How do you feel about the new ALTERNATE jerseys?

How do you feel about the new "alternate" jerseys?

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So we see them play 12 games in these uni's. Get over it. I also expect the gold on them to be less yellow then the pics from what I have heard.


Super Moderator Emeritus
People are entitled to their opinions, SacTownKid. If you don't agree, that's fine but it's not up to you to tell them to "get over it."
VF21 said:
People are entitled to their opinions, SacTownKid. If you don't agree, that's fine but it's not up to you to tell them to "get over it."
Just saying its not like the Kings changed the uniforms to this permanently.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I have loved the Sacramento Kings for 20 years. During that same time period, I have hated the Lakers. Now, why in heavens name would I want my guys to even remotely resemble our biggest nemesis? That was the lamest choice of any color combo they could possibly come up with. I would not be caught dead in anything with those colors. And, I do not give a rat's behind whether it is only 12 games or 6 games or 2 games. Even 1 game is 1 game too many. Our guys will be the laughing stock of all Laker fans and other fans around the league. Like we need to give them one more reason to make fun of the Kings, the organization, or Sacramento.

SacTownKid said:
So we see them play 12 games in these uni's. Get over it. I also expect the gold on them to be less yellow then the pics from what I have heard.
Agreed. They're just alternates, but I don't like them.
In all honesty, if the great majority of fans detest the uniform change then it needs to be made known by not just refusing to purchase the products. Some time ago the 49ers were all set to change their helmet logo from the standard "SF" to "49ers". Once the logo went public the fans went nuts and the team then pulled the plug on it. I'm not saying that the same thing will happen here, but something has to be done. Additionally, when the Mavs wore those putrid grey uniforms a few seasons ago they only wore them one time...opening night against the Lakers. After that game they came under so much fire for those that they decided to scrap them for the rest of the season, for which I'm sure they had planned to wear them at least 12 or so times. So, if you want to protest the new unis by not buying them then that's fine, but that alone will not send the message and it won't do it very quickly at all. Additionally, just because you don't want to buy the uniform does not mean that the 15 year old sophomore won't. Trust me, they will sell plenty of these uniforms. Thus, send e-mails, letters to the Bee, call Grant's show, etc, etc, etc.
even though im not a fan of the new jerseys, i want to make a couple points...
1) the lakers jerseys are YELLOW. our new alternate jerseys are GOLD...are they similar? i suppose...are they the exact same? no...when i see them do i think of the lakers? i dont, i think of wake forest...
2) did ANYbody make a big deal when we switched to purple away jerseys? you know who else has the exact same color away jersey? the lakers...if anything, our road jersey that we have now has more of a resemblence to the lakers than the new alternate.
3) a previous poster brought up a good point, the jerseys will most likely look a little different in real life...considering the only evidence we have that the jerseys actually exist is off a videogame.


Hey Coach, these jersey are not replacing our permanent road jerseys. They are just "alternate" jerseys that we will wear here and there on some home games.
Does anybody have pictures from the actual game during play? I wonder what the shorts look like?

Does anybody like the design? Colors aside that is.


U know what, why is everyone saying, "oh if we don't wear them or buy them then that will be the best form of getting rid of them"? Seriously, who expects them to be around for more than a year. Regardless if we love them or hate them or buy them or not buy them, I see no reason for these jerseys to be around next year. Its not like if we don't support the sales, they'll just stop wearing them THIS season. Were stuck with them for just a year, whether we love em or hate em. Period.
Maybe not just a year. These are not "throwbacks" but "alternates" the Laker whites for Sunday home games, and they've had those for 3 years now.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Maybe less than a year. Mavs wore their alternates only once didn't they. They were pretty horrible.

The Kings are not that horrible (compared to the Mavs), however, they are a slap in the face to Kings fans who do not want to so much as resemble their California nemesis.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
What are you people smoking? That looks nothing at all like Lakers colors. Nothing at all. Sure they call it Purple and Gold but what they really mean is Purple and Yellow, and everybody knows that. Actual gold, as in this color, is a pretty rare uniform color. To pair it with the Kings particular brand of "sissy purple" was a bold move and one which they must have known would encite this kind of a backlash.

I feel like I'm trying to stand in the way of a raging torrent of majority opinion here, but did you stop to think that maybe the only reason it looks ugly to you is that you're used to seeing typical color combinations like Purple and Yellow and Red and Black and Blue and Orange, etc. on jerseys? All those color combinations which are more obviously "right" could also be described as typical, boring, cliche, unimaginative, etc. My first instinct is that this is a bad mix of colors too, but when I actually think about it I like that it's not cliche for one and I realize that what I don't like about it isn't the combination of gold and purple, but this particular brand of purple which appears on all of the Kings uniforms now. At one point it was a strong royal violet color paired with silver and black. Sometime in the past 5 years somebody made a conscious decision to "sissify" the purple by watering it down. If you guys really want to find a conspiracy, you should see if this particular color choice coincides with The Diesel's "Sacramento Queens" epiphany. There's your conspiracy.

And any Lakers fans which use these alternate jerseys as an excuse to play up some kind of "Kings want to be like the Champs. W00t!" angle should realize first of all that their team is a long ways removed from being the champs now and probably won't even be making the playoffs this year (or the year after) and secondly that your so called Purple and Gold "legendary" uniforms (which is a myth, only people in LA hyperbolize about stupid Laker uniforms in that way) are really purple and yellow and when it comes down to it, yellow doesn't really look like gold at all. They're closer to 'Purple and Khaki' than 'Purple and Yellow'. So get over yourselves and your self-destructing team of pre-madonna crybabies who wish they still had a rivalry with Sacramento because that at least would give them some kind of relevance.
The colors aren't bad, The Lakers colours are different. I do have a problem with the design though. It would have been better if they didn't have a different strip of purple going down the right side of the jersey. Moreover, it would be nice if the Maloofs actuallly get the fans involved in making a decision next time around.
I woke up thinking I'd had a nightmare but it's still here:(
I don't care if they only wear them for 1 game, that's 1 too many. They might look less like our rivals when we see them in person on Tuesday but it's still way too close for my liking. Have the matching purses gone on sale yet?;)
hrdboild said:
What are you people smoking? That looks nothing at all like Lakers colors. Nothing at all. Sure they call it Purple and Gold but what they really mean is Purple and Yellow, and everybody knows that. Actual gold, as in this color, is a pretty rare uniform color. To pair it with the Kings particular brand of "sissy purple" was a bold move and one which they must have known would encite this kind of a backlash.
:rolleyes: Oh, please...sure the shade of those colors are a bit different, but come, yellow, purplish, violet, bluish, whatever...LAKER COLORS. You're telling me that out of the huge realm of possible color combinations out there they couldn't come up with one better than this? Making them at all similar to the Laker uniforms just sucks. And you don't think Laker fans will be all over this? You live down there! I did for years, and I know they'll have a blast with it. Go ahead and tell them their team won't be in the won't matter as long as they have championships and we don't. That argument ALWAYS wins.

Our alternates are already being hammered on other forums as being the worst ones in history. Great...just what we needed...
WTF... I don't care any color but Lakers'...
thesanityannex said:
What in the hell were they thinking??? Why not just copy a winning teams colors like the spurs or pistons, not a fallen dynasty's team colors.
I will never hear the end of this from my laker friend rivals.
LOL, you're right on.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Look, purple is a Lakers color. It's also a Kings color. What are you going to do? That decision was made a long time ago. Gold, on the other hand, is NOT a Lakers color. Look at the color, not what it's called. The two shades are only as close as Black is to Silver or Red is to Orange, which is to say, not very close at all. I don't think Lakers when I see that jersey, and even after all of these people said how pissed they are that it looks like a Lakers jersey, I still don't think Lakers when I see that jersey. The people who posted the Wake Forest or Georgia jerseys are right. It looks like those. Lakers? Not at all. And besides, with the Kings' colors being Purple, Black, and Silver -- Gold is actually a logical choice for a new color to incorporate. It's also assymmetrical, which is always a shaky move with uniforms, but clearly the intent was to shake things up. I actually think this jersey is less ugly than that bi-color jersey from a few years ago posted earlier in this thread, but that's probably just me. But at least that jersey wasn't sissy purple. It's also not as ugly as the new Knicks jersey (posted in the other uniform topic) with the Timberwolves esque trim around the edges. Now that is a stupid looking uniform.

I know Lakers fans will rag on the Kings for whatever reason they possibly come up with. That the best thing they've got now is "hey, your jerseys are ugly, ha ha ha" is a pretty good summation of why I don't really care what they say. I don't even have to respond to that, because it's clear which is the better team, and as the argument has always gone, what happens on the court is all that matters. In fact, I want Lakers fans to bring up the new Kings' jersey. It would give me an opportunity to remind them how many games they won last year, who their starting PG and C are, the Miami Heat probably going to the Finals, the Clippers being the best team in LA, etc.

And does it really matter that fans of other teams think our teams' jerseys are stupid? Does that really bother you? If the team doesn't win, there'll be far more valid cause for the mockery which will come anyway (cause it's sports - everyone mocks the other teams) and if they do win, is a stupid thing like this going to spoil it for you?
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The laker fans will always win. Championships speak very loudly. The good thing is that they have really shut up the last couple of years. I never hear anything except for, "yeah man, the lakers suck now" from laker fans. Honestly, I don't think many laker fans will even bring up the jerseys.