Thus far we have, in dazzling fashion, addressed exactly NONE of the needs identified not by this board, but by Petrie himself at the beginning of the offseason. Those needs were "defensive length, steady the SF position, shooting". So far we have kept Jason, a solid move in itself, and drafted a guy who doesn't actually fill any of them (but by resinging Jason at least we did not repeat the folly of last season where we actually blew a hole open in our lineup to jam an overhyped rookie into).
It is fortunate that I see the bulk of this team's talent already on the roster, because as usual we are behind the 8 ball on bringing it in from the outside. Not just talent. Specific NEEDS. Holes that need patching and we've gone through the draft, and the early rush fo free agency wihtou having made any progress on them at all.
I agree, which takes me back to wondering what the FO actually thinks.
Perhaps they think that Whiteside is ready for big minutes, and if he is, other than Anthony Davis, I'm not certain anyone in this last draft would be better than Whiteside when it comes to adding defensive length to our team. (Drummond would probably be the only other guy and he has as many, if not more, question marks than Whiteside)
Perhaps they also think that Tyreke will come into next season as a better shooter and maybe they think that Jimmer is doing the right things in the off-season to better prepare himself for next season to address the shooting needs.
And it's possible they think that from out platoon of SFs, someone is ready to grab the starting position and play well enough to keep it.
Who knows....
That's why it would be great to know what the FO actually thought of the players on the roster. As you mentioned the team needs that Petrie identified at the end of the season have not at all been addressed so far via draft, free-agency, or trade. It could be that maybe they think that the development/progression of their own guys will account for fixing the majority of the issues.
In an ideal world we would resign TWill and then somehow put together an attractive package to bring in a veteran SF, but at this point in time I don't think that is a very realistic scenario, and so I'll be content enough to just sign TWill then work to get everyone on the same page for the start of the new season.
I think we'll have a much better sense of things after Summer League. If both Jimmer and Whiteside shine then it could indicate that the FO is betting that their own talent will be in a position to make a bigger contribution to the team.
If Whiteside looks as lost as ever and Jimmer struggles....then it's probably a sign that we're going to be in for another rocky season unless another move gets made to help address the team's glaring needs.