Evans for Vasquez

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Something else that I want to mention...in case it gets lost in all the back-and-forth.

I truly hope that this move by the FO works. If we end up with nothing but cap-space/average filler in addition to Vasquez I'd like nothing better than to see it all work and our team become a competitive team. If all we end up with is capspace/filler then I have my doubts that it will work...but I will not be rooting for it to fail.

I sometimes get the feeling that people hope that a particular player/move will actually fail so that they will feel 'vindicated' in whatever opinion they expressed on the forum.

I'm a Kings fan and I want the team to succeed. I am, however, allowed to be as critical as I want if I believe that the FO is not making the best choices available. But being critical is not the same thing as hoping that things will fail just so that I'll be 'right'.

I'm slightly doubtful that we'll be able to use this capspace to good effect, though it is possible, and will be critical of the FO if things fall through. I would still be very happy if we were able to bring in a high tier SF...so we'll see.
Vasquez AND Capaspace is potentially an upgrade depending how we use it. If we can get someone like Deng out of aswell then that would be great.

If it wasnt for the capspace I wouldnt of traded reke for vasquez straight up.
Big if. Every cap clearing move of the last decade had the same caveat. New owners so let's see if has better results.
Not sure if you're a troll or twelve years old but glad you're a part of the conversation. Really adds a lot.
Whats the difference in whatever your opinion is against mine? Are your for tyreke. Are we definently going to the playoffs for sure with tyreke? Enlighten me with your FACTS pleasd-

-Your 12 year old
We did maximize the asset. Maybe not on the court, but when he became a RFA, it was either match him or let him walk. Instead we got a starting PG to replace him and some major cap space to play around with. What more do you want? It's not like this was a trade before the deadline.
capspace don't mean crap if you can't do anything good with it. i can't believe we are giving evans up for .. capspace, vasquez and a 2nd rd pick. what kinda gm does that???? ownership+front office using too much analytics that they can't see the talent for what it is??
Whats the difference in whatever your opinion is against mine? Are your for tyreke. Are we definently going to the playoffs for sure with tyreke? Enlighten me with your FACTS pleasd-

-Your 12 year old
Please don't refer to yourself as " my twelve year old". It creeps me out.
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Hall of Famer
So we wanted to trade Vasquez and sign Calderon? Why even trade for someone that you dont even want on the team?

And if Calderon doesnt even want to sign with us, what the hell is the cap space good for?

Big if. Every cap clearing move of the last decade had the same caveat. New owners so let's see if has better results.
Well we have trade assets IT, JT, Jimmer, MT ,new picks, and capspace and an agressive Nerd running the show. Thats alot of positive variables that are in our favor. Im pretty confident something is going too happend for the Small Forward spot.
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We did maximize the asset. Maybe not on the court, but when he became a RFA, it was either match him or let him walk. Instead we got a starting PG to replace him and some major cap space to play around with. What more do you want? It's not like this was a trade before the deadline.
If you look at our franchise's free agent history, you know that the concept of cap space as a positive to letting homegrown talent walk away is naive. Our team's lack of FA appeal is already rearing its ugly head: Jose effing Calderon won't even take our offer. He's even considering going back to Detroit rather than play for us. This is what we're up against in the open market. The fans know it and I fear that the FO is going to get a rude awakening as well.

I hope I'm wrong - I'm a Kings fan first, but I am certain that they've outsmarted themselves and made a major mistake here.
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Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
And if nobody else has already said it, although I'm sure many will disagree, Tyreke is not/will not be a PG no matter how many times you tell him he is. Vasquez (IMO) is a much BETTER PG than Tyreke will ever be and he's at a fraction of the cost.
Eh. I will readily concede that Greivis Vasquez is a better "pure" point guard (which is, to say, a pass-first point guard) than Tyreke Evans could ever be. Where I will continue to beg to differ, and this, IMO, is a big dividing line between many pro-Evans and anti-Evans people, is the importance of a "pure" point guard in the first place.

From my point of view, there are few things in basketball as overrated as a pass-first point guard; they look nice in the regular season, but they don't tend to win many championships. I suppose someone might want to say that guys like Mario Chalmers and Derek Fisher are "pure" point guards, but that's stretching the definition, IYAM, and they're not pass-first point guards, either way.
If you look at your franchise's free agent history, you know that the concept of cap space as a positive to letting homegrown talent walk away is naive. Our team's lack of FA appeal is already rearing its ugly head: Jose effing Calderon won't even take our offer. He's even considering going back to Detroit rather than play for us. This is what we're up against in the open market. The fans know it and I fear that the FO is going to get a rude awakening as well.

I hope I'm wrong - I'm a Kings fan first, but I am certain that they've outsmarted themselves and made a major mistake here.
Totally agree. Cap space means nothing when you can't use it on good free agents. Otherwise you're left spending it on Hayes and Outlaw. Sacramento isn't the most attractive market for free agents so good small market teams build based on drafts, trades, then free agency ie. spurs with duncan, parker, manu / pacers with hibbert, granger, george / or memphis conley draft, gasol through trade. Small market teams are never brought up when lebron, dwight, cp3, melo etc were free agents.


Hall of Famer
Eh. I will readily concede that Greivis Vasquez is a better "pure" point guard (which is, to say, a pass-first point guard) than Tyreke Evans could ever be. Where I will continue to beg to differ, and this, IMO, is a big dividing line between many pro-Evans and anti-Evans people, is the importance of a "pure" point guard in the first place.

From my point of view, there are few things in basketball as overrated as a pass-first point guard; they look nice in the regular season, but they don't tend to win many championships. I suppose someone might want to say that guys like Mario Chalmers and Derek Fisher are "pure" point guards, but that's stretching the definition, IYAM, and they're not pass-first point guards, either way.
9 mil cheaper to find out. If next years draft is what it is billed to be you could see unloading of really good talent on mid playoff and worse teams. i.e. granger, deng, gay, Lebron. just kidding on that last one.
If you look at our franchise's free agent history, you know that the concept of cap space as a positive to letting homegrown talent walk away is naive. Our team's lack of FA appeal is already rearing its ugly head: Jose effing Calderon won't even take our offer. He's even considering going back to Detroit rather than play for us. This is what we're up against in the open market. The fans know it and I fear that the FO is going to get a rude awakening as well.

I hope I'm wrong - I'm a Kings fan first, but I am certain that they've outsmarted themselves and made a major mistake here.
Our best years were due to getting a struggling player with star potential (Webber) while overpaying for a veteran FA (Divac). There's no reason why we can't do that again this time. Everyone is complaining about us not getting a FA, and while I agree to that, that's not the only way to get players to come here.


Hall of Famer
Cap space may not be worth much if we can't sign anyone good and I sure agree with that. With the minimum wage, we have to spend a whole bunch of it on someone. I wonder who as our use of the cap space will decide for me if this trade was worth it. I am hanging in there for Iggy as none of us know what our relationship is. Amnesty, sign Iggy and then what> Aldrich? I think it fits.
Eh. I will readily concede that Greivis Vasquez is a better "pure" point guard (which is, to say, a pass-first point guard) than Tyreke Evans could ever be. Where I will continue to beg to differ, and this, IMO, is a big dividing line between many pro-Evans and anti-Evans people, is the importance of a "pure" point guard in the first place.

From my point of view, there are few things in basketball as overrated as a pass-first point guard; they look nice in the regular season, but they don't tend to win many championships. I suppose someone might want to say that guys like Mario Chalmers and Derek Fisher are "pure" point guards, but that's stretching the definition, IYAM, and they're not pass-first point guards, either way.
The last pure pass-first point guard who won the champ... wait... Chalmers is far from pure PG... JJ Barea and Rodrigue Beaubois aren't pure PGs either... nor Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher... nor Rondo or Parker... or Ron Harper...

so.... Stockton didn't win. Magic isn't a pure PG... Isiah Thomas? Mo Cheeks?
Our best years were due to getting a struggling player with star potential (Webber) while overpaying for a veteran FA (Divac). There's no reason why we can't do that again this time. Everyone is complaining about us not getting a FA, and while I agree to that, that's not the only way to get players to come here.
Yes but we don't have a Mitch this time because we traded the closest thing for a good 3rd guard. And for the record I love the rock and think he was better than Reke. Just pointing out we don't have a trade asset like that any more.
The last pure pass-first point guard who won the champ... wait... Chalmers is far from pure PG... JJ Barea and Rodrigue Beaubois aren't pure PGs either... nor Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher... nor Rondo or Parker... or Ron Harper...

so.... Stockton didn't win. Magic isn't a pure PG... Isiah Thomas? Mo Cheeks?
Jason Kidd and Rondo aren't pass-first PG's?

news to me


Hall of Famer
How do you guys know the cap space is not going to be used??? Its July 4th... LOL RELAX
As soon as you go ahead and lay out for everyone the history of how valuable cap space is in this market.

People who say relax have yet to present any substance on why it is cap space is valuable in Sac. It's based on hope. Simply hope. I hope we do something which hasn't been done in Sac history and use the cap space to bring in a game changing talent.
The last pure pass-first point guard who won the champ... wait... Chalmers is far from pure PG... JJ Barea and Rodrigue Beaubois aren't pure PGs either... nor Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher... nor Rondo or Parker... or Ron Harper...

so.... Stockton didn't win. Magic isn't a pure PG... Isiah Thomas? Mo Cheeks?

Wait what? Rondos not Pure? whats your definition of a Pure Pg then?
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