Grades v. Sonics 04/26

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Bricklayer said:
Peja ( D ) -- offensively came out and joined Bibby in the struggling department, missing easy shots, layups (once even being blocked by the rim) etc. On the other hand, was pretty aggressive early, scored what points he did on aggressive drives and cuts, and grabbed a number of rebounds. Finally hit a shot in rhythm near the end of the second quarter, but led nowhere. And was absolutely nowhere to be found in the second half as we fell apart. Just gone. And as Rick searched under every rock looking for help at the other positions, he mysteriously left Peja in there for too many minutes. Maybe depserately hoping he'd come up with a burst, I don't know. Seems to happen a lot -- Peja as safety blanket for Rick, even when the safety blanket is moth eaten and smelly. Finally took a seat at the end of the third with us down 26pts and never returned. Reminiscient of last year -- finally gave us a good rebounding game, but apparently at the expense of everything else.
Thomas ( C ) -- got the start again, and was ok. Actually very quiet for the most part early, but had one nice little burst in the late first quarter where he scored inside and out. His only real burst of the game. Came out in the early third and really battled with Evans physically, but lost the battle for the most part and was among the first group of starters to be pulled from the game for the duration. Effort was there and worked hard, but largely ineffective.
Miller ( D+ ) -- Got the start, and had flashes in the first half, but flashes only. Hit an outside shot, made one of those patented high post passes to a cutter that have been so absent since the Webb trade and Miller injury robbed us of our trademark. But invisible on the boards, and slowed down, but did not stop the James express. And in the third came out and disappointed by one more time doing the Brad temper thing -- one part of his game that I was not eager to see back. But it seems every single game he has played against the Sonics this year he has lost his cool. And this time, it ended his evening, and may have accelerated our demise. Picked up his 4th foul, picked up a technical, threw his headband, argued, lost his cool, and was out of the game. Not even important whether it was a good call or not. He ended his own night, and melted down righ with the rest of the team (and may have even been the leader). Grade is shaky because I'm not sure what to have expected in his first game back as a starer. But the meltdown just sucked.
Mobley ( D+ ) -- got off to a pretty good start, had a steal, helped on the glass, was playing pretty good defense on Allen. But that disappeared pretty quickly, and for the remainder of the first half he did nothing positive. In the thrid quarter was the only guy doing anything out there for us, but it was mostly one on one stuff -- not much potential to ignite anything. And was not contributing in any way but dribbling down court and chucking up a shot without a single pass. Even while hitting them was as much out of rhythm as asny of the other guys -- not team ball at all. Took a seat in the late third, and watched as Bobby Jackson provided a big energetic boost in his place and helped bring us back.
Bibby ( C ) -- came out and immediately continued his struggle from the field, but was at least passing pretty well and setting peiople up. Finally hit a pair of shots late in the second that looked like the old Mike Bibby. But while his numbers revived, his impact was sporadic at best. Made things worse in the third quarter meltdown by following Brad down the path of personal destruction and losing his composure as the wheels fell off. When your floor leader loses his cool, what chance does the rest of the team have? 16pts and 8ast on 50% shooting certainyl looks a lot better than Game 1, and it was. But it tells you something that ever after we stormed all the way back to being down less than 10 with 2 minutes to go, Mike never got the call. Better game, and maybe even good enough if the rest of the team was playing well, but certainly not a strong one.
Ostertag ( D ) -- got the early rotation minutes behind Brad, and while he certainly didn't dominate he did once again pose that impediment in the paint. Problem was, one of those games where he seemed to be blocking the rim by fouling rather than blocking shots, and showed no particular ability to slow down the Jerome James express. He was more or less just big, and that was the sum of his contribution. Led Rick to experiment with an ugly midget lineup in the late 2nd quarter, and only saw the floor for a couple of minutes in the third quarter meltdown when he certainly did nothing to turn the tide and funbled a couple of rebounds.
Jackson ( B- ) -- Had a fairly quiet first half, but was the primary engine of our attempt at a historic comeback in the 4th, and its great to see our impact 6th man back changing the game once again. Still nowhere near Bobby's best game, missed too many shots, made too many errors. But the energetic pop he brought to the game, as well as some excellent comeptitive defense on Ray Allen, almost saved a lost cause for us tonight.
Evans ( C ) -- came in late in the first in place of a struggling Peja, and struggled himself. Blew his shot opportunities, and may have been too eager to prove himself worthy of minutes in his first playoff game. Was one of the guys on the floor during our huge 4th quarter run, but it really wasn't because of anything in particular he did. He fit in with his hustle and energy, but still missed most of his shots and made modest contributions acorss the board.
Songaila ( C+ ) -- very quiet in his first half minutes. I'm sure the idea of playing him rather than Skinner was to get offense, but we didn't. Nor did we get rebounding, passing, or much of anything else. Was not awful, just invisible. But hit a few jumpers late in the third and early 4th with the game seemingly out of reach, and started to score by effort alone in the garbage mintes -- was just playing harder than anybody else on the court. Got the comeback started, but then unfortunately got quiet for a very long stretch until finally reappearing on the map to...take his eye off the ball and make a careless turnover with less than two minutes to go that really hurt.
Williamson ( INC ) -- brought in late in the first half and immediately put in an unfair position having to try to check the 7'1" James as Rick decided to try to create a "matchup problem" (translated, a matchup problem for US). Corliss again fought hard and almost managed to match James's production -- almost. And of course the Sonics started attacking and driving the middle because there was nobody there anymore. Basically, he was overmatched but did his best given the untenable situation. Not unhappy with his effort there. Just unhappy he was even in that position.
Skinner ( B ) -- finally got his first minutes in the middle third in what seemed like either a desperation move, or a white flag by Rick. Either way it was clear that Brian was susposed to be out of the rotation tonight after getting pummeled in Game 1. But we were getting spanked out there, ans so Rick just said screw it and inserted Brian and Darius in a last ditch effort to find somebody, anybody, who would give us a competitive game up front. And it worked. Better than Rick could have legitimately hoped for actually. We came roaring back with Bobby and House providing points from the perimeter, and Brian taking care of the dirty work inside. He still couldn't handle big Jerome James, but he helped us clean the defensive glass, and showed occasionally on defense against penetration (I say occassinally becuase we continued to have those bizarre breakdowns where guys waltz right to the rim untouched and without a hair on their pretty little heads disturbed). Not a great, dominatn game. But a solid impact game in support of our late comeback.
House ( B ) -- got the call in the late 3rd in a desperation substition as the 12th man off the bench. Stood out simply by seeming to keep his composure, as most of the rest of the roster ahead of him seemed to be either panicking or quitting. Teamed with Bobby to supply effective guard play that keyed our comeback attempt. Did not blow me away, missed more shots than he made, but was solid and stable and intense and a lot of other things youo wish the starters had been.

COACHING GRADE BELOW: (too many characters to post here apparently)
There is no way Pedja deserves the lowest grade. I think he was terrible in the secound half but he was only player on our starting 5 that played defense. Heck he is the only one that got on the boards. He shut down Lewis the whole game. How is this a D. The problem with Pedja alnight is that he was not aggressive 2 shots the whole secound half that is pathetic from your number 1 scorer. He needs to step up I aggree. I also thought TAg played good defense when he was in. He was challenging shots the whole time he was in there. He was also not afraid to fould players when they came into the paint
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man that sucked.

the refs get a Z- man they were BAD!!! i almost had flashbacks to the game that shall not be mentioned....

everyone got an F in the first half.

oh hell i can't relaly contribute to the 2nd half becuase i got so damn furstrated i had to change the channel, and my dad called so i missed that huge run, just turned on the end, so i can't say anything about that.

the kings HAVE to win both at arco and hope to carry some momentum back up to seattle.
I have a question.... how many teams won a series after going 0-2? i'm really curious because i heard on tv that only 2 teams won a series after going 0-2 AT HOME. but i havent heard them talk about going 0-2 on the ROAD and winning it all. i need some info :confused:
N.U.F.A.N. said:
I have a question.... how many teams won a series after going 0-2? i'm really curious because i heard on tv that only 2 teams won a series after going 0-2 AT HOME. but i havent heard them talk about going 0-2 on the ROAD and winning it all. i need some info :confused:
Lakers did it last year against the Spurs.
Bricklayer said:
Miller ( D+ ) -- Got the start, and had flashes in the first half, but flashes only. Hit an outside shot, made one of those patented high post passes to a cutter that have been so absent since the Webb trade and Miller injury robbed us of our trademark. But invisible on the boards, and slowed down, but did not stop the James express. And in the third came out and disappointed by one more time doing the Brad temper thing -- one part of his game that I was not eager to see back. But it seems every single game he has played against the Sonics this year he has lost his cool. And this time, it ended his evening, and may have accelerated our demise. Picked up his 4th foul, picked up a technical, threw his headband, argued, lost his cool, and was out of the game. Not even important whether it was a good call or not. He ended his own night, and melted down right with the rest of the team (and may have even been the leader). Grade is shaky because I'm not sure what to have expected in his first game back as a starter. But the meltdown just sucked regardless.
I understand why Miller would be pissed. The Kings are completely flat, getting by pretty easily and then the refs make 2 horrible calls on Miller to give him 4 total fouls. Miller set a good pick and they call it a foul. Then on probably the worst call of the night, Jerome Shaq James moves into Brad and elbows him in the mouth which is good for #4 on Miller. (that call was similar to the one on Bibby when Kobe elbowed in game 6 of the 2002 WCF Finals). Any competitive player would be mad as hell at this point. Think about it, you get hit in the mouth, yet the foul is on you, your 4th, meaning you're going to have to sit probably till halfway through the 4th anyways to avoid more BS foul calls.

What will it take to get some competent officials?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
There is no way Pedja deserves the lowest grade. I think he was terrible in the secound half but he was only player on our starting 5 that played defense. Heck he is the only one that got on the boards. He shut down Lewis the whole game. How is this a D. The problem with Pedja alnight is that he was not aggressive 2 shots the whole secound half that is pathetic from your number 1 scorer. He needs to step up I aggree. I also thought TAg played good defense when he was in. He was challenging shots the whole time he was in there. He was also not afraid to fould players when they came into the paint
To the degree it matters, Peja did not have the worst game of any King, but he had the game the furthest below my expectations. He wanted absolutely no part of the action as we fell apart. He might as well have put up an "out to lunch" sign. If that's Mo Evans getting the start, ok. If its your #1 offensive weapon, 3-10 for 9 points and a second half complete no show does not cut it. I appreciated his rebounding -- it was not fierce, but he was responsible and stayed in position to grab the long ones. I wish there had been just anything else to give him credit for. Even Lewis' crappy game was only partially due to Peja -- Peja played notably good defense on a few possessions, but Lewis was out to lunch himself no matter who was guarding him for the whole game, and was also the man who almost singlehandedly got Peja and Bibby into a little mini-rhythm there in the 2nd quarter with bad defense.

As for Tag -- I like the big oaf and think he's important. But tonight he was mostly just tall. He turned it over inside. He comes back in after the Corliss disaster and immediately gets scored on by James. He comes back in the third to restore order, and again James takes it right at him for the easy score (adn that's one of the big reasons I want him in there to prevent just that happening), and then he fumbles a big rebound, and then he's gone. He didn't help tonight IMO. I just hope it wasn't bad enough that Rick rebenches him, because we need his size badly.
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do any of u guys think radmonovic looks like a drug addict that is being tricked by his doped out pimp d. fartson......gosh I just need to vent.......cross my fingers; in game 3,4,5 & 6 the lions will be let out of its cage and the kings will triumph.....go kings
Lets hope so... still bummed after being so fired up for tinight, and comming out with a loss. I really hope what we say now will come true, because they obviously didnt today...
Bricklayer said:
To the degree it matters, Peja did not have the worst game of any King, but he had the game the furthest below my expectations. He wanted absolutely no part of the action as we fell apart. He might as well have put up an "out to lunch" sign. If that's Mo Evans getting the start, ok. If its your #1 offensive weapon, 3-10 for 9 points and a second half complete no show does not cut it. I appreciated his rebounding -- it was not fierce, but he was responsible and stayed in position to grab the long ones. I wish there had been just anything else to give him credit for. Even Lewis' crappy game was only partially due to Peja -- Peja played notably good defense on a few possessions, but Lewis was out to lunch himself no matter who was guarding him for the whole game, and was also the man who almost singlehandedly got Peja and Bibby into a little mini-rhythm there in the 2nd quarter with bad defense.
Just look at a T-Mac, a Ray Allen, even a Lewis. Look at how those guys step up big in big game situation. I can't even say Peja is the 2nd best player on our team now. He is nothing better than a role player. Even Jon Barry is more reliable than him.

Another year, another disappearing act in the playoffs. When will you wake up GP?
Bricklayer said:
To the degree it matters, Peja did not have the worst game of any King, but he had the game the furthest below my expectations. He wanted absolutely no part of the action as we fell apart. He might as well have put up an "out to lunch" sign. If that's Mo Evans getting the start, ok. If its your #1 offensive weapon, 3-10 for 9 points and a second half complete no show does not cut it. I appreciated his rebounding -- it was not fierce, but he was responsible and stayed in position to grab the long ones. I wish there had been just anything else to give him credit for. Even Lewis' crappy game was only partially due to Peja -- Peja played notably good defense on a few possessions, but Lewis was out to lunch himself no matter who was guarding him for the whole game, and was also the man who almost singlehandedly got Peja and Bibby into a little mini-rhythm there in the 2nd quarter with bad defense.
That's the thing I can't stand about Peja, the "Out to Lunch" sign of disinterest. At least when Bibby had his off night in game one he still wanted the ball and wasn't afraid to take big shots. Peja can absolutely befuddle me with his potential to have huge nights and almost equal potential in the playoffs to lay a big egg like tonight.
Bricklayer said:
To the degree it matters, Peja did not have the worst game of any King, but he had the game the furthest below my expectations. He wanted absolutely no part of the action as we fell apart. He might as well have put up an "out to lunch" sign. If that's Mo Evans getting the start, ok. If its your #1 offensive weapon, 3-10 for 9 points and a second half complete no show does not cut it. I appreciated his rebounding -- it was not fierce, but he was responsible and stayed in position to grab the long ones. I wish there had been just anything else to give him credit for. Even Lewis' crappy game was only partially due to Peja -- Peja played notably good defense on a few possessions, but Lewis was out to lunch himself no matter who was guarding him for the whole game, and was also the man who almost singlehandedly got Peja and Bibby into a little mini-rhythm there in the 2nd quarter with bad defense.

As for Tag -- I like the big oaf and think he's important. But tonight he was mostly just tall. He turned it over inside. He comes back in after the Corliss disaster and immediately gets scored on by James. He comes back in the third to restore order, and again James takes it right at him for the easy score (adn that's one of the big reasons I want him in there to prevent just that happening), and then he fumbles a big rebound, and then he's gone. He didn't help tonight IMO. I just hope it wasn't bad enough that Rick rebenches him, because we need his size badly.
In that perspective I see where you are coming with. I just do not know what is going on in Pedja head. He needs to be more aggressive he needs to become more important to the team in the offensive end but I see alot of people over look his contributions in the other end. But I aggree that we should expect more from him. We need him more than ever in this team. He has to show us that he is important to this team or else he will be playing somewhere else next year. We need him and I think he need us if he is ever going to get the max. He got to prove he is a max player.
AleksandarN said:
In that perspective I see where you are coming with. I just do not know what is going on in Pedja head. He needs to be more aggressive he needs to become more important to the team in the offensive end but I see alot of people over look his contributions in the other end. But I aggree that we should expect more from him. We need him more than ever in this team. He has to show us that he is important to this team or else he will be playing somewhere else next year. We need him and I think he need us if he is ever going to get the max. He got to prove he is a max player.
At the least Peja needs to play well enough so that he doesn't lower his trade value for when and if GP finally decides to pull the plug on him this summer.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
AleksandarN said:
In that perspective I see where you are coming with. I just do not know what is going on in Pedja head. He needs to be more aggressive he needs to become more important to the team in the offensive end but I see alot of people over look his contributions in the other end. But I aggree that we should expect more from him. We need him more than ever in this team. He has to show us that he is important to this team or else he will be playing somewhere else next year. We need him and I think he need us if he is ever going to get the max. He got to prove he is a max player.
BTW, just to explain, my above comments were not to say I think Peja played bad defense, just to say it was not so special that I was going to bump his grade up for it -- while I never break it down this way, maybe Offense: D-, Impact/Clutch/Leadership: F, Rebounding: B+ or A- (led the game, but no tough ones in traffic), Defense: Shrug or maybe Shrug+, overall vastly disastisfying except the boarding which raised him a full grade over what he would have had if he had only had 2rebs for instance.
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I'd like to see the Kings set more screens to get Peja open. We already know he can't create his own shot. Peja is soft but he can make that open J. And really, isn't that what he's here for?
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Bricklayer said:
To the degree it matters, Peja did not have the worst game of any King, but he had the game the furthest below my expectations. He wanted absolutely no part of the action as we fell apart. He might as well have put up an "out to lunch" sign. If that's Mo Evans getting the start, ok. If its your #1 offensive weapon, 3-10 for 9 points and a second half complete no show does not cut it. I appreciated his rebounding -- it was not fierce, but he was responsible and stayed in position to grab the long ones. I wish there had been just anything else to give him credit for. Even Lewis' crappy game was only partially due to Peja -- Peja played notably good defense on a few possessions, but Lewis was out to lunch himself no matter who was guarding him for the whole game, and was also the man who almost singlehandedly got Peja and Bibby into a little mini-rhythm there in the 2nd quarter with bad defense.
I also disagree with Peja's grade. I usually do not come to Peja's defense when he is criticized, because much of the time, the criticism is deserved. Tonight though, I believe Peja was aggressive and played with heart. I paid attention to him for most of the third quarter, and he was absolutely not "out to lunch." He was constantly running off screens, trying desperately to get open. Tonight was not one of the nights where Peja just stood in the corner and watched the offense. The times he did get open, he usually did not get the ball. For some reason, the Kings all seemed to be playing a one-on-one, go-it-alone style tonight (on top of no interior defense whatsoever).

I distinctly remember one possession where Skinner had the ball near the three point line, his back to the basket. Peja faked one way, then came back, and was open for about a second. With Webber or Vlade, Peja would have been handed the ball, and taken an open three. This has been a vintage Kings play for the past 5 years. But instead of passing it, Skinner dribbled into the lane, forced an ugly shot, and threw up a brick. I don't think this happened because Skinner is selfish player. The Kings in general did not pass well throughout the game, and as a player who relies on ball movement and open shots, it's hard to expect that much more from Peja in a game like this.
Vlad said:
I also disagree with Peja's grade. I usually do not come to Peja's defense when he is criticized, because much of the time, the criticism is deserved. Tonight though, I believe Peja was aggressive and played with heart. I paid attention to him for most of the third quarter, and he was absolutely not "out to lunch." He was constantly running off screens, trying desperately to get open. Tonight was not one of the nights where Peja just stood in the corner and watched the offense. The times he did get open, he usually did not get the ball. For some reason, the Kings all seemed to be playing a one-on-one, go it alone style tonight (on top of no interior defense whatsoever).

I distinctly remember one possession where Skinner had the ball near the three point line, his back to the basket. Peja faked one way, then came back, and was open for about a second. With Webber or Vlade, Peja would have been handed the ball, and taken an open three. This has been a vintage Kings play for the past 5 years. But instead of passing it, Skinner dribbled into the lane, forced an ugly shot, and threw up a brick. I don't think this happened because Skinner is selfish player. The Kings in general did not pass well throughout the game, and as a player who relies on ball movement and open shots, it's hard to expect that much more from Peja in a game like this.
You're both right.
skillet said:
do any of u guys think radmonovic looks like a drug addict that is being tricked by his doped out pimp d. fartson......gosh I just need to vent.......cross my fingers; in game 3,4,5 & 6 the lions will be let out of its cage and the kings will triumph.....go kings

* dies laughing*

oh boy did i need that. that was bleeping HILARIOUS!!!! and true :D
Seems like people will ride Peja no matter what..

Peja is rational - always in the right place on offence and defence, he plays great.. the problem is that there's noone intelligent enough to notice. Only Brad, but he's playing on 1 leg.. Everyone else just runs around aimlessly and scores a bucket every now and then.

Seattle is playing alright and so far is smashing Bibbitrons "Street-Ball" style Sacramento. This type of game which is being forced is starting to resemble Philadelphia..


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kool Keith said:
Seems like people will ride Peja no matter what..

Peja is rational - always in the right place on offence and defence, he plays great.. the problem is that there's noone intelligent enough to notice.
Oh good lord.

I'll just say this, players who play with their heads but no heart will never amount to anything in any sport except chess (if that be a sport).
quick dog said:
Four positive considerations after tonight's game!

1) Nobody got hurt.

2) Bobby looked good.

3) Radmanovic now officially has the worst hair in the NBA. He is also a contenter for having the worst hair in professional sports, but there are some World soccer players out there still in the running.
Is reason 4 a secret? :)

Maybe I'll find the answer in the rest of this angst ridden thread...
SLAB said:
Vlad's hair is definatly different. I give him props for trying the braided white-guy look. For worst hair, look at Erik Daniel's new do. Like a big square placed atop his head, it is.

And for soccer, this guy?

Carlos Valderrama...
Call Vlad a wiggar...or not...I read his explanation of his 'do as "Coach wouldn't let me wear a headband in a game." :) ... WTH? I saw a pic of him after practice Friday wearing a headband and it looked a hell of a lot better than that 'do. So, is Vlad a rebel or what? His coach has apparently banned game time headbands and Vlad resorts to ridiculous 'do's a la Fortson. Wouldn't have been easier (and less ridiculous) to just get a freakin' haircut??

I last comment on Vlad's hair....unless it gets worse in Sacramento! :)
Vlad said:
I also disagree with Peja's grade. I usually do not come to Peja's defense when he is criticized, because much of the time, the criticism is deserved. Tonight though, I believe Peja was aggressive and played with heart. I paid attention to him for most of the third quarter, and he was absolutely not "out to lunch." He was constantly running off screens, trying desperately to get open. Tonight was not one of the nights where Peja just stood in the corner and watched the offense. The times he did get open, he usually did not get the ball. For some reason, the Kings all seemed to be playing a one-on-one, go-it-alone style tonight (on top of no interior defense whatsoever).

I distinctly remember one possession where Skinner had the ball near the three point line, his back to the basket. Peja faked one way, then came back, and was open for about a second. With Webber or Vlade, Peja would have been handed the ball, and taken an open three. This has been a vintage Kings play for the past 5 years. But instead of passing it, Skinner dribbled into the lane, forced an ugly shot, and threw up a brick. I don't think this happened because Skinner is selfish player. The Kings in general did not pass well throughout the game, and as a player who relies on ball movement and open shots, it's hard to expect that much more from Peja in a game like this.

I agree with you.
Bricklayer said:
BTW, just to explain, my above comments were not to say I think Peja played bad defense, just to say it was not so special that I was going to bump his grade up for it -- while I never break it down this way, maybe Offense: D-, Impact/Clutch/Leadership: F, Rebounding: B+ or A- (led the game, but no tough ones in traffic), Defense: Shrug or maybe Shrug+, overall vastly disastisfying except the boarding which raised him a full grade over what he would have had if he had only had 2rebs for instance.
Damn, to think earlier this year PRE-playoffs y'all would have messed your pants at the thought of Peja grabbing 10 rebounds...oh wait, they all fell right into his hands..oh wow...Webber Vu...oops, I meant Peja Vu, er, Deja Vu....:eek:

Another disclaimer: No, I am neither a Peja homer or a Serb. I just can't stand the hypocrisy of folks claiming that "Peja needs to rebound more" and then when he does, IN THE PLAYOFFS, that he still sucks because he didn't score 30 points and have 10 assists at the same time. He is what he is. And he's not a PG/PF/C/SG/SF pentathlete.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
kingskings! said:
Damn, to think earlier this year PRE-playoffs y'all would have messed your pants at the thought of Peja grabbing 10 rebounds...oh wait, they all fell right into his hands..oh wow...Webber Vu...oops, I meant Peja Vu, er, Deja Vu....:eek:

Another disclaimer: No, I am neither a Peja homer or a Serb. I just can't stand the hypocrisy of folks claiming that "Peja needs to rebound more" and then when he does, IN THE PLAYOFFS, that he still sucks because he didn't score 30 points and have 10 assists at the same time. He is what he is. And he's not a PG/PF/C/SG/SF pentathlete.
You may not be a Peja homer or a Serb (and here I'm assuming you are equating the two) but you certainly appear to have SOME agenda as you may note that his rebounding was the one thing I DID give him credit for. Too bad the rest of his game was absent. Unless of course you can sit there with a straight face and seriously try to argue that people have been asking for Peja to double his rebounding at the expense of halving his points and becoming irrelevant. Quick, ask me what Peja's grade would have been had he scored his 24pts again with those 10rebs and hit several key jumpers to stem the big Seattle run in the third. Or don't, as the answer would of course invalidate your post.

Feel free to head back over to the all-cheer-all-the-time thread if this one is too rough for you. I mean calling out your leading scorer for being matched in points by Eddie House...what's next?
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