Free Agency

I really feel like this a little bit of you, and whomever else may feel this way, creating a false dilemma. I think that Cousins wants to see progress. I don't really think that we have to "go deep into the PO in the next two seasons" in order to get Cousins to stay. I think that, if we can just get to the playoffs the next two years, and Divac can show Cousins a concrete plan for how he intends for the team to get further while Cousins is in his prime, that might be good enough. The idea that we have to go from zero to, like, the WCF by 2018, or else we risk losing Cousins for nothing is nonsense, IMO.
We both don't know how Cousins thinks. But if I were him I wouldn't count on plans and promises after years of struggle, blame and incompetence.
We both don't know how Cousins thinks. But if I were him I wouldn't count on plans and promises after years of struggle, blame and incompetence.
I hate to agree with you but I do. However, if his "loyalty is love" is more than product branding, the Kings making the playoffs while being sane should be enough to keep him here.
We never really had a chance at high profile players anyway, this is free agency. A KD type of player doesn't really want to play for us. However, I suspect there are trades being worked on as we speak, as we only have 1 PG on the roster (who will be suspended for a decent amount of games on top of that). I would wait a while before judging at this moment in time. Yes, we got some new players and no, they are not all-stars, but they all have several things in common. They are all vets with a history of being able to defend, shoot the 3, and play tough, all qualities we were missing last season. Also, don't forget about all the young guys we added, because they will be taking over for them in the not-so-distant future. If Bogdanovic comes over this year, I'm going to be really excited.

I know it's not the place, but I wouldn't mind Knight from the Suns for PG. He's like a rich man's version of Collison.
Of course we don't have a chance at All stars in FA. Never said that.
But there is a difference between the guys we signed and the guys the Pel's signed for example. We have guys on shortterm deals, while the Pel's bet on potential. The thing is, that the proven players we signed aren't better or worse than the players the Pel's signed and have no upside.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
We both don't know how Cousins thinks. But if I were him I wouldn't count on plans and promises after years of struggle, blame and incompetence.
That's why the key word, which I notice you chose to ignore, is progress. If I were him, I wouldn't "count on plans and promises after years of struggle, blame and incompetence", either, but I would consider us making the playoffs two years in a row as a sign that the years of "struggle, blame and incompetence" might actually finally be behind me, and be more disposed to give the plans the benefit of the doubt than I would if I were coming off two more years in the lottery.
I really feel like this a little bit of you, and whomever else may feel this way, creating a false dilemma. I think that Cousins wants to see progress. I don't really think that we have to "go deep into the PO in the next two seasons" in order to get Cousins to stay. I think that, if we can just get to the playoffs the next two years, and Divac can show Cousins a concrete plan for how he intends for the team to get further while Cousins is in his prime, that might be good enough. The idea that we have to go from zero to, like, the WCF by 2018, or else we risk losing Cousins for nothing is nonsense, IMO.
Agreed, we need to show progress. But the issue we will have two years from now is what motivates DeMarcus Cousins...

Money? If so, he might stay here because we can offer him the longest contract and highest sum; or, he might want to leave to a team with no state income tax because he might net more money depending on how everything works out on that front.

Compete for a championship? At that point he would need to believe in Vlade and this team, but even at that point, teams will try to turn his head. Aldridge left Portland after eight years despite Lillard beginning to ascend towards star status and them finishing as a top four seed. In his defense he joined San Antonio which gave him the opportunity to play for a great team, but at the same time, he left a top four seed with an ascending player like Lillard. If he can do that, then Cousins can always get his head turned even if we make progress in the next two years. Same for Durant. He got his head turned by Golden State. It happens.

That said, we have just got to enjoy the ride from here on out. From the looks of things Vlade is working hard to make us better now but also give us prospects that could be part of our long term future (with or without Cousins). I guess we just have to trust in Vlade to do what's best for this team, and then hope that Cousins re-signs with us and we go on to bigger and better things.
We just waived Butler and Dukan
I understand Dukan but unless we do have a trade in the works I wonder why we wave butler right now. Good locker room presence, cheap contract that will as guaranteed and opted to come back. So either we paid him for all that publicity by waiving him and paying him or we are getting that pg.
Dallas already helped them out by trading for Bogut. Thanks Cuban!
I'm sure this won't be the popular View but I'm not positive that Cuban trading for Bogut allowed Golden State to get better as much as it made Dallas suffer while on Golden State to revert back to its older style of shoot-first-ask-questions-later basketball
And we paid Garrett Temple and Tolliver how much? Geeez Jennings is 10000 times better than Temple
Jennings doesn't play defense. We aren't going to improve by adding more players that don't play D. Plus he's coming off an injury that changes careers. He's also terribly inefficient. If you're going to be inefficient, at least be able to stop guys on the other end to even things out.

Tolliver....I still have no words.
That's why the key word, which I notice you chose to ignore, is progress. If I were him, I wouldn't "count on plans and promises after years of struggle, blame and incompetence", either, but I would consider us making the playoffs two years in a row as a sign that the years of "struggle, blame and incompetence" might actually finally be behind me, and be more disposed to give the plans the benefit of the doubt than I would if I were coming off two more years in the lottery.
Mike already erpressed my concerns.
Barnes, but that's also a huge 4 year risk that the Mavs are taking. At least with guys like Batum and Horford, I know what I'm paying for. With Barnes, you're paying franchise player money on potential.
Agree. Barnes has NO creativity as a scorer. He's very mechanical. He's like Ben in that regard, though he's bigger and more confident than Ben. If I am paying a guy max money I want him to be able to create his own shot. Barnes hasn't shown a lot of ability to do that. I do think his production will go up, only because his shot attempts will go up, but he's no better than an 18 PPG scorer without more one-on-one moves or post game, and I just don't see it. NOT a max guy.

My post was somewhat tongue in cheek. The Kings played at a frantic pace last season, scored a bunch of points and had a crappy season. In my mind MUCH more of that was about being Matadors on defense than an inability to get baskets.

I want to see smart basketball, good ball movement, solid shooting, tough defense and a team that competes each night, stays flexible for the future and has young guys with potential to develop.
You and me both. The comparison between the Hawks team and this new Kings roster is dubious because that team had NO personality near Boogie. He needs to supplicate his ego and agenda and tendency to turn games into one-on-one grudge match. The die-hards know to what I am referring. This is a concern of mine because a collection of team-oriented players does not include this egocentric mentality. Not once over 6 years has Boogie shown an ability to set aside his ego for the good of the team. I look forward to Team USA because this is opportunity for Boogie to play the right way, show off his new level of conditioning with carryover to the new season.

As much as all of us have focused on these off-season maneuverings, Boogie's mindset and approach, mentally and physically, is going to predicate our success as much as anything. I am confident Joerger can get his attitude adjusted accordingly then maybe there is hope. Then these milquetoast free agent signings will be secondary to success and more of the same.
Am I the only one that hates what the NBA has become? This make superteams business is pee weak. Can you imagine Magic Johnson asking Larry Bird to join him in LA? He would have been told to get his ass back to LA and would get a punch to the head for his troubles.

Whatever happened to working your ass off to get better and lead your team to the promised land? This "if you can't beat them, join them" mentality craps me!
Jennings doesn't play defense. We aren't going to improve by adding more players that don't play D. Plus he's coming off an injury that changes careers. He's also terribly inefficient. If you're going to be inefficient, at least be able to stop guys on the other end to even things out.

Tolliver....I still have no words.

Tolliver is going to end up being the best pickup for the Kings this summer. He's fits perfectly. He's not the talent Anderson is but is as good a spot shooter and a much better defender than Anderson.

Yeah, of course. No defense for this kind of thing.

Really REALLY would like to see a franchise player tag for the larger problem, but even that wouldn't protect a team like OKC with two of them already.

The KD signing just officially kicked off the eventual lock out. Owners are going to sit out for a whole year if need be to get a hard cap and no floor after all these ridiculous contracts.
Dallas already helped them out by trading for Bogut. Thanks Cuban!
helped them? it was inevitable. If it wasn't Dallas, there would be another team that would trade for Bogut. I don't see teams saying to themselves they won't make a trade in order for another team to get a star FA.
Am I the only one that hates what the NBA has become? This make superteams business is pee weak. Can you imagine Magic Johnson asking Larry Bird to join him in LA? He would have been told to get his ass back to LA and would get a punch to the head for his troubles.

Whatever happened to working your ass off to get better and lead your team to the promised land? This "if you can't beat them, join them" mentality poopoos me!
That was my same thought when I heard the news. So much for building legacies, we are in a different era where it's super friends and super teams and ring chasing...unfortunately the NBA has become a video game.