ESPN Mock Draft (merged)

I was playing with the ESPN Lottery and Mock Draft Randomizer (It's below the Jerry West picture and it's the link that says "Lottery + Mock Draft" ) and after pushing the button a few times it seem we will be getting either Spencer Hawes or Roy Hibbert. Try it. It's fun and post who the Kings get.
Got Oden on my 3rd try too :)

Most of the time it seemed to be Spencer Hawes, or Roy Hibbert.

A couple times I did get Yi Jilian (sp?)!!


Hall of Famer
Ok here's the plan....On draft day we get whoever is sent to represent the Kings to tell em to keep redoing it until we get Oden.

"Come on man...It will probably only take 3 trys!"
I'd be cool with Hawes or Hibbert.
If we cannot get Oden or Durant that is.
We should be able to manipulate who we get if it can be electronic rather then a actual ball that is pulled like in the $ lottery with the air blowing them around. Heah if the Presidential election can be manipulated, why cannot we get Oden or Durant with a little creativity? ;)
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Unless we luck out in the lottery with a top 3 pick, I'm firmly in the Hibbert/Horford camp.

If our pick is later, I'm cool with Noah if he falls to us.

I like Conley or Law if we go for a PG.

But my big hope is that we end up with multiple first round picks.
Unless we luck out in the lottery with a top 3 pick, I'm firmly in the Hibbert/Horford camp.

If our pick is later, I'm cool with Noah if he falls to us.

I like Conley or Law if we go for a PG.

But my big hope is that we end up with multiple first round picks.
I wanna get #1, and hope ATL gets number 2...then we trade #1 for #2 and #12 in the lottery. Draft Durant and get Law/Conley/Hawes at 12.
A couple times I did get Yi Jilian (sp?)!!
Yi Jialian is the guy that I am hoping for at this point. I think it is realistic. So what if Kings are jammed up there, this kid can get to the rim like a magnet. I think it just over 1% chance Kings have for first pick at this point.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I've been playing around with that and done about 20 different "lotteries." In virtually every single one of them there's some kind of problem. Generally the logos for the teams don't match the team names. AND, in all but three attempts, the Kings have been at #10 and selected either Hibbert or Hawes. Maybe it's worn out???


EDIT: I've now done it over 40 times and only the top three positions are actually changing regularly. Slots #10-#14 are constant with #4-#9 generally the same but occasionally different. Balderdash...
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i got greg oden epsn mock

im down with the idea jeff green and roy hibbert maybe staying in college and our draft chances looking very ugly.

so i did the espn mock draft and the third try i got greg oden with the number 1 pick. I can dream the chances are in our favor for this to really happen right? 1.4 maybe higher after the Laker loss.


Hall of Famer
#22 has us taking Julian Wright at the 8 spot. They also have a note up that team needs have not been taken into account yet.

Hey Kings got #1 pick on my first try as well.


Hall of Famer
I tried it about 30 times after that and we were always 8th or 9th taking Spencer Hawes then finally we got the 3rd pick and took Noah.
Noah is going to be like Corliss Williamson. An excellent sixth man glue guy.

That disgusts me that that silly machine thinks we would take Noah over Hibbert.


Hawes or HIbbert, #10 all the time:)
Noah is going to be like Corliss Williamson. An excellent sixth man glue guy.

That disgusts me that that silly machine thinks we would take Noah over Hibbert.


Hawes or HIbbert, #10 all the time:)
...much less over Horford or Brandon Wright.

Think Noah's going to be a 7-foot tall Shane Battier type.
I think the Noah comparison is Tyson Chandler. Chandler's got the advantage because he's taller and more athletic, but assuming he carries over his energy, Noah's got the better motor. I think he could have a bigger impact than people give him credit for, but at the same time, I agree with those who question his ultimate potential.
Noah is going to be like Corliss Williamson. An excellent sixth man glue guy.

That disgusts me that that silly machine thinks we would take Noah over Hibbert.


Hawes or HIbbert, #10 all the time:)
That's all fine and good, but if we are lucky enough to get a top pick, let's say in the top 5, then we really need to get a franchise player, especially in a good draft like people believe this one will be.

Also we will have the best pick we haven't enjoyed in some time now so let's make it count. Come on lottery balls, please work for us. Does anyone know if all the balls are uniform with only a small indication of the team? It would be more fair if they just had a # that coresponded to the team. You could then go down the line and give Memphis their 250 balls #1-250, and then move along down the line of the order of the teams, then make sure they are bobbled enough so as not to cheat.

It would make it unfair I believe to have the balls in the color of the team or even just the team's name enabling a person to pick the ball of the team and it not to be random. What am I talking about.....we need the ball to be known and have a agent on our side so we get Oden or Durant!!!! :p
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Does anyone know if all the balls are uniform with only a small indication of the team? It would be more fair if they just had a # that coresponded to the team. You could then go down the line and give Memphis their 250 balls #1-250, and then move along down the line of the order of the teams, then make sure they are bobbled enough so as not to cheat.

It would make it unfair I believe to have the balls in the color of the team or even just the team's name enabling a person to pick the ball of the team and it not to be random. What am I talking about.....we need the ball to be known and have a agent on our side so we get Oden or Durant!!!! :p
According to, here's how the lottery works:

Under the system, 14 ping-pong balls numbered 1 through 14 are placed in a drum. There are 1,001 possible combinations when four balls are drawn out of 14, without regard to their order of selection. Prior to the Lottery, 1,000 combinations are assigned to the Lottery teams based on their order of finish during the regular season. Four balls are drawn to the top to determine a four-digit combination. The team that has been assigned that combination will receive the number one pick. The four balls are placed back in the drum and the process is repeated to determine the number two and three picks. (Note: If the one unassigned combination is drawn, the balls are drawn to the top again.)

In October of 1995, the Board of Governors increased the number of teams participating in the Lottery from 11 to 13 to account for the addition of expansion teams Toronto and Vancouver. Starting in 1996, the team with the worst record in the Lottery continued to have a 25% chance of winning the first pick, teams two through six have slightly fewer chances, team seven has the same number of chances and teams eight through 12 have slightly more chances. The number of chances for team 13 did not change.
is there any team above us with a strong need for a pg? im wondering if we can trade up in the draft, as conley and law are more in our range than the top 5-6 ish.

i was fiddling with the mock draft... wright fell to 8th... and we GOT HIM!
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