Grades v. Lakers 03/22

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Artest ( B- ) -- very slow offensive start, and was having some turnover problems as we again saw the Lakers going to a press in the second quarter when Bibby was out and Ron/Garcia were handling the ball. Defense was strong, of course, but Kobe was still scoring pretty efficiently and creating shots for others. Finally woke up offensively in the last few minutes of the half, and dragged us back into it with a couple of threes and a post. Was doing a nice job on the glass this time out, but had so many unnecessary turnovers. Played big down the stretch, but was unable to hit the big threes (forced them again) in the final minute we needed. Spent much of the game looking clearly frustrated with himself and the team. Did enough to keep Kobe from going off, but not able to force him into inefficiency or bad decisions. Generally competitive, but turnovers and general raggedness hold down this grade.
Thomas ( F ) -- very very flat start, and lost most of his second quarter minutes to other guys as we looked for a spark. Picked up an entirely unnecessary technical at the end of the third that fortunately did not hurt us as Kobe missed the T. Gave him half as many technicals as he had boards in this one. :rolleyes: Made one, and only one, good play all night -- when in the early 4th he made a very quick rotation to get in front of an Odom drive and draw the charge. Just remarkably invisible and inept performance from a guy who has been double doubling his way through the league for the last few months. Bad timing.
Miller ( C ) -- barely there in the first half. Some all around statistical contributions, but effectiveness was limited. Threw away some terrible passes, did not rebound, worked over by Kwame. Made some dumb fouls in the late third. Came back with some stout defensive plays and rebounds during our final push in the final 6 min, but overall not nearly as effective as the solid looking numbers tonight.
Martin ( INC ) -- missed a few, made a few, early. Lakers seemed to be daring him to take the three, perhaps foolishly. Lost a lot of his second quarter minutes with Bonzi and Ron being effective pounding down inside + did not look terribly happy about it. Apparently the injured thigh was bothering him again and kept him out almost the entire second half? As quickly as he was pulled in the third it might have been one of those "see if he can go on it" type of things, and then when he couldn't, yank him. Did not look obviously hobbled though. Anyway...quiet outing while he was out there, and started the game again with that ugly defensive assignment against Brian Cook. Probably some sort of C for the time he was on the floor, but with the injury limiting him to 10min, going to go with an Inc.
Bibby ( D- ) -- slow + sloppy start, neither able to shoot/finish himself, nor able to contain Smush Parker. Finally got a three before half. Then in the early third took what looked to be a knee in his calf from Smush, and was severely hobbled and had to come out. Returned at the end of the quarter and looked ok, but then got into a ridiculous chippy foulfest with Sasha Vujacic once again. Sasha Vujacic! I have no idea what Mike's deal is with that scrub, but its been going on all year and its ridiculous. Takes Mike right out of his game, gets into his head. Saved from the F this time out because of the injury, but frankly he was no worse after it than before. Just a game lacking composure or spark.
Wells ( B+ ) -- a slow start as he was being forced out on the perimeter. But began to pick it up in the mid-2nd as we went to him down inside as a goto guy, and in the darkest part of the game for us it was Bonzi who was keeping us even remotely in touch with the Lakers. Reinserted quickly in the third for the ineffective/injured Martin, and continued to be sporadically effective inside. Came up with a big defensvie steal on Kobe in the last minute, but for naught. Scrappy game rather than a dominant one, but may have been the most consistently effective King this time out.
Reef ( B+ ) -- picked up two quick fouls and only got a handful of first half minutes with the foul trouble. Got a couple of inside hoops during his minutes, but nothing terribly exciting. But after being reinserted in the late third was much more effective than either Brad or Kenny, and was able to give us a consistent scorer inside. Rest of his game was just a shrug, but gave us a nice boost this time out.
Potapenko ( INC ) -- got the surprise minutes early when Reef picked up two quick ones. Dribbled one in on a little half hook.
Garcia ( C- ) -- not terribly effective in his first half minutes again. He's back, but he's not BACK yet as an energetic sparkplug. Minutes opened up for him with Bibby's injury but did little. Holding his grade up here a bit because he's still working back from injury, but really gave us nothing this time out.

Adelman ( B- ) -- this...did not go well. But in this case Rick was better than the team. Coached this one to win and made what were for him some relatively rapid shifts to the bench wiht various guys ineffective, in foul trouble, injured. Dug deep early after we got off to the embarrassing start, at one point fielding a Potapenko, Brad, Ron, Bonzi, Garcia combo, and seemed to have a definite gameplan to attack the Lakers inside with Bonzi and to a lesser degree Artest (leading to us scoring an impressive 42pts in the paint -- unfortunately slightly less impressive were the Lakers scoring 46 down there :mad: ). Do have to wonder about the lingering aftereffects of the Sonics game, and the big minutes Ron, Mike, and Brad logged as we got off to a terrible start and of those guys only Ron had any spark. We didn't actually lose this one by that much and theoretically had an outside shot to steal it at the end. But that was really more the Lakers sucking on their own than anything we did (I am increasingly thinking that it would be great for the Kings if we could clone Phil Jackson 28 times and have him coach ALL of the teams in the NBA, insert Luke Walton (who would also have to be cloned) and sit smugly on his *** as we made runs). Can't bounce this grade any higher in a "big" game (hey, everything is relative) where our guys did not show up -- always theoretically on the coach. But ingame the strategy looked solid, if executed poorly, and the substitutions for the most part benefitted us.
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A big F- ! What a dismal performance from a team that needs to win every game.:mad: errr.. performance--no wait they didn't play anywhere near well enough to merit crediting them with displaying any kind of performance, effort, heart, intensity _______fill in the blank.


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Yeah. Is it a mental block or something? Can we not play well in Staples for some reason? It stinks.
We sucked.

I realize Laker fans are probably aimlessly wandering around this board looking for posts like these, but I really just don't care. We made the Lakers look good. The Lakers are not good. They are mediocre at best. What a pathetic display. We sucked tonight. There's no better way to put it. We think we have the 8 seed locked up, I swear. We think we're already in the playoffs. I don't know what's going to happen now.
kingkung said:
We sucked.

I realize Laker fans are probably aimlessly wandering around this board looking for posts like these, but I really just don't care. We made the Lakers look good. The Lakers are not good. They are mediocre at best.
The Lakers and Kings are two pretty evenly matched teams right now with the addition of Ron. Both teams are pretty mediocre so it's not a suprise that we have seen both teams win their home games since Ron's arrival. The difference in winning and losing seems to be who's court the game is played on as both the Lakers and Kings play much better on their respective home courts.
Kings-F What a crap game. Sac couldn't have been any less clutch than they were tonight. For three and a half quarters they couldn't make a shot, couldn't grab a rebound. They couldn't even pass to their own teammates. There was no team anything. In a situation such as this, trying to beat their biggest rival to gain a better grasp on a 7 seed (which is just as good a the 6th IMO), they throw out a god-awful stinker. These are the situations where we need to step up. Going 4 and 1 on five game road trips is all well and good but this should have been a statement game instead of a royal embarrasment. The Kings have what it takes to make this a successful season ( a 7th PO seed) but only time will tell if they'll actually be able to pull it off.
Brad Miller is Kwame Brown's B-I-...well...I'll let you finish that one! ;)

Good to see Vitaly out there! Would have liked to see him Gaurd Kwame more, couldn't have been any worse than Brad. When Kwame tried to post Pot up he got nowhere.

Kenny gave us nothing. I mean absolutely nothing.

Why do we not set up Reef in the post consistently anymore??? He is the best post up player on the team!!!

This game tonight was lost in the 1st quarter. We had them the rest of the way, just waaay cold at the start. Could have been worse. They kept fighting and you have to respect that.
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effort =====FFFFFF!!!!!!!!! I play for nutin! i mean i play just for fun and i hustle 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x more than Brad! WTF?!??!? Man lemme make 10Million a year and watch me play w/ intensity!
sanvara said:
The Lakers and Kings are two pretty evenly matched teams right now with the addition of Ron. Both teams are pretty mediocre so it's not a suprise that we have seen both teams win their home games since Ron's arrival. The difference in winning and losing seems to be who's court the game is played on as both the Lakers and Kings play much better on their respective home courts.
I happen to agree with you. Both teams are pretty evenly matched up right now.

The only difference is the ceiling of OUR team is so much higher than yours. :)

I think by next season at this time the Kings will know the game they need/want to play and the turnovers won't be as much of a problem. Kind of like Dallas from last year to this one. They would kill themselves with the TO's last year and this year...not as much of a problem.
SacTownKid said:
Why do we not set up Reef in the post consistently anymore??? He is the best post up player on the team!!!
We never fully utilized shareef post up skills at all this season, if we did he would have been avg 20 ppg, because it seems easy for him to score down there. But the main reason why we don't consistently post him up is because he breaks the flow of our offense, and where more of a jumpshooting and pass and cut team. And with wells and artest, who could also post up, there is not really a need for him in R.A.'s system of offence. Only if we go to a more basic off set, thats only when i could see us really using shareef post up skills. But with us winning as of the last 2 weeks or so and trying to make the playoffs, i really don't see R.A. trying to change anything and gave sar the ball more often in the post.
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And was my mind playing tricks on me or was Bonzi playing PF for a stretch there? That was a nutty lineup. I think that was when he pounded Odom in the post.
I was at the game tonight. The Kings started off playing lousy and it continued all night long. Good effort by Artest (who was very very frustrated all game it seemed. This guy definitely cares about winning), Bonzi and Reef. At least thats what I saw tonight. Bibby wasnt Bibby tonight. I honestly think he was just too tired. Playing all those minutes without a decent backup pg has taken a toll on him.

One positive from tonight was this though. Kings played horribly. Lakers played very well. Played excellent team bball actually. And when it was all said and done the Kings only lost by 7. Honestly I thought they would lose by 25+. Have to find some kind of bright side I guess.
Not a good sign for a team that was just called a sleeper. Everytime I get excited, I'm pushed back down again. Changes are a must for us to climb back to the top.
I really don't think the Lakers are that good. This has really nothing to do with the rivalry, but more with watching the Lakers play other teams. I've seen too many big games from Kobe that do nothing to help the Lakers win, just because their team overall is a step below most of the league.

Just to look at this game: The Lakers get good games from Kobe, Odom AND Kwame. The Kings meanwhile were pretty bad from front to end. The end result? A 7 point Lakers win on their homecourt. That's just part of the mediocre level of play I've seen from the Lakers. I am not sure what it is they are missing, but there is certainly something missing.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
swisshh said:
I really don't think the Lakers are that good. This has really nothing to do with the rivalry, but more with watching the Lakers play other teams. I've seen too many big games from Kobe that do nothing to help the Lakers win, just because their team overall is a step below most of the league.

Just to look at this game: The Lakers get good games from Kobe, Odom AND Kwame. The Kings meanwhile were pretty bad from front to end. The end result? A 7 point Lakers win on their homecourt. That's just part of the mediocre level of play I've seen from the Lakers. I am not sure what it is they are missing, but there is certainly something missing.
Lakers had numerous chances to put this one away. As in way away. If they were a top team they should easily have been up by 30 in a couple of spots. But they're not. They truly are a .500 team. We...are a different beast. More talent. But mismatched. And still getting to know each other. We're not elite under any circumstances, but there is the talent stacked aroudn to be a legit 50 win group. In any case I would have laughed if the Lakers had let us steal this one. Because we considerably sucked, and it was only their lack of killer instinct, and notably their coach playing osme crap lineups too, that was allowing us to even linger.
Bricklayer said:
In any case I would have laughed if the Lakers had let us steal this one. Because we considerably sucked, and it was only their lack of killer instinct, and notably their coach playing osme crap lineups too, that was allowing us to even linger.
No team fighting for a playoff spot has any killer instinct or they woudn't be a 6-8 seed to start with. The elite teams have killer instinct, not the mediocre ones.


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rockeastwood said:
Not a good sign for a team that was just called a sleeper. Everytime I get excited, I'm pushed back down again. Changes are a must for us to climb back to the top.
Did they say "a sleeper" or "asleep"? You may have misheard the comment. :rolleyes:
Most teams are terrible on the 2nd game of a back to back. Even the pretty good Spurs team is 5-9 after last night and they are a much deeper team then the Kings. I think it's even worse when the 2nd game is on the road rather than home. I didn't get to watch the game (They aired the SA-DEN game here) but I guess we were sleep walking?
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