Grant Napear

Regarding one of the King's announcers, Grant Napear, it seems that some are irritated by Grant's game-time announcing.

So I'm inviting some commentary, positive and negative, about Napear.
I enjoy the guy. On a side note, I especially enjoyed his tirade against the Bee yesterday around 5 pm on his talk show.

The G-man is better though.
He's a good announcer I think, I like Gerry better though, he comes across a lot better and has a softer tone and is easier to listen to. I think the 2 of them compliment each other a lot, Grant being dryer and faster talking, and Gerry being slower talking and being full of knowledge as well, he's a old time country boy from Indiana. I'm from Illinois so I guess I relate to him better, from Chicago, but still lots of farmland and a slower pace out in the Midwest being more conservative and such.

Koz is a guy I thought I recognized from back in Chicago and I was right, he was a announcer on the news or in some capacity not that long ago from what I hear.
As a play-by-play guy, I think he's generally pretty good. He annoys me on the talk show a lot of the time, tho.

I agree that G-Man is the best. He's a great game announcer.
I think Napear is a perfectly fine game announcer (good even, however Gary Georald (spelling?) is GREAT, imho)

But as a radio-show host Grant Napear sucks salty elephant nuts (or at least did the last time I heard him, about 4 or 5 years ago)


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Grant is a really good game announcer especially so with sidekick Jerry Reynolds on the NBA package broadcasts on Direct TV. But the G-Man is the best.

As for his show I think he is also really good. Sure he has a somewhat short fuse, he is a New Yorker after all. But my wife and I both enjoy his short fuse with "idiots" and "morons". Sometimes a bit too short but overall enjoyable. You have no idea what it is like to sit there day after day and have to put up with the type of fans (and non-fans, ie., Stanley) who call in to those shows.

He knows sports and the Kings and will forever be a NY Giants/Ranger fan.

Two thumbs up from down here. :)

Grant's one goofy looking dude. As for his broadcasting.... he should stick to play-by-play.

I don't mind Reynolds too much, except for every once in awhile he throws in the "well that's what Mike does cos he's so bibbylicious" talk. Thanks Jerry, I'll remember that one.
Here's an interesting article on the local media alliances with the Kings.
I don't consider game announcers journalists. So the fact that all the people that do announcing and pre- and post-game shows are MSE employees doesn't really bother me.

As to what they do on KHTK time? I honestly don't consider talk show hosts journalists, either, unless its PBS, BBC or CBC or something llike that.

Anyone who listens regularly knows Grant works for MSE during games and KHTK for the talk show. Same for Kozimor. Most people certainly know that Jerry Reynolds works for the Kings period. During games he's a color-commentary on the team, the game and the league. Tha's not journalism either, in my book. None of that is hidden knowledge, so people can take any comments made and judge them based on those affiliations.
I enjoy Grant

Grant has been the voice of the Kings for over 20 years and he would be hard to improve upon, in my opinion. I grew up listening to Vince Scully (another New York transplant) in So Cal, for the Dodgers, and he's the one I judge others by. Grant isn't quite a Vince Scully, but he is knowledgeable and able to Paint the Picture in a way that adds to the game without becoming the main attraction. Jerry Reynolds is a great and even more knowledgeable sidekick-I wouldn't change a thing about this team.

As far as Gary Gerould, he's not my cup of tea. I know he is highly respected and a top notch pro...but he often tries so hard to be even handed that he appears to be too respectful and appreciative of the opposing team. It's a fine line that Grant and Jerry seem to observe more successfully, for me anyway. If in doubt, err on the side of the homeboys, I say, and screw the competition, let their announcers sing their praises. Oh well, I guess that's what makes a horse race.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Grant has an overinflated sense of self. There are a number of threads talking about broadcasters in the General forum, which is where I'm moving this one since it isn't really about the Kings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Gary Gerould is proof that you can have a long, successful career in sports broadcasting without talking trash, creating pseudo-controversy or insulting your audience.

Unfortunately, there aren't very many like him out there any more.
Here's an interesting article on the local media alliances with the Kings.

I agree with the article's point that the Kings' announcers --- and for that matter, the announcers on other sports teams --- are actually employees of the team's owners. Therefore, the bias is there.

It wasn't always that way. There was a time, IIRC, when baseball radio announcers were employed by the sponsor, and not the team they covered. So, the announcer(s) wouldn't sound like they spouting stuff from their P.R. departments.

The problem has become increasingly worse: The Chicago Cubs team is owned by the parent company of the Chicago Tribune newspaper. The Sacramento Bee and Channel 10 are a media partners with the Kings. Say what you want about Marcos Breton, but at least he sometimes can rip the Kings in print, and get away with it. But in most cases, if a sports team think a reporter is being too "negative", they will reduce or cut access.

It's almost getting to be like the time before Jim Bouton's book "Ball Four" came out: when sportswriters would agree not to write "negative", or highly personal, or potentially unflattering articles in exchange for access to the athlete.
We could all agree to disagree on how much we like his style of calling the games. I personally kind of enjoy it. Others may not and that is fine.

Beyond style though, I think we could all basically agree that he calls the game accurately, sees what is happening on the court ect. Compare this to many college f-ball games I have had to endure. Guys like Dan Fouts, Brent Mussburger and Keith Jackson call the game like they can't even see what is going on in front of them. They miss all kinds of stuff and it is truly painful to watch.
He's very good (play by play) when he's focused but he seems to be developing this complex lately, where he feels like he has to be some kind of Alpha Male. He gets to running his mouth a little and starts saying corny stuff and it's funny but not in the way he's intending it. If I were a relative, I'd be kind of embarassed at some of the stuff he says.
I like Grant as PBP and on 1140, though he's obviously much more restrained when calling Kings games than on radio. It's funny to hear him go off on idiots that call in, and funnier yet to listen to people call in and remind him that his predictions were wrong. I called in a few weeks ago and Mike Lamb was very easy to talk to, but Grant didn't say much on my topic.

As for PBP, I think it's cool that he and Jerry are pulling for the home team. Watch K-mart's winning shot over the Spurs last year with Napear announcing, then watch it with the ESPN team announcing (youtube). It's no contest as to which one makes it sound more exciting.
I get a kick out of Grant's dry humor as a play by play announcer, it's usually pretty much the way I'm thinking. I get tired of his catchphrases around midseason though, though the same goes for Jerry Reynolds tenfold( I really do not need to hear "Bibbylicious" ever again in my life.)

Gerould has a real smooth voice, a bit too smooth for my ears. Grants scratchier style doesn't paint the picture or describe the action , but it complements the action on the court by adding emphasis, much like a musical score does for a movie. This is probably due to the differences between the TV and Radio PBP formats.

That said, my tastes are suspect; I enjoy Bill Walton as a color commentator. That man is not afraid to use big words :)
I enjoy Bill Walton as a color commentator. That man is not afraid to use big words :)
You had a really nice post going until you wrote this. You lost all credibility with that confession.....just kidding.

The best b-ball (at any level) commentator would be Hubie Brown IMHO. I learned a little something everytime I watched with him commenting.
You had a really nice post going until you wrote this. You lost all credibility with that confession.....just kidding.

The best b-ball (at any level) commentator would be Hubie Brown IMHO. I learned a little something everytime I watched with him commenting.

I find Walton entertaining, despite his favoratism. Hubie Brown is good, but I can't watch him anymore without laughing at something pointed out by Bill Simmons; that being Hubie Brown constantly referring to people in the second-person.

"Where are YOU going? YOU can't have that kind of position and not expect a foul..."
If you have ever had the NBA Basketball Package and listened to other teams broadcasters, you will appreciate Grant and Jerry a lot! No one is perfect, but Grant does the play by play well and with emotion and Jerry is so knowledgable about the game--so good for us King's fans. Annie.
If you have ever had the NBA Basketball Package and listened to other teams broadcasters, you will appreciate Grant and Jerry a lot! No one is perfect, but Grant does the play by play well and with emotion and Jerry is so knowledgable about the game--so good for us King's fans. Annie.
I did a couple of years ago. That is when I learned to appreciate Grant and Jerry more.
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I did a couple of years ago. That is when I learnewd to appreciate Grant and Jerry more.

Me too! Theres alot of horrid announcers out there!

Grant is a very good PBP man and G man is awesome on TV. Its been about 10 years since they switched roles and It might be a good idea to switch it up again.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
I've subscribed to League Pass for the past four years, and have come to the conclusion that Napear and Reynolds are one of the worst announcing duos in the league. I pretty much only rate Gorman/Heinson, Albert/Jackson, Frazier/whoever the hell announces with Frazier and Sunderland/Lantz behind Napear and Reynolds. They'd be better off letting Gerould call the games by himself.