Grades v. Rockets 12/08

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
We couldn't even win the All-Disappointing Bowl!!!

How to grade this horrible collapse...

Peja ( C+ ) -- good defenisve energy in the first, banked in his first three (luck). Briefly thought he might be able to slow TMac, but lost control of him quickly as the half went along. Good offensive start, but got quiet in the second and was rarely heard from for the rest of the game. Even in the first half, did most of his damage at the line, only hoisted up 3 official first half shots, and finished with 8 total. As much as he has seemed to have been overplayed in recent games -- getting more minutes than he deserved -- in this one it almost seemed the opposite, although the reality was he still played a healthy 34. Problem was that Garcia was just horrid off the bench, and the rest of the starters all ended up playing even more minutes than he did. Curious game for Peja, because he just simply did not matter. Grabbed some boards in there for us, and is at least reviving to shrughood in that aspect, but just was mostly a spectator, both when we were going well, and especially when we weren't. And I guess that was the one consistent Peja thing that we saw once again -- the 4th quarter came around, and Peja was just absent. People try to blame that on everybody else not passing it to him for 7 straight years. But I'll tell you my theory -- he doesn't want it, doesn't cut as hard, doesn't call for it, gives it up too easily. In any case, gave us nothing as the team collapsed except an airballed three with three minutes to go which was really Brad's fault for passing up an open 18ftr. Despite all that, still maybe Peja's best game since pinkygate.
Reef ( D ) -- also active to start, and actually caught him swooping in for a rebound or two early. Had less luck against Swift inside than Howard. But then...went completely invisible on offense after the first. Early on it was just because everyone else was going so well that he was just the fogotten man more than incompetence. But as things began to fall apart, nothing changed with Reef. He had 8 pts 12 minutes into the game. And 8 pts 36 minutes later. Amazing. Got switched onto McGrady a few times late in the third quarter and TMac lit him up for crucial buckets to start the Rockets comeback. Late in the game found himself guarding Yao, and while he did not do horribly, obviously it was a bad matchup that saw the big center combine with TMac to control the late game. 37min 8pts 6rebs of irrelevancy. Very disappointing after what I thought was a pretty strong and active start.
Miller ( B ) -- started off the game in style, surprising Yao with a quick post move in the first. Was having one of those ultra efficient games for him where he was rarely guarded by anybody able to keep pressure on him, and he just made everything look easy. But as the wheels fell off for us, suddenly that seeming mastery he had over the game began to evaporate. Got into foul trouble and missed some cruical minutes. And then when he returned made some dubious decisions with the ball leading to turnovers Topped it off by making his classic pass up the open shot error at a terrible point for us with 3 minutes to go, instead dumping the ball to Peja at the last second for an airballed three. This has to go right down there as one of the most disappointing losses of the season because of HOW we lost, and so the tendency is to want to give everybody Cs and Ds. But Brad really was playing a good game through 3/4. The devil coming when it mattered most unfortunately.
Bonzi ( B ) -- Through three quarters was playing an extremely efficient game, taking only his good power shots inside and largely forgoing the jumpers and forces. Think he had 19pts on 7-8 shooting there at the end of the third. But finished 8-13 for 21pts. Tells you what you need to know about his fourth. For most of the game was not exactly stopping TMac, but after seeing Cisco get completely schooled, it was nice to have Bonzi come back in and restore some order by at least making Tracy work for them. Able to use his size and strength in spots against the Rockets endless parade of old undersized guards, which they collect the way we do tweener forwards. Unfortunately began to lose it all in the 4th, missed shots, turned it over. Missed a pair of crucial free throws as the pressure mounted and you could see us begin to stagger. Not a big boarding game, but this was a damn efficient and very GOOD game for Bonzi...through 3/4. Unfotrunately that was a common and ugly theme for us tongiht.
Bibby ( B ) -- efficient offensive first half marred by some turnovers, and had no real problem beating David Wesley on defense. Continued to just have it dialed in right guessed it, the end of the 3rd. But this is a new year for us. And one where we find that even our most relaible clutch guy doesn't seem to be able to take over games late when we are struggling. Rather he seems to go with the rest of the team. Even joined the missfest at the line in the early 4th. Made some bad decisions down the stretch, and did not show he had full control of the team. Nonetheless wish he could have just played 48min tonight becuase whenever Rick tried to buy him just the littlest rest, Hart continued to give us absolutely nothing. Funny thing is we might have had 3 A type grades, or at least B+/A- grades, if the game had just been called after 3/4. Instead we get this.
Skinner ( D ) -- finally got the early call as the first big off the bench and pissed me off by again not doing much. Overmatched in there against Yao of course, but you just have to take advantage of these opportunities to prove you belong there. Got his only point on a lane violation FT. And as yet another 0 rebound effort off the bench proves, Brian remains as puzzling as any of our non-prroducing benchers.
Hart ( INC ) -- hit an early jumper, but then wildly charged right into Deke's waiting arms and it was no coincidence that the few minutes we tried to buy Bibby with Jason in there resulted in a terrible +/- for us. His one saving grace was that he fell below my 6 minute grading cutoff, so he avoids what otherwise would have been an unkind grade.
Garcia ( F ) -- and I bet Cisco wishes he could have had fewer minutes. Just a disaster out there this time. Came into the game in the second quarter, threw up a wild shot, and everybody went right at him on defense -- TMac's eyes in particular got big as saucers whenever Cisco came into the game. Was a disaster in the 4th. Threw up another real stupid three at a bad time. Reminded me of the game that almost benched Martin up in Seattle where Kevin got schooled by Ray Allen. Well, tonight it was Cisco's turn against TMac.
Thomas ( D ) -- entered the game late for him behind Reef rather than next to him, but ended up outlasting the Skinner/Corliss combo as we tried he and Reef together with Reef on Yao, and even gave Kenny a little run at SF across from McGrady. But wherever he played, he gave us nothing at all on offense and looked even shorter than normal in there against the Houston trees. Grabbed a few boards, but none of the notable ones he is capable of grabbing. Our bench is just such a disaster.
Corliss ( INC ) -- got the call on a deep bench night, but while he was physical, its only real experession was in a bunch of fouls. Credit for energy, but it was just energetic offensive fouls and he earned no 2nd half minutes with that.

Adelman ( C+ ) -- this one hurts. Maybe moreso than just about anything since the opening eye-opener in Oklahoma City. This was our game, the starters were clicking, we had the good energy that has been lacking recently, we were shooting a ridiculous 60%, were up by 14 and trying to put the game away, and then the wheels fell totally and completely off. Would say it was a shocking collapse if we hadn't collpased so often in recent games. It really all seemed to start when TMac hit a huge three in Reef's face to close the 3rd and drop the lead from 9 to 6, and we never recovered. Just have no confidence and no heart right now. A team squeezes, and we just panic and hide. Got real ugly there in the 4th. Went for an amazing 8 minute stretch in the final quarter without a field goal. A huge issue, as always, was the total crap that is currently our bench. We can't even buy short spurts of time with them anymore. Rick played his startes huge minutes again, and if there would be a complaint after this one, it would be that he didn't play them the whole 48. Rick went 5 deep into the pine looking for help, and everytime they hit the floor the momentum fell apart and the Rockets statrted to move on us. Even if only necessitated by the giant Ming in the middle, was nice to see Rick try Skinner first off the bench to give us some size. But of course Brian squandered the opportunity again. In what seems inconsequential now, early in the game I thought Rick called a good early timeout when the Rockets were starting to open up a 2nd quarter lead. Broke up the momentum. But nothing he tried in the 4th seemed to matter. Have no idea what the answer is right now. We were playing well. We weren't flat. We had the game. Tried almost the entire bench and they started to suck, so we go back to the starters, and then they panic and suck as well? What do you do as a coach when that happens? Who's left? Not mad at coach for this one. Blame lies elsewhere. Help is needed.

TNT Announcers ( A ) -- Not going to hear me say this often, but the Harlan/Collins/Miller trio were just dialed in all night and had their fingers right on the pulse of the game.
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Hall of Famer
I'll call it now...Heads are gonna roll!

Average...Very, very average.

Hustled, and did his thing...Minus the normal boards...

Peja...C-...He took 8 shots...Well, wasn't completly worthless, as he decided to rebound the ball a little bit.

SAR...D-...Rebounded less than Peja...That says something...A non-factor on offense.

Miller...B-...Efficient offensive game...8 rebounds...5 assists...

Hart...D...Generic Jason Hart grade here...Did nothing of note...

Thomas...D-...Horrible offensive game, but managed to salvage a D- with some rebounding.

I'm usually gererous to Cisco, but not today...A complete non-factor...HE needs to use his really good drive-and-kick abilities more.

Didn't notice him at all...Not going to warrant more minutes with this 'effort.'

Corliss...INC/F...Fould people and turned it over...Nice...Horrible play, but could be based on some things...I'll compromise here!
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This is sort of the pattern now. The backcourt is the best part of the starters, Bonzi is the most consistent player and does things the Kings need, but isn't going to be your main guy. Bibby doesn't have an amazing game, but he has the best game out of the main three. SAR does some nice things, but doesn't make or break the game. Meanwile, Miller and Peja disappear when you need them most. The bench is inconsistent and unexperienced, a product of a coach who expirements without being daring.

When the shots don't fall then the team dies, a one dimensional team.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Bricklayer said:
We couldn't even win the All-Disappointing Bowl!!!

How to grade this horrible collapse...

Peja ( C+ ) -- good defenisve energy in the first, banked in his first three (luck). Briefly thought he might be able to slow TMac, but lost control of him quickly as the half went along. Good offensive start, but got quiet in the second and was rarely heard from fro the rest of the game. Even in the first half, did most of his damage at the line, and only hoisted up 3 official first half shots, and finished with 8 total. As much as he has seemed to have been overplayed in recent games -- getting more minutes than he deserved. In this one it almost seemed the opposite, although the reality was he still played a healthy 34. Problem was that Garcia was just horrid off the bench, and the rest of the starters all ended up playing even more minutes. Curious game for Peja, because he just simply did not matter. Grabbed some boards in there for us, and is at least reviving to shrughood in that aspect, but just was mostly a spectator, both when we were going well, and especially when we weren't. And I guess there was the one consistent Peja thing that we saw once again -- the 4th quarter came around, and Peja was just absent. People try to blame that on everybody else not passing it to him for 7 straight years. But I'll tell you my theory -- he doesn't want it, doesn't cut as hard, doesn't call for it, gives it up too easily. In any case, gave us nothing as the team collapsed except an airballed three with three minutes to go which was really Brad's fault for passing up an open 18ftr. Despite all that, still maybe Peja's best game since pinkygate.
Reef ( D ) -- also active early, and actually caught him swooping in for a rebound or two early. Had less luck against Swift inside than Howard. But then...went completely invisible on offense after the first. Early on it was just because everyone else was going so well that he was just the fogotten man more than incompetence. But as things began to fall apart, nothing happened with him. He had 8 pts 12 minutes into the game. And 8 pts 36 minutes later. Amazing. Got switched onto McGrady a few times late int he third quarter and TMac lit him up for crucial buckets to start the Rockets comeback. Late int he game found himself guarding Yao, and while he did not do horribly, obviously it was a bad matchup that saw the big center combine with TMac to control the game. 37min 8pts 6rebs of irrelevancy. Very disappointing after waht I thought was a pretty strong and active start.
Miller ( B ) -- started off the game in style, surprising Yao with a quick post in the first. Was having one of those ultra efficient games for him where he was rarely guarded by anybody able to keep pressure on him, and he just made everything look easy. But as the wheels fell off for us, suddenly that seeming mastery he had over the game began to evaporate. Got into foul trouoble and missed some cruical minutes. And then when he returned made some dubious decisions wiht the ball leading to turnovers Topped it off by making his classic pass up the open shot error at a terrible point for us with 3 minutes to go, instead dumping to Peja for an airballed three. This has to gor right down there as one of the most disappointing losses of the season because of HOW we lost, and so the tendency to want to give everybody Cs and Ds, but Brad really was playing a good game through 3/4. The devil coming when it mattered most unfortunately.
Bonzi ( B ) -- Through three quarters was playign an extremely efficient game taking only his good power shots inside and largely forgoing the jumpers and forces. Think he had 19pts on 7-8 shooting there. He finished 8-13 for 21pts. Tells you what you need to know about his fourth. For most of the game was not exactly stopping TMac, but after seeing Cisco get completely schooled, it was nice to have Bonzi come back in and restore some order by at least making him work for them. Able to use his size and strenght in spots against the Rockets endless parade of old undersized guards, which they collect the way we do tweener forwards. Unfortunately began to lose it all in the 4th, missed shots, turned it over. Missed a pair of crucial free throws as the pressure mounted and you could see us begin to stagger. Not a big boarding game, but this was a damn efficient and very GOOD game for Bonzi...through 3/4. And that was a common and ugly theme for us tongiht.
Bibby ( B ) -- efficient offensive first half marred by some turnovers, and had no real problem beating David Wesley on defense. Continued to just have it dialed in right guessed it, the end of the 3rd. But this is a new year for us. And one where we find that even our most relaible clutch guy doesn't seem to be able to take over games late when we are struggling. Rather he seems to go with the rest of the team. Even joined the missfest at the line in the early 4th. Made some bad decisions down the stretch, and did not show he had full control of the team. Nonetheless wish he could have just played 48min tonight becuase whenever Rick tried to buy him just the littlest rest, Hart continued to give us absolutely nothing. Funny thing is we might have had 3 A type grades, or at least B+/A- grades, if the game had just been called after 3/4. Instead we get this.
Skinner ( D ) -- finally got the early call as the first big off the bench and pissed me off by again not doing much. Overmatched in there against Yao of course, but you just have to take advantage of these opportunities to prove you belong there. Got his only point on a lane violation FT. And as yet another 0 rebound effort off the bench proves, Brian remains as puzzling as any of our non-prroducing benchers.
Hart ( INC ) -- hit an early jumper, but then wildly charged right into Deke's waiting arms and it was no coincidence that the few minutes we tried to buy Bibby with Jason in there resulted in a terrible +/- for us. His one saving grace was that he fell below my 6 minute grading cutoff, so he avoids what otherwise would have been an unkind grade.
Garcia ( F ) -- and I bet Cisco wishes he could have had fewer minutes. Just a disaster out there this time. Came into the game in the second quarter, threw up a wild shot, and everybody went right at him on defense -- TMac's eyes in particular got big as saucers whenever Cisco came into the game. Was a disaster in the 4th. Threw up another real stupid three at a bad time. Reminded me of the game that almost benched Martin up in Seattle where Ray Allen he got schooled by Ray Allen. Well, tonight it was Cisco's chance against TMac.
Thomas ( D ) -- entered the game late for him behind Reef rather than next to him, but ended up outlasting the Skinner/Corliss combo as we tried he and Reef together with Reef on Yao, and even gave Kenny a little run at SF across from McGrady. But wherever he played, he gave us nothingat all on offense and looked even shorter than normal in there against the Houston trees. Grabbed a few boards, but none of the notable ones he is capable of grabbing. Our bench is just such a disaster.
Corliss ( INC ) -- got the call in a deep bench night, but while he was physical, its only real experession was in a bunch of fouls. Credit for energy, but it was just energetic offensive fouls and earned no 2nd half minutes with that.

Adelman ( C+ ) -- this one hurts. Maybe moreso than just about anything since the opening eye-opener in Oklahoma City. This was our game, the starters were clicking, we had the good energy that has been lacking recently, we were shooting a ridiculous 60%, were up by 14 and trying to put the game away, and then the wheels fell totally and completely off. Would say it was a shocking collapse if we hadn't collpased so often in recent games. It really all seemed to start when TMac hit a huge three in Reef's face to close the 3rd and drop the lead from 9 to 6, and we never recovered. Just have no confidence and no heart right now. A team squeezes, and we just panic and hide. Got real ugly there in the 4th. Went for an amazing 8 minute stretch in the final quarter without a field goal. A huge issue, as always, was the total crap that is currently our bench. We can't even buy short spurts of time with them anymore. Rick played his startes huge minutes again, and if there would be a complaint after this one, it would be that he didn't play them the whole 48. Rick went 5 deep into the pine looking for help, and everytime they hit the floor the momentum fell apart and the Rockets statrted to move on us. Even if only necessitated by the giant Ming in the middle, was nice to see Rick try Skinner first off the bench to give us some size. But of course Brian squandered the opportunity again. In what seems inconsequential now, early in the game I thought Rick called a good early timeout when the Rockets were starting to open up a 2nd quarter lead. Broke up the momentum. But nothing he tried in the 4th seemed to matter. Have no idea what the answer is right now. We were playing well. We weren't flat. We had the game. Tried almost the entire bench and they started to suck, so we go back to the starters, and then they panic and suck as well? What do you do as a coach when that happens? Who's left? Not mad at coach for this one. Blame lies elsewhere. Help is needed.

TNT Announcers ( A ) -- Not going to hear me say this often, but the Harlan/Collins/Miller trio were just dialed in all night and had their fingers right on the pulse of the game.
I agree all the way down the line, and would add a B+ for Charles Barkley, who said it all in a few words: The Sacramento Kings have no identity and no leader.


And that's not gonna change in the near future.

VF21 said:
I agree all the way down the line, and would add a B+ for Charles Barkley, who said it all in a few words: The Sacramento Kings have no identity and no leader.


And that's not gonna change in the near future.


Let's sign Chuck(his return to the nba:D ).
Brick, I don't understand your C+ for Adelman, given your complimentary commentary about his coaching last night. Seems more like a B+ effort.

I agree his in-game coaching was good last night, quite good.
As Usual, Brickie summed the game up nicely. I would simply reiterate a few things.

Adelman is screwed because he has an awful bench squad. I think our first-string guys simply got tired last night due to extended minutes, or at least more minutes than the first team could handle. Adelman will be blamed, and fired. The Maloofs will hire an inferior coach.

Adelman, Carrill, and the other coachs have been unable to coach a team that has been gutted by trades, key-player give-aways, and the psychological uncertainty of contracts and arenas?

Peja appears to be hopeless. He seems like a very nice person, and even shows wisps of brilliance. Yet, available evidence would indicate that he needs "special" game situations to succeed. Peja can not function in the fog of basketball war. He needs someone like Vlade or Webber to stabilize the offense, draw double-teams, and pass him the ball for open three-point shots. He does not handle stress well. I would trade him.

Garcia was simply awful last night. He reminded me of "garbage time" bench players in the bad-old-days before Jason Williams and Vlade came to town. The Rockets' rookie made critical baskets.

Miller did some good things last night, but his lack of focused violence is unnerving. Why Brad Miller, with his size and experience, still makes ancillary touch-fouls is beyond comprehension. Peja frequently does the same thing. We find ourselves asking ourselves, "What is the point of touching an opposing player that is posterizing you on national TV."

Why don't Brad and Peja knock people into the hardwood once in a while. After the silly touch-fouls, Brad stands around in "naked disbelief" that some point guard has again stuffed a ball down his throat. Can you imagine going to war with someone so capable, and yet so indecisive? I suspect that in a dangerous environment, Brad would get people killed. Of course, he would then be mortified and sad. This passive attitude is killing the team. Brad is demeaning his career by being timid, not to mention the impact on the team, Adelman's career, and the well-being of Kings' fans.

Bibby did well. He just got tired after going full-tilt for so long. Bibby is still a keeper.

Bonzi is now an indespensible core player and must be kept. He has heart, a seemingly scarce commodity.

Rahim, Skinner, Corliss, and Thomas. Too little, and far too inconsistent. I have no answers here. These guys should be more effective. I think of the Nike motto, "Just Do It!".

Martin. Maybe more experience will make him better and more consistent. Who knows where he will be playing after the smoke clears.

We fans apparently need to settle down for the rest of this long season. Some good things are bound to happen. As Reggie Miller said last night near the end of the game, while there were scattered boos within the white noise of the crowd, that the Kings are lucky that they are not playing in New York, Philadelphia, or Los Angeles. Reggie implied that the Kings would have been booed out of the arena for that dubious fourth quarter performance.
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I think it's very important to remember that the season isn't over yet. The Bulls started off 2-13 last year and they finished with 47 wins. Last night in the 4th Quarter was the first time the Kings actually looked desperate for a win. Granted, it didn't get them very far, but perhaps last night was the nadir and now they'll get it together.

Of course, I may be significantly underestimating the capacity for this team to sink to new lows...
nbrans said:
I think it's very important to remember that the season isn't over yet. The Bulls started off 2-13 last year and they finished with 47 wins. Last night in the 4th Quarter was the first time the Kings actually looked desperate for a win. Granted, it didn't get them very far, but perhaps last night was the nadir and now they'll get it together.

Of course, I may be significantly underestimating the capacity for this team to sink to new lows...
that chicago team has some serious youth and depth, not to mention players with defensive drive. the kings can still turn this season around. it is a possibilty. but i don't think it can happen without a change. this can be as simple as a change in attitude. but in order for that to work, EVERY single king needs to do what corliss williamson has said on several occasions this season: look into the mirror, see what you don't want to see, and make a conscious effort to change it. they're never gonna be defensive stalwarts, and the starting five is talented enough offensively that they don't have to be. but they do need to play passable team defense. and they can. that's what pisses me off. we know they can. we saw them put forth the effort in denver much earlier on this season. it was a game where the kings gave 100% effort 100% of the game (that included the bench), and they killed the nuggets. they can deal with rookie mistakes and a lack of height if they put forth the effort. they won't win every game, but if they care enough, they can turn it around.
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