maloofs to leave if a new arena is up and running, even if the terms of the lease are less than optimal for the brothers (read: no huge parking garages/restaurant radius restrictions/control of non-nba revenue, etc).

So no, I don't buy in to the theory that the Maloofs are giving Sacramento another shot. Giving the city another shot doesn't cleanse them of their wondering eyes, and it doesn't shift the burden completely back on to the city of Sacramento. They really showed their a*holes on this one, and I'm not so quick to forget.
I'm pretty much with everyone on this one. As long as the Maloofs don't sabotage things, I have no problem with them leaving if things don't get done this year. It's clearly in the metropolitan area's court now and that's all I ever asked for.

Same with the Clippers and Anaheim. I've been saying this forever. If the Clips don't move there, it opens up the over saturation option for a desperate ownership group and it played itself out these last couple months. Unfortunately, it will never happen on Sterling's watch. There's got to be someone, anyone, who can talk some sense into this joker. If that person exists, make yourself known and it get it done and soon. Talk Sterling into selling to Samueli once and for all. That won't solve our arena issues but at least it's one less relocation option for another owner and could be the difference between a market saving or losing it's team.
Guys, I've seen the future. I guarantee that by this time next year, Sacramento will have finalized a plan for a new sports and entertainment complex.
Hope and pray so. Can we then have a big parade downtown with Mayor KJ at the head of it like we just won the championship? Hopefully, we would only be practicing for a real NBA championship in not to distant future...


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
No queston is stupid only the answers:) Those letters for the two shot down measures are just a running sequence - A to Z.
Two ballot measures that were to raise sales taxes in Sacramento County by 0.25% with the proceeds going for a new sports and entertainment complex as well as funding the arts and other quality of life items. Local ballot measures are identified by letter in a running sequential pattern. If there were 3 ballots this year, they might be H, I, and J. The first ballot measure next year would be K. When you get to Z, start over again.

Found this somewhere:

Measure R would boost the local sales tax by one-quarter of a percent for 15 years, raising an estimated $1.2 billion. Measure Q specifies that half of that would pay for a facility and the other half would go to the county and various cities to use as they see fit.
This question is so premature that any guess would be a waste of time. It's a road that we have to go down before we decide what a person would be good with. It's like asking a girl on the first date what she plans on doing if she divorces you.
An arena deal will be achieved because it HAS to. There won't be any Maloofs sabotaging the deal, either. I never believed this conspiracy theory. Its in their best interest to move into a brand new arena in Sacramento. They have a proven market up there with a fantastic fan base. I like the idea that George will be more hands-on with the organization and new arena work. This will result in Joe and Gavin marketing the team better and focusing on the team getting better. I think we will begin to see changes as soon as the next season: the team will improve; better ticket prices/packages; better promotions and better team marketing. Also, the NBA will assist the Maloofs and arena group because the NBA needs basketball to succeed in Sacramento. We still don't know how the new CBA will play out. Just this alone can be a real big shot in the arm for the Kings financially. Go Kings!!
No. Sacramento has miraculously been given 10 months. Its unequivocal. We get it done or the team is gone. That's not just the Maloofs saying that. The league is telling us that. And I think Stern's people are coming out here to make sure the Maloofs make a good faith effort and fully cooperate to get a deal done with the Sacramento.

Stern had already washed his hands of Sacramento and getting an arena done. KJ pulled of a miracle in getting Stern and the league to give us this last chance. But make no mistake. This is the last chance.


Hall of Famer
I know we can't foresee the future, but if an arena deal doesn't materialize over the next year, do you think you can justifiably blame the Maloofs for leaving at that point? Is it fair to say that the onus is completely on the city at this point to keep the Kings in Sacramento?
It all depends. It depends on how the deal is finally stuctured. The Maloofs are going to have to put up some funds. How much will they put up? And in return for their investment, what return will they make? To take the extreme logical hypothetical, if the Maloofs are willing to put up zero dollars and in return they want a 50% share of the arena proceeds, then yeah, I'd blame the Maloofs.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
It all depends. It depends on how the deal is finally stuctured. The Maloofs are going to have to put up some funds. How much will they put up? And in return for their investment, what return will they make? To take the extreme logical hypothetical, if the Maloofs are willing to put up zero dollars and in return they want a 50% share of the arena proceeds, then yeah, I'd blame the Maloofs.
Yeah, but the NBA is going to have their point man out to work on this. I don't think the Maloofs will be able to sandbag this one. They'll need to do their fair share.
Blame them or not, it doesn't matter.

I look at the last paragraph of the Maloofs official statement:

"During this process, Mayor Johnson has strongly indicated to both the community and the NBA that he is capable of getting the support to build a state-of-the-art entertainment and sports facility that the Sacramento Region and the tremendous Kings fans so rightly deserve. We look forward to seeing Mayor Johnson bring his vision to reality. However, if an arena plan cannot be finalized in a timely fashion, the NBA's relocation committee has assured Maloof Sports and Entertainment that it will support an application to move the franchise to another market starting in 2012-13."

And I conclude that the Maloofs might as well have said "We're not leaving yet, but the odds are excellent this was a temporary reprieve." This looks more like a hopeless appeal to the Supreme Court than it does a solid committment to the community.

Bringing in Stern, a partial takeover of the Kings front-office... I wouldn't hang my favorite hat on this peg.

I know I'm always bringing the wet blanket, but when the Taylor-ICON study comes in, that's when this all starts back up again.

Regardless of what people think, there is an arena deal out there I would vote for. There are good ones. Propose something like Glendale, Arizona's, though, and I won't support that. Or Q&R. It must be fair, and Q&R wasn't.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Blame them or not, it doesn't matter.

I look at the last paragraph of the Maloofs official statement:

"During this process, Mayor Johnson has strongly indicated to both the community and the NBA that he is capable of getting the support to build a state-of-the-art entertainment and sports facility that the Sacramento Region and the tremendous Kings fans so rightly deserve. We look forward to seeing Mayor Johnson bring his vision to reality. However, if an arena plan cannot be finalized in a timely fashion, the NBA's relocation committee has assured Maloof Sports and Entertainment that it will support an application to move the franchise to another market starting in 2012-13."

And I conclude that the Maloofs might as well have said "We're not leaving yet, but the odds are excellent this was a temporary reprieve." This looks more like a hopeless appeal to the Supreme Court than it does a solid committment to the community.

Bringing in Stern, a partial takeover of the Kings front-office... I wouldn't hang my favorite hat on this peg.

I know I'm always bringing the wet blanket, but when the Taylor-ICON study comes in, that's when this all starts back up again.

Regardless of what people think, there is an arena deal out there I would vote for. There are good ones. Propose something like Glendale, Arizona's, though, and I won't support that. Or Q&R. It must be fair, and Q&R wasn't.
If they are at all smart they will never give people like yourself the chance to screw this deal up too.