[Game] Game tonight - kings vs. Bulls

I know there's a game tonight because I'm going. First time in over two months. Longest time in season that I haven't been to a Kings in 28 years, since the Sacramento beginning.
Looking forward to it.

is Cousins playing? I'm looking for a good game with or without him.
You a fan of Aldrich? I don't know much about him besides what I have read on here and the consensus seems to be that he is absolutely terrible. Like leagues below even Hayes/Outlaw/Johnson. Think he has potential?
I am, and I do. He hasn't done a very good job proving me right thus far, though! I liked him a lot at Kansas. He's never had consistent playing time, so in my opinion the jury is still out on what he actually can do in the NBA. Most will disagree.
I am, and I do. He hasn't done a very good job proving me right thus far, though! I liked him a lot at Kansas. He's never had consistent playing time, so in my opinion the jury is still out on what he actually can do in the NBA. Most will disagree.
What do you see him being? Like a normal sized Chuck Hayes defender? Cause that would be pretty good I think. I am not too concerned about their offense.