I Think We Can All Agree That Cuttino Mobley Is Not Needed...

I think Mobley is doomed to be a rolling stone in this league: too talented not to be on somebody's roster, not consistent enought to stay on anyones roster for long.
chelle said:
I am not going to bash any of our players. We cannot judge what is in their heart and minds, nor are we on the court with them. I just watched bibby's postgame news conference. He kept saying that they would be good when they figured out their roles. He said that they do not need to worry about who scores. There needs to be role players and not everybody can be the scorers. He went on to say that whenever the role players understand that, they would be ok. I AM NOT EVEN GOING TO SPECULATE ABOUT WHO HE WAS REFERRING TO, BUT I DO BELEIVE THAT CHANGES ARE ON THE HORIZON!
This sinking deja vu feeling that I had earlier just won't go away.

Didn't TLDOS (the last dreaded offseason) start with endless speculation as to who may, or may not, have been called out during Chris' interview after game 7?
Can't blame new guys (Cat, KT, Skinner and Corliss) for much. They were traded here and ended up on a team that just had it's heart ripped out. There was never a chance that we will rebuild our system and fit everyone into it with such a huge turnover. That's what I took from Bibby's comments. Team would be/will be much better when settled in and given time. Now, who's gonna be on that team - that'd be up to GP.


Super Moderator Emeritus
GoGoGadget said:
This sinking deja vu feeling that I had earlier just won't go away.

Didn't TLDOS (the last dreaded offseason) start with endless speculation as to who may, or may not, have been called out during Chris' interview after game 7?
Yep. And we all know how well that turned out.

/dripping sarcasm


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
While I'd like to see the franchise be proactive about picking up a quality swing guy to play the 2 and maybe backup Peja a little too, I'm also curious to see what Evans would do with a more prominent role. I know his jumper was inconsistent all year, but his hustle has always been there. And did you see the way he focused on defense in that game today? He was all over Ray Allen the whole time he was on the court. I really loved seeing that.

If I were Geoff Petrie, these are the guys I keep this off season. The building blocks as it were.

Mike Bibby
Brad Miller
Peja Stojakovic
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin

Everyone else is fair game for trade.
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hrdboild said:
While I'd like to see the franchise be proactive about picking up a quality swing guy to play the 2 and maybe backup Peja a little too, I'm also curious to see what Evans would do with a more prominent role. I know his jumper was inconsistent all year, but his hustle has always been there. And did you see the way he focused on defense in that game today? He was all over Ray Allen the whole time he was on the court. I really loved seeing that.

If I were Geoff Petrie, these are the guys I keep this off season. The building blocks as it were.

Mike Bibby
Brad Miller
Peja Stojakovic
Maurice Evans
Kevin Martin

Everyone else is fair game for trade.
I think Peja should spend his summer developing his skills in
1. the post
2. ball handling
3. creating his own shot
4. rebounding

Maurice can give peja some tips on how to drive to the hoop. Mo on the other hand can learn a few things from Peja. He should work on
1. his shot (mostly)
2. fine tuning other aspects of game

Brad needs to
1. work on his vertical
2. get some more muscle

Bibby needs to work on
1. His defense

But I really like those core four.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Its an ok "core", but a core without a heart so to speak. Without a single truly great player or leader. Its actually more like the rind around the core. Good players, but not good enough if you are trying to win a title. They couldn't even do that when they had a younger and healthier Webber/Vlade duo to lead them. Its the core of a 50 win team, but not a 60 win team. Needs spice.
I always liked Evans, his husstle and quickness. Him and when Matt Barnes was on the team, they both were just fighting for loose balls and running up and down. I don't know why Evans doesn't play many more minutes then he does. But Game 5 showed the potential in Evans, and not only Evans, but Peja. If he keeps up with he did that game with putting the ball on the floor a bit, cutting, slashing, getting as many fouls as he can, this way he would develop into a deadly player.

If the Kings keep the same guys as they do, let Mobley go, we can be a great contender next year.

I think the main thing we need is just a tough PF. Resign Mobley, put him in a little package with Thomas and whoever else for Jermain O'Neal eh?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Bad Boy Bo said:
I always liked Evans, his husstle and quickness. Him and when Matt Barnes was on the team, they both were just fighting for loose balls and running up and down. I don't know why Evans doesn't play many more minutes then he does. But Game 5 showed the potential in Evans, and not only Evans, but Peja. If he keeps up with he did that game with putting the ball on the floor a bit, cutting, slashing, getting as many fouls as he can, this way he would develop into a deadly player.

If the Kings keep the same guys as they do, let Mobley go, we can be a great contender next year.

I think the main thing we need is just a tough PF. Resign Mobley, put him in a little package with Thomas and whoever else for Jermain O'Neal eh?
Unfortunately J. O'Neal is probably pretty close to untouchable, let alone for Cat and KT.

Also, we were a 6th seed and fading as the playoffs rolled around, and then got handled pretty easily and bounced 4-1 in the first round by a team with no playoff experience. If we're one player away, it better be one helluva player. Jermaine is, of course, but he's not realistically available, and if he were, would cost us a lot more than two middle of the road starters.
VF21 said:

Some of you just can't seem to exist without bashing someone. Last year it was Webber and this year it's Cat. Who will you hate next year?

Whatever happened to rooting FOR your team and supporting your players?

Thank God the season is over...and not because of what the players did.

I don't know about anyone else, but I do know I'm not bashing to bash. I haven't liked the guy since shortly after his arrival. He tried to play team ball to fit in for a little bit, but he was comfortable he started chucking shots. Even in the first half when the Kings were moving the ball better over half the time if the ball came into Mobley's hands you knew the shot was going up. Whether he was the one who brought the ball down the court, or the pass to him was the first. I'd MUCH rather have Maurice Evans starting at the 2 guard. I've been saying that for most of the season, since Mobley's arrival. That also gives more playing time to Kevin Martin who is a jewel that doesn't deserve to be 3rd string. Or, hey maybe the Kings surprise us and go after Ray Allen. That I would not argue with.
One thing about Mobley ... he will take a shot over two defenders with 2 secs expired on the shotclock AND with nobody under the rim expecting that shot ... no wonder we don't get any rebounds ..
Bricklayer said:
Its an ok "core", but a core without a heart so to speak. Without a single truly great player or leader. Its actually more like the rind around the core. Good players, but not good enough if you are trying to win a title. They couldn't even do that when they had a younger and healthier Webber/Vlade duo to lead them. Its the core of a 50 win team, but not a 60 win team. Needs spice.
Absolutely needs spice.
I think it's obvious that the Kings play better with Evans in place of Mobley. We saw it in several regular season games just like we saw it last night. In fact, if you look at the Kings playoff data at 82games.com you see Evans had the 2nd highest on/off court net value. It's not a knock against Mobley, Cuttino has to play his game, it's just that his game doesn't help us as much as Evans (when he's on his game) can. If you look at what Evans does, it's very similar to what Christie did (minus the passing). He defends the best perimeter scorer, will help out on the boards, will get up and down the floor very well and he'll pick and choose his spots to score the ball. You can even see similarities in the way Evans and Christie rise up for a jumper off the dribble.
Ya know, I'm not gonna bad mouth Cat, and say that he didn't try for this team, or say he is the reason that we lost...our team just had a crappy series...a really crappy series, and it's just too bad that a guy like mobley didn't ever really have a chance to get into any type of flow. Basically, IMO I don't think Cat will be back next year, and i don't have any like any inside info on the subject, like i said just an opinion. But if for some reason we don't get Cat back, the guy i think we should go after at the 2 position is BOBBY SIMMONS, the only problem that he was most improved player and i don't know if a franchise would want to give up on one of their rising stars. Every game this year against the clips (or at least it seemed to be every one) Bobby seemed to be on fire against us, not just hitting open jumpers but hustling for loose balls and rebounds. I am really not sure about his contract info but if he is a free agent and we for some reason don't keep Cat, he would be an interesting fit.

Sorry for all of you who don't like trade scenarios.
I really don't like the "stupid" description. Mobley's not stupid, he just has habits and a different mindset. A mindset that, like it or not, is prevalent in the NBA. When he dribbles the ball up and sees that he can get a shot off, he thinks, "I can make this shot, and when I do, it will help the team." Will he ever break that habit and do a better job of following the offensive scheme? I don't know. But if doesn't it's not because he's stupid.
Mobley is dangerous for any team he plays for. He does not understand the fundamentals of team play, and he never will. He just kills the flow of the offense. He should be let go (or traded) after the season. Without him in lineup it was much more like old kings game flow. If Brad was just a bit healthier it would have been W.

So, bye bye Mobley.
Mobley has a ton of talent. However, IMO his basketball IQ is not that high and in order to be a great player you need both, but almost more importantly you need a higher basketball IQ.
Mobley is Mobley! The guy is not going to morph into a pass first player, it;s just not going to happen. The problem I had with Mobley is that many of his shots were forced and not within the context of what the team was running.

It just seems to me his strengths do not really fit with the Kings offense.
i like cat. he has good qualities, but i don't think he's a good fit on the kings. he's too selfish with the ball ( not surprising when he spent all that time with stevie franchise, easy to pick up bad habits) and he doesn't look to pass, he looks to shoot and many of the shots aren't good ones.

he hit some great clutch shots for the kings, i appreciate all he's done, but i do think the kings need to go in a different direction regarding the SG position.
i don't think our guards are the problem in this team. mobley is fine.
we just need an atheletic big man/shot blocker.

rasheed wallace etc type.
dac911 said:
i don't think our guards are the problem in this team. mobley is fine.
we just need an atheletic big man/shot blocker.

rasheed wallace etc type.

Have you seen the perimeter penetration we give up? We are terrible on the perimeter defensively and it strains our weaken post defense as it is. When we rotate to the penetration we lose our rebounding position. EG boxing out because we are challenging the penetration.
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PixelPusher said:
I think Mobley is doomed to be a rolling stone in this league: too talented not to be on somebody's roster, not consistent enought to stay on anyones roster for long.
You might be right, but he might stick around and try to work within the Kings system. He's getting older and age tends to make you look at the bigger picture.

I just hope that Martin gets more opportunity next season. otherwise I feel the Kings will just be wasting their time with him.
BigSong said:
You might be right, but he might stick around and try to work within the Kings system. He's getting older and age tends to make you look at the bigger picture.
I did notice that sometimes Cuttino would pass the ball REALLY fast. It was as if he was saying, ok, this time down, I'm passing. It was like he has never been in a system where he actually looks to pass OR shoot, depending on the situation. It was shoot all the time with him before, so any kind of pass appears very unnatural.
It is kind of unfortunate that it is a contract year for him. 1 more season and at least you would know, over the course of 82 games, whether he COULD gel. Such is buisness. I am realy not sure that the Kings should keep him, 2's come a dime a dozen in the NBA. The trick is to find one that has something that no other 2 guard has. Either D, speed, clutch, shooting, general athleticism... I am not sure that he realy is particularly good at anything at this point. Kind of week in some aspects, and a bit raw in others.