Free Agency

You guys make it seem like Vlade went out and snatched up Afflalo, Temple, Tolliver and Barnes before anyone else could. From the rumors he was going after much better players and the players just didn't want to come here or we didn't want to tie up all our cap space on a massive contract for a B- level player. Most people are sitting around in awe at how dumb the majority of these contracts are. Lets count our blessings that Vlade didn't tie us up in one for the next 4-5 years.

Everyone seems to be acting like Collison isn't even going to be playing next year. He's not going to be suspended for a third of the season. He's a starting caliber PG. Albeit not the best PG in the league but he's an excellent shooter, average assist man and average defender when he's able to defend PGs. If we roll into the season with Isaiah Cousins as our backup PG then we have reason to be worried. There's plenty of time for trades to be made and we have some trade pieces so lets just see what happens before we go off the deep end.
So by my math tolliver 2/16+temple 3/24=8 mil + 8 mil = 16 mil. Lin 3/36 + Seth 2/6 = 12 mil + 3 mil = 15 mil. Soo another pf and sg (positions we have depth in) at 16 million vs 2 pg (position we need)at $15 million. o_O
You guys make it seem like Vlade went out and snatched up Afflalo, Temple, Tolliver and Barnes before anyone else could. From the rumors he was going after much better players and the players just didn't want to come here or we didn't want to tie up all our cap space on a massive contract for a B- level player. Most people are sitting around in awe at how dumb the majority of these contracts are. Lets count our blessings that Vlade didn't tie us up in one for the next 4-5 years.

Everyone seems to be acting like Collison isn't even going to be playing next year. He's not going to be suspended for a third of the season. He's a starting caliber PG. Albeit not the best PG in the league but he's an excellent shooter, average assist man and average defender when he's able to defend PGs. If we roll into the season with Isaiah Cousins as our backup PG then we have reason to be worried. There's plenty of time for trades to be made and we have some trade pieces so lets just see what happens before we go off the deep end.
We've basically re'uped with some more solidarity in our squad like when we opened with Malone in charge around DMC, Rudy and Collison.

there is enough firepower there and with the addition of a vet SG and bench additions i agree we will be fine.

one more move in the works i feel - lets see what happens but im fairly happy.


Hall of Famer
We've basically re'uped with some more solidarity in our squad like when we opened with Malone in charge around DMC, Rudy and Collison.

there is enough firepower there and with the addition of a vet SG and bench additions i agree we will be fine.

one more move in the works i feel - lets see what happens but im fairly happy.
I agree everybody thought the Malone stint was best in years. Who was our backup pg? Who was behind Ben? We got WCS instead of JT. Kosta instead of Hollis. Now afflalo instead of stauskas. Matt Barnes instead of Derrick Williams. Tolliver instead of Landry. Temple instead of David Stockton. Papagionnes instead of Bhullar. All replacements are defense and experience with exception of WCS
I agree everybody thought the Malone stint was best in years. Who was our backup pg? Who was behind Ben? We got WCS instead of JT. Kosta instead of Hollis. Now afflalo instead of stauskas. Matt Barnes instead of Derrick Williams. Tolliver instead of Landry. Temple instead of David Stockton. Papagionnes instead of Bhullar. All replacements are defense and experience with exception of WCS
Honestly that setting the bar real low, we had a good united group that made a nice run but in terms of roster- that roster was crap around DMC, Rudy, DC and Casspi.
And our backup PG was Sessions which at the time of the signing had a better resume than Temple but that's outside the point.

We could've just picked up Seth alongside all of the signing we already made with the room exception (that's his Dallas deal).
Money wise based on the contracts they got we could've signed Lin, Bazemore/Crabbe and Barnes alongside Curry instead of what we have now and that would've been pretty awesome.
And even if we couldn't get Crabbe/Bazemore to bite- we spent 8 million on Temple who I'm not sure is better than Curry, people talk about about him being a 3&D guy but he shoot 34.5% from 3 last year and he is 33.5% for his career.
In a pessimistic assesment we should've been able to sign Lin (he signed for the Nets for 11.5 we spent 16 on Temple and Tolliver), Afflalo, Barnes, Curry and still have the funds to go after a cheap stretch 4 instead of Tolliver if we felt we needed one (I don't see why when you have Casspi).
I know we have 2 years- but after this season he becomes an expiring, which means if we aren't competitive this year a trade might be in the works because we can't afford to let him walk for nothing and trading a guy midseason into his expiring contract will net you next to nothing (ask Atlanta on Horford this year).
So at the latest our crossroad between trading him or having him commit to us is this summer, so this season must go well.

And again- even if we signed one of these guys we could have cleared max room next year and since we aren't a FA destination I much prefer a bird in the hand and another long-term piece next to Cousins instead of placeholders and rebuilding in a year.
I am nowhere near as worried about DMC jumping ship as some seem to be.

I think the big BIG thing for us is how DMC buys into coach Joerger's approach and view of the game. If these guys get off on the right foot so to speak and Cousins sees clear path, unity and improvement, he is IN. Guaranteed!

I am more worried about his agent trying to get him to a bigger market but DMC has overruled them before. If we can get some stability, gets some system and unity going this season, Cuz will stick it out. He strikes me as an old fashioned type of player. Show me loyalty and love and I am loyal to the bone. I see Cuz more like Wade than Durant. Wade has been nothing but loyal to Miami and has constantly been the underpaid of the 3 stars.

If we can turn into a scrappy team (like we looked like in the second season under coach Malone) who are genuine chance for the play offs, Cousins will see enough to stick around. Get off on the wrong foot and it's all over for us. We will know about 2 months into the season if the Cousins Joerger dynamic is working. If it's not, I suspect Cousins gets traded by the deadline and we go into a full blown rebuild mode.
Weird that we'd wave Butler after he was kind enough to run through the media circuit and refute all the accusations of how dysfunctional the locker room allegedly is. His leadership will likely be missed.
My thoughts exactly. He's a good dude who I was hoping to see stick around.

As for how we defeat GS, it's a lot like the problem of overpopulation on Mars...likely to be a real issue, but nothing we need to be losing sleep over at this time.
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Milos Teodosic? Does anyone know if he wants to come over to the NBA? If there's one guy who could suade him...maybe it's Vlade?
He does not look like a Joerger's kinda guy both defensively and offensively. I read somewhere a month ago that he wanted to play in NBA at least for one season but I think he will stay in Russia.
Well Dallas just got a steal in Curry. Let's hope they use him.
Yes. Unless ... for some reason ... Vlade or Joerger absolutely do not see him as a fit for our new system. I thought Curry's price tag was 3/20 taking into consideration this offseason craziness.

I like this new philosophy - add tall guys, grinders, solid defenders, 3 pt shooters. It is so not Karl and Vivek. But I just hope that Vlade knows exactly what he is doing and we did not drop the ball with Seth.
Absolutely and that's why I'm hesitant to pass judgement on Vlade, but I don't understand why people here are thinking it's a great move regardless.
Is 8 million really cheap for a guy that will probably play small minutes as a stretch 4 for us and we can get what we need from him from Casspi?

I mean people are caught up about how crazy the market was (it slowed a bit) but we signed Temple, Tolliver and Barnes to a combined 22 million- do we really need all 3 of this guys and wouldn't we be better of spending some of that money on one better guy that would actually be here for the future?
Let's wait and see. The off season is far from over. I think there is method n their madness. Naturally we don't know right now. Are they building an ark or a barn or a hanger for a blimp? They have a plan and in their business and with the tools they have nothing is for sure unil you're done.

I have to wait and see. I will wait and see. And when the season starts I'll happily live with what we've got. In fact I'm looking forward to it and each step along the way. But now it is bed time on the Independece Day. Stil boon, boom, BOOM.
Who is going to play PG? Collison might be out for 24 games or so. For us to make an impact this year we need a flat out scorer, a Jamal Crawford, Crabbe, some guy that Cousins kicks the ball out to and he can make it happen. Do you think Affalo is going to do that? Jennings might shoot a lot, but we have to take chances. Signing Tolliver and Temple is not taking a chance, those guy will have very minimal impact. Would Jennings make a huge impact? Maybe, maybe not, but regardless you know the talent was there a few years back and for us we need to take that chance, especially for $5 mil.

I think he failed to add another impact player, both during the draft and during Free agency. He couldn't trade up to land one of the top seven in the Draft, he couldn't get Bledsoe or Knight in the trade deal and settled for some guy overseas we might never see. There is no way this current roster makes the playoffs, hopefully we can make some trades soon.
Crabbe is a C&S guy, he creates nothing, while Crawford creates a lot of moderately efficient offense.
Afflalo was in 90-percentile as isolation/post scorer last year, while shooting above 60%eFG on shots without an opponent closer than 4 feet, i.e. open shots. Now the trick would be to make him strictly a spot shooter, when Boogie is playing, while turning him into a scorer without DFC on the floor. Also a modicum of defense from al least spot shooting version would be nice.
Bledsoe is a very serious injury risk, who still has a very high price tag. I would remind, that Suns just signed Jared Dudley, which doesn't look like "we are not even looking at POs next couple of years" move.

The Tolliver move puzzles me a bit- we already have a guy that can play far better as a stretch 4 on the roster (Casspi) and we just acquired through the draft a guy that pretty much all he can do is be a tall guy who shoots (Skal)- was it really worth 8 million spending on a Quincy Acy replacement without the hustle?
And is Garret Temple really better than Seth? a guy that already played here, has upside and we had his rights.

If you took the money we owed him and combined it with what we spend on Afflalo- that's Kent Bazemore/Allen Crabbe/Ryan Anderson money, or if you take that and combine that with Garret Temple that's Jeremy Lin salary with 4 million in change.

Obviously it's hard to blame Vlade cause we are all playin arm-chair GM and we don't know what he tried to do or not, and I love the fact we slapped team options on these deals which gives us flexibility but this is the year we were supposed to go all-in before Cousins becomes an expiring and we spend 22 million on bench rotation guys that doesn't move the needle and won't help us in the long-term and our big signing is Afflalo who I'm not very high on and doesn't play defense for a few years now.

So right now I'm not very happy- but I sense a trade coming, probably for Rudy by the structure of our roster- so I'm holding judgement, if it does happen and we get a PG like Bledsoe it will change my outlook completely since all of the sudden Omri will start/play heavy minutes at the 3 and so we will need Tolliver for depth, and Temple would be a good guy to cover as a bench combo-guard who can play some defense and Barnes will be needed as the backup SF... so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Tolliver is bigger and stronger than Omri, so he's a better defender at 4. He's certainly a much better defender than Teletovic, another possible target, while providing similar shooting. Plus Rudy might be on his way out as you himself noted, so Tolliver might be playing next to Casspi than instead of him.

Despite the legend of defender-Seth, that Karl created, sending a message through the media to all the wings on the roster: "come on, Seth Curry looks a better defender than any of you guys!", Seth is not any good at this defense thingy. Now Temple is 6'6" and is capable of playing good defense against 3 positions, though he's about average at best against big, long SFs. Shooting is only passable, and you don't want him to create, but people constantly forget, that defense is half the game!

This seriously annoys me, 2 years 6 million for Curry...
We could have easily matched that with better planning.
Curry is still an April wonder at this point. Do you want him to start, when Collison is out? Kings still have Room Exception with essentially same amount of money over 2 years. It wasn't a lack of money.

Teodosic doesn't want to come over and be embarassed on D every game like Jasikevicius. And he is paid enough in Europe.
There is a point guard that is young and has upside is still available, Shane Larkin.

He is super quick and would be a capable backup point guard and can possibly develop into a starter.

I think the kings could get him for the room exception on 2 years / $6 mil contract (like the one Seth just signed with Dallas).

He would have a great opportunity to get quality PT as Collison backup, with the possibility of much more.
This may irritate some of you, but I'm going to give a big credit to our front office. Vlade is first and foremost a basketball player and after that a basketball executive. Vlade and the team behaved with dignity towards Seth and Caron. Seth opted out from his contract and the team could have hanged on its right to match. That immediately limits the player's possibilities to find a new team. The team could have signed Seth, but could not guarantee him minutes. So, the team was fair with him. Caron did pick up his option and that was a very respectable move from him after what he experienced last season. However, his minutes were a big, big question mark as well. After the "earthquake" Durant decision and the market going nuts, players like Caron can find even playing time with teams like GSW (which has to create a bench of vet.min. players) on top of a chance to win a ring. GSW is not the only such team that Caron can find. Cleveland is not in a better position etc.. So I think that it was fair to Caron as well. There was no hurry to do that, but Caron's release came within hours of Durant's decision. So I believe that there was a connection.

I, for one, very much appreciate Vlade's draft. People are talking about small ball as the future of the NBA. I don't believe in it. Dominant centers haven't been there for a while. That's why they invented small ball. We will see how our new bigs develop, but I have a lot of confidence that they will become factors. The Kings are one of the best teams in the NBA with 7-footers. More than that, they are also with long and very attractive contracts! DMC, also a big man, is the first to get a significant pay day only after 2 years. I think that's outright fantastic even before we see how Papagiannis and Labissiere pan out. WCS already passed my checkpoint. Just have a look at Mozgov and Mahimni contracts and you'll see what I mean. You will understand it even better when you watch GSW play without Bogut and Ezeli. Speights will be gone as well and Varejao is a question mark. Will Pachulia repalace those bigs? Cleveland has even a bigger hole in the bigs department. The reality will catch up with those teams. They had a window here just now, but GSW almost fell to the Thunder already. The party is over.

There's been a lot of words said about the Kings FA signings. Why are you so worried? There is a clear trend to change the culture. If you don't play defense, your in trouble to find minutes. I like that very much. It's not even being a great defender, but you have to show the effort. Play hard in every game. That's how you win games. Scoring has not been a problem for the Kings and I don't believe it will become one. Boogie is there with WCS at the rim and Casspi, Afflalo, Tolliver and Collison can shoot the 3-pointer. Temple can too. I don't know what's going to happen with Rudy and BenMc, but they can shoot as well and so can Bogdanovic when he comes over. Therefore, I'm not worried about the scoring at all. If we will upgrade out defense significantly, and it looks like we are well on the way, we will win games. Believe me, teams will respect us - and for a reason.
I am nowhere near as worried about DMC jumping ship as some seem to be.

I think the big BIG thing for us is how DMC buys into coach Joerger's approach and view of the game. If these guys get off on the right foot so to speak and Cousins sees clear path, unity and improvement, he is IN. Guaranteed!

I am more worried about his agent trying to get him to a bigger market but DMC has overruled them before. If we can get some stability, gets some system and unity going this season, Cuz will stick it out. He strikes me as an old fashioned type of player. Show me loyalty and love and I am loyal to the bone. I see Cuz more like Wade than Durant. Wade has been nothing but loyal to Miami and has constantly been the underpaid of the 3 stars.

If we can turn into a scrappy team (like we looked like in the second season under coach Malone) who are genuine chance for the play offs, Cousins will see enough to stick around. Get off on the wrong foot and it's all over for us. We will know about 2 months into the season if the Cousins Joerger dynamic is working. If it's not, I suspect Cousins gets traded by the deadline and we go into a full blown rebuild mode.
No it isn't. It's really not even close to guaranteed.

We need real results and it has to be next season or Boogie is going to have one foot out the door. He will literally have his pick of where he wants to go, especially with that cap at 107 million during that offseason. We've been preaching "on the right path" for 6 years now with him; he's not going to stick around for more "on the right path" when he has any team/market he chooses. We said this last year too, but this year really is a "playoffs or bust" for Boogie. Even then, he still might test the market for his pick of title contenders he wants to go to.

You also talk about Wade's "Loyalty" but if Bron and Bosh choose to get elsewhere in 2010, Wade would have jumped ship to Chicago. And there's nothing wrong with that.

And look, I wouldn't blame him if he jumped ship. He gave us 7 years, we failed to build around him. Same deal as LeBron. Just so happens that we're on our last year to show we're serious about being a winning franchise.
Crabbe is a C&S guy, he creates nothing, while Crawford creates a lot of moderately efficient offense.
Afflalo was in 90-percentile as isolation/post scorer last year, while shooting above 60%eFG on shots without an opponent closer than 4 feet, i.e. open shots. Now the trick would be to make him strictly a spot shooter, when Boogie is playing, while turning him into a scorer without DFC on the floor. Also a modicum of defense from al least spot shooting version would be nice.
Bledsoe is a very serious injury risk, who still has a very high price tag. I would remind, that Suns just signed Jared Dudley, which doesn't look like "we are not even looking at POs next couple of years" move.

Tolliver is bigger and stronger than Omri, so he's a better defender at 4. He's certainly a much better defender than Teletovic, another possible target, while providing similar shooting. Plus Rudy might be on his way out as you himself noted, so Tolliver might be playing next to Casspi than instead of him.

Despite the legend of defender-Seth, that Karl created, sending a message through the media to all the wings on the roster: "come on, Seth Curry looks a better defender than any of you guys!", Seth is not any good at this defense thingy. Now Temple is 6'6" and is capable of playing good defense against 3 positions, though he's about average at best against big, long SFs. Shooting is only passable, and you don't want him to create, but people constantly forget, that defense is half the game!

Curry is still an April wonder at this point. Do you want him to start, when Collison is out? Kings still have Room Exception with essentially same amount of money over 2 years. It wasn't a lack of money.

Teodosic doesn't want to come over and be embarassed on D every game like Jasikevicius. And he is paid enough in Europe.
Absolutely, especially with Cousins on the floor. Dude was flat out fantastic when he didn't have to be the focal point of the offense and just had to worry about kick-out 3s and scrappy defense. And I saw plenty in his last few games where he was our #1 option that he could handle PG duties well enough with a ball-dominant player like Cousins.

The Tolliver signing just became incredibly frustrating when we gave up a young/upside PG for an insanely bargain price for a player we didn't really need.
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Yes. Unless ... for some reason ... Vlade or Joerger absolutely do not see him as a fit for our new system. I thought Curry's price tag was 3/20 taking into consideration this offseason craziness.

I like this new philosophy - add tall guys, grinders, solid defenders, 3 pt shooters. It is so not Karl and Vivek. But I just hope that Vlade knows exactly what he is doing and we did not drop the ball with Seth.

3pt marksmen, scrappy, tries on defense and has shown ability to play off Cousins? That's not what we're looking for in our new system?