Gaming Thread!


Hall of Famer
Bloodborne was the one that got me to totally buy into Souls games. I played Demon, DS1 & 2 but was terrible.

But then I Platinum’d Bloodborne! (Probably my favorite trophy. Up there with Binding of Issac and Enter the Gungeon plats) Something about the quicker combat and dodging just clicked with me and I GIT GOT GUD.


Hall of Famer
Yooooooo, just beat a boss REGULAR style! No magic distance because the giant monster was also a caster so I had to do the feet dance and keep slashing.

It’s been awhile! Lol


Hall of Famer
Yooooooo, just beat a boss REGULAR style! No magic distance because the giant monster was also a caster so I had to do the feet dance and keep slashing.

It’s been awhile! Lol
I'm rolling incantations, but I find myself going toe to toe a lot more with bosses. Casting just seems so slow in this game, even with a certain talisman.

The winged scythe unique ability is just too easy to spam haha


Hall of Famer
I'm rolling incantations, but I find myself going toe to toe a lot more with bosses. Casting just seems so slow in this game, even with a certain talisman.

The winged scythe unique ability is just too easy to spam haha
Lightning javelin is my main. Quick to cast and covers ground quickly.

Still rocking an early game bleed dagge(+20) and Bloody Slash for close combat.
Limgrave isn't mind blowing, but some of the later areas are incredible.... that being said, it took me more than just a few hours to "git gud" enough to even reach those places!

My buddy really got hooked at the area north of the castle, which is technically the second area, unless of course you happen to wander in the wrong direction for too long.

I say keep at it! Or replay Bloodborne... because that's the GOAT video game imho!
Just got to the castle. My 2nd stint was a little more engaging.


Hall of Famer
I finally caved and summoned an actual person to help fight the Snake God King. He gets two entire healthbars / boss fights to my one life and flasks, it’s only fair there’s two people kicking his ***.

We won.


Hall of Famer
I finally caved and summoned an actual person to help fight the Snake God King. He gets two entire healthbars / boss fights to my one life and flasks, it’s only fair there’s two people kicking his ***.

We won.
The fact that I'm 80 hours in, barely halfway through Atlas Plateau, and have yet to run into any of these bosses that are notorious "controller breakers" yet....



Hall of Famer
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel of this one for me. I’m getting close to endgame, though I don’t know EXACTLY how close I am.

What an absolute blast. Lived up to the SKYRIM sized hype I had going in.

Once I’m done it’ll be a little break and return to Horizon Forbidden West (and Dying Light 2 which got COMPLETELY overshadowed) but there will be a NG+ run and more down the line.

Or just go ahead and tell us when the DLC is coming!


Hall of Famer
Found the controller breaker of the game so far. Be ready for Maliketh. I’m at a loss. His second phase has instantly blasted me for like an hour straight. I’ve literally learned nothing, I’m none the wiser about what he’s doing and how to counter it.

Even with jolly cooperation me and the other guy instantly get blasted by the second phase.


Hall of Famer

Summons required. His attack pattern in the second phase is basically not dodgeable. I’m sure it is, but after three full nights and many hours, I didn’t understand it. I needed two fellow summons and a mixture of Scarlet Rot, Poison, and distraction from all three of us to kill him. Both dudes died when he had a little health left, so I was on my own … had to dodge through a couple series of attacks before the final shot … AND I DID!


Hall of Famer
From Maliketh to Miquella. The end of this game doesn’t mess around.

Miq seems a little more doable though. I think I can get this one without summons.


Hall of Famer
And with that … the journey of Elden Ring is OVER.

Final boss slain a minute ago.

What an absolute gem of a game. More than lived up to the absurd amount of hype I gave it, and it gave me everything I wanted and even more.

I’m a little emotional it’s actually over! But I’ll for sure be coming back for NG+ and new builds and to get the last few trophies needed for that Platinum

GOTY, easy. Game of the last 2 years at least.


Hall of Famer
I read an interview from one of the devs close to release date, and he was saying it could take around 30 hours to beat if you rush through, with "dozens" of hours on top of that for a more completionist run.

My ass is at 80 hours and I haven't even gotten through Lyndell yet haha
Man, that’s A LOT of dozens on top! And really not much of any of it was downtime either. I was always advancing, finding new things, exploring. I pretty much played nightly, and found something new every single session. Seldom did I just hit a spot and grind for levels, everything advanced organically.


Hall of Famer
Man, that’s A LOT of dozens on top! And really not much of any of it was downtime either. I was always advancing, finding new things, exploring. I pretty much played nightly, and found something new every single session. Seldom did I just hit a spot and grind for levels, everything advanced organically.
Same! I think I did a bit of grinding at the Stormveil approach grace site above those ruins full of soldiers in the early early game, but that was it!

So much content.


Hall of Famer
Elden Ring has me going back and trying to finish all the Soulslike games in my backlog.

Finished Hellpoint; It’s janky, it’s mediocre. Wouldn’t recommend this one. The final boss was also broken. Turned out I was at the “bonfire” right before the broken final boss, so I only had to play this for like 20 minutes to finish. Lol

Finally found my groove in Mortal Shell; This one is really good. It’s style doesn’t suit my play though, no shields and a heavier reliance on parrying which I don’t ever bother with in DS. Found the tank armor and the one weapon that has a quick attack speed which really helps. I just can’t play Souls games with slow unwieldy weapons, which nearly all of them in this game are.

Also found my groove in Remnant: From the Ashes; Soulslike with guns. Also a little janky, but not Hellpoint janky. The first boss (which is randomized) happened to be unbelievably annoying but once I passed him I got on a roll.

And reinstalled Salt & Sanctuary to see if I can make any progress in that. 2D black and white Soulslike. Haven’t gotten back into this one yet.

Others in my backlog that I haven’t jumped back into are Nioh 1 & 2, Code Vein, and The Surge 2.., I think that’s it. So much Souls to be had. Lol but Unfortunately spring break is almost over so we’ll see how dedicated I am to these non-Elden Ring games.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I bought NBA 2k22 for kiddo a week or two ago, he has been home sick all week and playing it and I noticed his created player is on the Kings.

Is that normal like how my NHL pro was going to be on a dogpoop team to start and I haven't had any luck making him a Bruin, or did he actually select my team over his hometown team?


Hall of Famer
My run of Soulslike games continues, as I finished Mortal Shell and The Surge 2.

The Surge series is one I’d recommend if you’re into the Souls genre. Sci-fi world with a cool limb-targeting mechanic.

Remnant down as well.
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Hall of Famer
Why do I do this to myself?

I’m trying to beat Isshin Sword Saint … again.

He’s destroying me. Over and over. Again.

This is the one boss I cannot beat in the Souls universe. Usually there can be a strat, a cheese, a weapon, SOMETHING to break the game in your favor. But not this guy. it’s impossible. And here I am, still trying. Still. Again.



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Hall of Famer
I gave up on Sekiro, the almost complete lack of RPG mechanics took away a lot of my motivation, there wasn't much in the way of cool gear or spells aside from the odd prosthetic.

... plus that one you reeeeeaaaally had to "git gud".

Just made it past the Lyndell in ER. It's been smooth sailing since I respecced into a dragon incantation focused build, the rotten breath spell just MELTs bosses!

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I don't quite understand. The article doesn't explain what "cheating" is, but given that the system is capable of identifying "cheating" and completely affect the game play of "cheaters" (can't see legit players, weapons don't work) - why can't it just log them out?
Agreed, but I think they wanted to both discourage cheaters while simultaneously benefitting those playing without cheating. This seems like a good way to meet both those goals.

Or maybe they just like annoying those who try to cheat? :)

Who knows? But I like the creativity used to formulate this response to those trying to cheat.


Hall of Famer
I gave up on Sekiro, the almost complete lack of RPG mechanics took away a lot of my motivation, there wasn't much in the way of cool gear or spells aside from the odd prosthetic.

... plus that one you reeeeeaaaally had to "git gud".

Just made it past the Lyndell in ER. It's been smooth sailing since I respecced into a dragon incantation focused build, the rotten breath spell just MELTs bosses!
Sekiro is far and away my least favorite of the FromSoft catalogue, for all the reasons you said. But I had gotten to that final boss and just couldn’t do it and I hated having that one final piece to go. Couldn’t let Sword Saint win! Lol


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I see the WWE NWO 2k edition is 89.99 ... first time I've seen it discounted and it includes cross gen which they separated like money grubbing jerks in the base-buy.

Anyone play it yet? worth it? thinking about jumping on it.

edit: screw it, I bought it. need to free up space on my HD so I can install NBA to and play with my kid next week.
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