Cousins Working His Butt Off (New poll)

Do we give Cousins the max extension?

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You obviously have no idea what the term straw man means.
uh no. Guy A makes point saying Cousins is a RFA and we shouldn't worry. You state a blatant exaggeration by saying Lakers legends and the whole Miami Heat army will be at Cousins front door to take him away from us after us not believing in him

That's pretty standard example of that fallacy.

Btw, not maxing Cousins says we don't believe in him? Why do continue to insist on treating Cousins like a child?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
uh no. Guy A makes point saying Cousins is a RFA and we shouldn't worry. You state a blatant exaggeration by saying Lakers legends and the whole Miami Heat army will be at Cousins front door to take him away from us after us not believing in him

That's pretty standard example of that fallacy.

Btw, not maxing Cousins says we don't believe in him? Why do continue to insist on treating Cousins like a child?
ok, so you actually really don't know what straw man means as it turns out.

oh and P.S., its hardly an exaggeration. The Pelicans were at Reke's doorstep the night of. The big boys will be there for Cousins, book it.


Super Moderator Emeritus
This board needs to seriously take a chill pill. I mean a quote from our coach saying "we want Cousins to be a defensive anchor", and everyone loads their shotguns ready to kill Malone, D'Allesandro, and Vivek execution style. Then someone tries to bring a valid comment that maybe the term "defensive anchor" is a little vague in this situation, and he gets his throat slashed on the spot by the KGF (Kings Guerilla Family).

Anyways, Malone saying he wants Cousins to be the defensive anchor can mean a lot of things. It could mean a coach saying he wants his star player to be the catalyst in giving effort on the defensive end(something this team, and Cousins are not known for). When your star players are playing hard on both ends, the whole team gets infected and plays hard. When your star player demands the ball on offense and loafs around on defense, it does the opposite to team morale.
I have to agree...and admit somewhat sheepishly that I'm not real clear about what "anchor" means, either. :eek:

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
uh no. Guy A makes point saying Cousins is a RFA and we shouldn't worry. You state a blatant exaggeration by saying Lakers legends and the whole Miami Heat army will be at Cousins front door to take him away from us after us not believing in him

That's pretty standard example of that fallacy.
Not a bit. And because I'm far more pedantic than Brick, I'm going to try to help you out.

A strawman argument is one where one ascribes to one's rhetorical opponent an easily refutable position or argument that the opponent has not in fact put forward, for the purpose of easily defeating the position or making the opponent look silly. It is called a strawman because a strawman is something which is metaphorically "easy to knock down".

Thus, when Person A says that Cousins will be an RFA and we don't have to worry, and Person B says that if Cousins is not extended that other teams will pursue him with vigor, you will see that Person B is not, in fact, putting words into Person A's mouth. Rather, Person B is making their own argument in opposition to Person A, which is a pretty standard technique.

However, this site is not immune to strawman arguments. Notably, when a group of posters complained vigorously about some of the front office moves this offseason, an opposing group began to ascribe to them the position "Not Grateful to Vivek Ranadivé for Saving the Kings", which, of course, was not a position they had ever taken and is a position that is very easy to argue against because, of course, all of us feel that we ought to be grateful to Mr. Ranadivé for buying the Kings and keeping them in Sacramento. That was, as you see, a strawman argument.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The straw man argument:

A straw man argument is a rhetorical device that is meant to easily prove that one’s position or argument is superior to an opposing argument. However, the straw man argument is regarded as a logical fallacy, because at its core, the person using the device misrepresents the other person's argument. The person does this because it then becomes easier to knock down the weaker version of the opposing argument with one's more substantial counter argument. The term straw man derives from the use of scarecrows for military practice, such as charges. In reality, a scarecrow is far easier to defeat than an actual person.

The straw man argument, also called straw dog or scarecrow, deliberately misrepresents and weakens the argument of the opposing side. This can be done by leaving out key points of an opposing argument, quoting a person’s words out of context, or presenting a particular person’s poor defense as the entire defense of an opposing side. In the worst case, a straw man is literally an imagined person who weakly defends an argument and can be easily defeated.

The straw man argument can be used in arguments in most areas of life, from political, to business, to religious, to personal life. It is also often used in conjunction with other logical fallacies, such as red herring, slippery slope, and ad hominem. One example of a straw man argument can be seen in the following hypothetical situation between a child and his parent:

Child: "Can we get a dog?"
Parent: "No."
Child: "It would protect us."
Parent: "Still, no."
Child: "Why do you want to leave us and our house unprotected?"

The child in the above scenario may be making a straw man argument if the parent's reason for not getting a dog has nothing to do with protection but with other factors. Moreover, not getting a dog is not necessarily proof that the parent doesn't want to protect the family and home as there are other means of protection.

Perhaps the easiest place to find straw man arguments is in the political sphere. One very effective straw man argument is to take a small sound byte from a political candidate and use this to generalize about the person’s ability to hold political office. Using the straw man argument, these sound bytes are often exploited in television and print ads, intentionally casting the candidate in a bad, albeit inaccurate, light. Although most voters can and will see through the straw man argument, many will accept the argument as truth, and allow it to sway their opinion.

Now, about Cousins? While I would love to see him given an extension, I can understand how the front office wants to approach this a little differently. With Dan Fegan as his agent, I suspect Cousins is well aware that his future is in his own hands and that a HUGE payday is right around the corner if he can dispel the reluctance of all those who watched his missteps of the past couple of years. I'm also fairly certain that PDA and Vivek are doing everything they need to do to ensure that Cousins is given every opportunity to succeed. I have a lot more faith in them than I did in the previous regime. Watching Cousins' demeanor the past few months, it's pretty clear that he's committed to working hard and proving the naysayers wrong. That works for me.
Worry about the Lakers, sure, and the Wizards? Definitely. But the Heat? I thought that ESPN article was playing somewhat fast and loose with reality. Sure, they have very little in the way of guaranteed, non-option contracts technically on the books next season. But they do have something in the way of $60 million in cap holds from the "Big Three."

From what I can tell, for the Heat to come up with anything remotely competitive for a guy like Cousins they'd either have to renounce Bosh, or convince James, Wade, and Bosh to each take further pay cuts down to $15 million or so each, per year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
From what I can tell, for the Heat to come up with anything remotely competitive for a guy like Cousins they'd either have to renounce Bosh,

If you want to dangle the most talented center in the game in front of the legendary coach/GM of Kareem, Ewing, Mourning and Shaq...well, you're going to get an education.
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He wouldn't be the first RFA to have his heart set elsewhere only to be matched by his current team. In fact, almost every season you see this happen.

You think he'll have so much contempt after a contract match that he'd stop playing hard? Underperform? Maybe fake some injuries? Lose his heart and intensity for the length of the contract? Sorry, that's just not in DMC's character, you really haven't been paying attention if you think he'd do those things.

Even in the worst case scenario of the FO unwisely not giving him a max extension by the deadline... he's not going anywhere if the front office wants him here.

If he really doesn't want to be a King his only choices are to sign the 1 year QA or leave the NBA for a year. Both unlikely if the Kings are dangling a 5 year max.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
He wouldn't be the first RFA to have his heart set elsewhere only to be matched by his current team. In fact, almost every season you see this happen.

You think he'll have so much contempt after a contract match that he'd stop playing hard? Underperform? Maybe fake some injuries? Lose his heart and intensity for the length of the contract? Sorry, that's just not in DMC's character, you really haven't been paying attention if you think he'd do those things.
It's not? Are you telling us that you don't think that it's in Cousins' nature to be the kind of guy to melt down, and become a team-breaker, if he feels he's not getting what he wants? Because past behavior would seem to suggest evidence to the contrary.

For the Kings' sake, I sure as hell hope we don't have to find out... that you're probably wrong...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
He wouldn't be the first RFA to have his heart set elsewhere only to be matched by his current team. In fact, almost every season you see this happen.

You think he'll have so much contempt after a contract match that he'd stop playing hard? Underperform? Maybe fake some injuries? Lose his heart and intensity for the length of the contract? Sorry, that's just not in DMC's character, you really haven't been paying attention if you think he'd do those things.

Even in the worst case scenario of the FO unwisely not giving him a max extension by the deadline... he's not going anywhere if the front office wants him here.

If he really doesn't want to be a King his only choices are to sign the 1 year QA or leave the NBA for a year. Both unlikely if the Kings are dangling a 5 year max.
Which NBA have people been watching? Did you see how that worked for the Pelicans with Gordon? Did you not notice these constant machinations out of town by Melo, Dwight, Deron and all the rest?

And which Cousins have you been watching? I find it incredible how Cousins can simultaneously not be mature enough to be given the max contract he is obviously going to be given anyway, but at the same time he's going to be mature enough to just shrug when you yank him back against his will?

There is a lot of self-delusion on this topic amongst the Kings fanbase. Nobody likes to look in the mirror and realize they are the fat kid with glasses in the back of the room, nor realize that their chubby girlfriend is outgrowing her babyfat and turning into one of the hottest girls in the class. You damn well better commit, because the jocks and class presidents have taken note, and you've got nothing to offer but loyalty. She's got options. You have 7 straight losing seasons, a revolving door of rookie coaches, your second best player is Marcus Thornton, you play in a decrepit building, and your radio host likes to lambast your girl on air and drive scores of ditto heads to call in to agree. Meanwhile the popular girls are going to start whispering in her ear this year, and she's got a powerful and connected daddy who's determined to find a guy worthy of her. You put her on the market, and she's gone in heart if not in body, and the rest inevitably resolves.

This is the time when you suck it up and pay the man while he still wants it to be you.
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Which NBA have people been watching? Did you see how that worked for the Pelicans with Gordon? Did you not notice these constant machinations out of town by Melo, Dwight, Deron and all the rest?

And which Cousins have you been watching? I find it incredible how Cousins can simultaneously not be mature enough to be given the max contract he is obviously going to be given anyway, but at the same time he's going to be mature enough to just shrug when you yank him back against his will?

There is a lot of self-delusion on this topic amongst the Kings fanbase. Nobody likes to look in the mirror and realize they are the fat kid with glasses in the back of the room, nor realize that their chubby girlfriend is outgrowing her babyfat and turning into one of the hottest girls in the class. You damn well better commit, because the jocks and class presidents have taken note, and you've got nothing to offer but loyalty. She's got options. You have 7 straight losing seasons, a revolving door of rookie coaches, your second best player is Marcus Thornton, you play in a decrepit building, and your radio host likes to lambast your girl on air and drive scores of ditto heads to call in to agree. Meanwhile the popular girls are going to start whispering in her ear this year, and she's got a powerful and connected daddy who's determined to find a guy worthy of her. You put her on the market, and she's gone in heart if not in body, and the rest inevitably resolves.

This is the time when you suck it up and pay the man.
Nah we don't need Cuz. Use our capspace to sign more Carl Landrys and it's championship time baby! Don't you know? New culture and Vivek = everyone can't wait to be a King. Dynasty upcoming!
If Cousins wants to test his market value after the coming season, there is little the Kings can do right now to prevent it. They can't force Cousins to sign a contract right now. Cousins knows that he will be payed the max after next season, no matter where he plays. It would be a smart move by Cousins to see where the Kings are heading this season, before signing a contract, that may tie him to a losing franchise for another 4-5 years.
It is up to PDA to improve the roster and convince Cousins, that the Kings are finally competing for a playoff-spot or Cousins will be gone sooner or later.
Of course we can't force him to sign a contract. But I darn well would like us to offer him a max contract while he still clearly wants to be here. Somebody is going to pay him the max. I'd like it to be us. Centers with the size/talent of DMC don't just appear like magic when you want/need one.
If Cousins wants to test his market value after the coming season, there is little the Kings can do right now to prevent it. They can't force Cousins to sign a contract right now. Cousins knows that he will be payed the max after next season, no matter where he plays. It would be a smart move by Cousins to see where the Kings are heading this season, before signing a contract, that may tie him to a losing franchise for another 4-5 years.
It is up to PDA to improve the roster and convince Cousins, that the Kings are finally competing for a playoff-spot or Cousins will be gone sooner or later.
you may have missed something here. Cuz and his agents are currently asking for a max extension. the hesitation appears to be on the Kings' front office's part.


Imo give it till All Star break in regards to signing him, if he's played well he will most likely be in the All-Star game as a sub and reward him than, if it's same old same old with DMC than got to wait till the end of the year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That includes Lebron being a free agent though, right? Or is that $50 million not counting him?
Includes LeBron as well as Bosh. Was done on purpose so both sides could reassess after a few years.

Note: Chris Bosh averaged 12.1pts 7.3rebs on .458 shooting in the playoffs.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
That includes Lebron being a free agent though, right? Or is that $50 million not counting him?
I'm not sure I'd swallow that number. I can't imagine either Bosh or Wade opting out because I don't really think either of them can approach $20M on the market anymore, not in this economic/cap climate and not now that they're into their 30s. The Heat also have an option on Cole, who I think they'll keep around, and there are player options for both Haslem and Joel Anthony that are likely picked up. I imagine that even if LeBron opts out, the Heat will still have $51M in salary committed, which really isn't any cap room at all if they want to bring LeBron back. Unless Bosh makes a bizarre decision and opts out, I don't really see the Heat having the ability to even make a competitive offer to Cousins.
I'm not sure I'd swallow that number. I can't imagine either Bosh or Wade opting out because I don't really think either of them can approach $20M on the market anymore, not in this economic/cap climate and not now that they're into their 30s. The Heat also have an option on Cole, who I think they'll keep around, and there are player options for both Haslem and Joel Anthony that are likely picked up. I imagine that even if LeBron opts out, the Heat will still have $51M in salary committed, which really isn't any cap room at all if they want to bring LeBron back. Unless Bosh makes a bizarre decision and opts out, I don't really see the Heat having the ability to even make a competitive offer to Cousins.
Yep. But this is the dumbest argument, the kings can match any offer. Who cares who comes after him. He's a pro, right. Then he should play hard for his money. If he doesn't, then he will lose millions of dollars when he becomes unrestricted after the deal is played out.

I hate this thought that we have to max him or he will pout and not play hard. Why have someone like that on your team? I'd like to see how performs this year and then decide his value. Someone brought up Kareem, Shaquille, Ewing .... Come on, Demarcus isn't anywhere near there. I hope he becomes that type if player, but he isn't there


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Yep. But this is the dumbest argument, the kings can match any offer. Who cares who comes after him. He's a pro, right. Then he should play hard for his money. If he doesn't, then he will lose millions of dollars when he becomes unrestricted after the deal is played out.
Yes, I have noticed how Dwight has been having to put a cup out in front of him. This is the NBA. Talent gets paid.
man... kings fans. sometimes i wonder just how little of the rest of the nba some of you pay attention to...

demarcus cousins has shown nothing but loyalty to the sacramento kings franchise after four straight losing seasons with the team, during which time he's been thrown under the bus by coaches, dragged through the mud by the radio stooge in chief, lambasted by the fans, and shown not an ounce of support by the team's dimwitted owners. now there's a new regime in town, and ya wanna know what demarcus expects for the commitment he has displayed? loyalty in return. it's that simple. he knows his talent. the kings know his talent. so they have exactly two options. the kings either a) offer him a max extension before the deadline, or b) whisper sweet nothings in his ear all season long and grovel at his feet come season's end and hope that it's enough to get him to happily sign on the dotted line, because you cannot be late to the party when more attractive teams come calling...

personally, i'm down with funkykingston's theory that the new regime wants to give demarcus cousins a test drive this offseason before they extend him, sortofa good faith gesture on behalf of both parties. but brick is absolutely right about the lakers, the heat, and other potential suitors for DMC. the lakers are a franchise that has been called home by wilt chamberlain, kareem abdul jabbar, shaquille o'neal, and andrew bynum. their roster is currently home to a one-foot-in-the-grave steve nash, an on-his-last-legs kobe bryant, and an over-the-hill pau gasol. they will have considerable cap space next offseason, and ya don't think they'll target demarcus cousins? please. every team will have a contingency plan in place should they miss out on lebron or carmelo, and demarcus cousins will be the most attractive young piece on the market that you can legitimately build a team around, should the kings be foolish enough not to extend him ASAP...

then there's pat riley, a legend among legends who has a historic big man fetish. as happy as he is with his back-to-back championship miami heat, does anybody seriously think he doesn't squirm every time he's asked a question about his team's lack of an interior presence? does anybody seriously think he's satisfied with the birdman down low, and isn't actively considering life-after-chris-bosh? you wanna talk about two, three, four moves ahead of the field? that's pat riley, the guy who waited years to put his james-wade-bosh plan into action. if PDA has a supposed reputation for thinking several moves ahead, then he had better be thinking about pat riley, and whether or not it's worth the risk to wait until next offseason to offer demarcus cousins a new contract...

but here's the worst part: the kings have set themselves up for another losing season. if they don't offer demarcus cousins a max extension while they can, it's not like he doesn't have the perfect excuse to willingly listen to other offers from the kinds of major market franchises who will commit to winning now. if he listens to the lakers' pitch, and if he listens to the heat's pitch, and if he listens to pitches from half a dozen other teams with better franchise track records in the win/loss column than the sacramento kings, and then you decide to match, how happy do you think he's gonna be to come back here after he's seen what's out there?

i'm sorta flabbergasted right now. for four seasons, all i've heard from a massive contingent of kings fans is that demarcus cousins is too immature to lead, too much of a hothead to build a team around, too much of a liability to keep. and now it's all sunshine and rainbows because vivek ranadive has arrived, as if that would be enough to convince a volatile once-in-a-generation center to remain content and professional on a team that was late to it's own goddamn party...


the team's rookie owner, rookie gm, and rookie head coach would be fools to think that they know better than kings fans just how much of a headache demarcus cousins can be when he's unhappy. you either lock him up now, or you pray that demarcus doesn't try to force his way outta town in a season or two after you've matched offers from teams like the los angeles lakers or the miami heat, teams that will undeniably look attractive to demarcus considering that he didn't receive loyalty enough from sacramento by way of an extension. if you extend DMC and you're unable to build a winner around him, he and dan fegan might flex those trade demand muscles anyway, so why wait? so you can rest on your laurels? so kings fans can prop up their inferiority complex?

for the record, i don't care if demarcus hasn't "earned it" yet. none of that **** matters to me. this is small market basketball. rather, it's losing basketball in an undesirable small market in the contemporary nba, where small market teams regularly overpay just to cling to the potential of all-star talent. if you wait around, if you sit on your hands, if you're too afraid to pull the trigger on the potential of talent, then you're just gonna watch every tyreke evans, demarcus cousins, and andrew wiggins who walks through the door head right back out of it. the kings will become a farm team for the bigger markets who aren't afraid to take chances. again, i'm gonna assume that funkykingston's on the right track, and that the new regime has every intention of extending demarcus cousins after they've spent more time working with him this offseason. but if they don't, then they've made things considerably more difficult for themselves...

i will continue to maintain that's it's a hope-and-a-prayer strategy when you don't lock up young talent with all-star potential as soon as you possibly can. you're just hoping that you can retain that talent at a later date, or you're praying that you can replace it via free agency (not exactly a boon for a small market franchise in sacramento) or the draft (when was the last time the kings scored the #1 pick?) or on the trade block (who's sending back all-star potential for scraps)? i don't like gambling on those kinds of factors. that's betting against the house. i prefer to bet based on the cards in my hand, based on what i can see. and what i saw was an elite slasher with all-star potential who was allowed to walk out the door, and what i see is an elite center with the potential to dominate his position for a decade who has yet to be extended. you whiffed on the former. fine, it's time to move on. but you'd better lock up the latter, because there will be plenty of teams salivating at the chance to coax him away from you, or to, at the very least, muck up your locker room by giving him second thoughts about his loyalty to a franchise that didn't extend him when it should have...
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Yep. But this is the dumbest argument, the kings can match any offer. Who cares who comes after him. He's a pro, right. Then he should play hard for his money. If he doesn't, then he will lose millions of dollars when he becomes unrestricted after the deal is played out.

I hate this thought that we have to max him or he will pout and not play hard. Why have someone like that on your team? I'd like to see how performs this year and then decide his value. Someone brought up Kareem, Shaquille, Ewing .... Come on, Demarcus isn't anywhere near there. I hope he becomes that type if player, but he isn't there
Yes they can match any offer if he goes out to get one. There is still the threat of taking the 1 year QO and losing him for nothing the next year.
man... kings fans. sometimes i wonder just how little of the rest of the nba some of you pay attention to...

demarcus cousins has shown nothing but loyalty to the sacramento kings franchise after four straight losing seasons with the team, during which time he's been thrown under the bus by coaches, dragged through the mud by the radio stooge in chief, lambasted by the fans, and shown not an ounce of support by the team's dimwitted owners. now there's a new regime in town, and ya wanna know what demarcus expects for the commitment he has displayed? loyalty in return. it's that simple. he knows his talent. the kings know his talent. so they have exactly two options. the kings either a) offer him a max extension before the deadline, or b) whisper sweet nothings in his ear all season long and grovel at his feet come season's end and hope that it's enough to get him to happily sign on the dotted line, because you cannot be late to the party when more attractive teams come calling...

personally, i'm down with funkykingston's theory that the new regime wants to give demarcus cousins a test drive this offseason before they extend him, sortofa good faith gesture on behalf of both parties. but brick is absolutely right about the lakers, the heat, and other potential suitors for DMC. the lakers are a franchise that has been called home by wilt chamberlain, kareem abdul jabbar, shaquille o'neal, and andrew bynum. their roster is currently home to a one-foot-in-the-grave steve nash, an on-his-last-legs kobe bryant, and an over-the-hill pau gasol. they will have considerable cap space next offseason, and ya don't think they'll target demarcus cousins? please. every team will have a contingency plan in place should they miss out on lebron or carmelo, and demarcus cousins will be the most attractive young piece on the market that you can legitimately build a team around, should the kings be foolish enough not to extend him ASAP...

then there's pat riley, a legend among legends who has a historic big man fetish. as happy as he is with his back-to-back championship miami heat, does anybody seriously think he doesn't squirm every time he's asked a question about his team's lack of an interior presence? does anybody seriously think he's satisfied with the birdman down low, and isn't actively considering life-after-chris-bosh? you wanna talk about two, three, four moves ahead of the field? that's pat riley, the guy who waited years to put his james-wade-bosh plan into action. if PDA has a supposed reputation for thinking several moves ahead, then he had better be thinking about pat riley, and whether or not it's worth the risk to wait until next offseason to offer demarcus cousins a new contract...

but here's the worst part: the kings have set themselves up for another losing season. if they don't offer demarcus cousins a max extension while they can, it's not like he doesn't have the perfect excuse to willingly listen to other offers from the kinds of major market franchises who will commit to winning now. if he listens to the lakers' pitch, and if he listens to the heat's pitch, and if he listens to pitches from half a dozen other teams with better franchise track records in the win/loss column than the sacramento kings, and then you decide to match, how happy do you think he's gonna be to come back here after he's seen what's out there?

i'm sorta flabbergasted right now. for four seasons, all i've heard from a massive contingent of kings fans is that demarcus cousins is too immature to lead, too much of a hothead to build a team around, too much of a liability to keep. and now it's all sunshine and rainbows because vivek ranadive has arrived, as if that would be enough to convince a volatile once-in-a-generation center to remain content and professional on a team that was late to it's own goddamn party...


the team's rookie owner, rookie gm, and rookie head coach would be fools to think that they know better than kings fans just how much of a headache demarcus cousins can be when he's unhappy. you either lock him up now, or you pray that demarcus doesn't try to force his way outta town in a season or two after you've matched offers from teams like the los angeles lakers or the miami heat, teams that will undeniably look attractive to demarcus considering that he didn't receive loyalty enough from sacramento by way of an extension. if you extend DMC and you're unable to build a winner around him, he and dan fegan might flex those trade demand muscles anyway, so why wait? so you can rest on your laurels? so kings fans can prop up their inferiority complex?

for the record, i don't care if demarcus hasn't "earned it" yet. none of that **** matters to me. this is small market basketball. rather, it's losing basketball in an undesirable small market in the contemporary nba, where small market teams regularly overpay just to cling to the potential of all-star talent. if you wait around, if you sit on your hands, if you're too ***** to pull the trigger on the potential of talent, then you're just gonna watch every tyreke evans, demarcus cousins, and andrew wiggins who walks through the door head right back out of it. the kings will become a farm team for the bigger markets who aren't afraid to take chances. again, i'm gonna assume that funkykingston's on the right track, and that the new regime has every intention of extending demarcus cousins after they've spent more time working with him this offseason. but if they don't, then they've made things considerably more difficult for themselves...

i will continue to maintain that's it's a hope-and-a-prayer strategy when you don't lock up young talent with all-star potential as soon as you possibly can. you're just hoping that you can retain that talent at a later date, or you're praying that you can replace it via free agency (not exactly a boon for a small market franchise in sacramento) or the draft (when was the last time the kings scored the #1 pick?) or on the trade block (who's sending back all-star potential for scraps)? i don't like gambling on those kinds of factors. that's betting against the house. i prefer to bet based on the cards in my hand, based on what i can see. and what i saw was an elite slasher with all-star potential who was allowed to walk out the door, and what i see is an elite center with the potential to dominate his position for a decade who has yet to be extended. you whiffed on the former. fine, it's time to move on. but you'd better lock up the latter, because there will be plenty of teams salivating at the chance to coax him away from you, or to, at the very least, muck up your locker room by giving him second thoughts about his loyalty to a franchise that didn't extend him when it should have...
I'm more concerned about the trade deadline rumors causing problems that will hurt the entire team. Extending him now would squash the rumor mill. This team doesn't need any more drama.
man... kings fans. sometimes i wonder just how little of the rest of the nba some of you pay attention to...

demarcus cousins has shown nothing but loyalty to the sacramento kings franchise after four straight losing seasons with the team, during which time he's been thrown under the bus by coaches, dragged through the mud by the radio stooge in chief, lambasted by the fans, and shown not an ounce of support by the team's dimwitted owners. now there's a new regime in town, and ya wanna know what demarcus expects for the commitment he has displayed? loyalty in return. it's that simple. he knows his talent. the kings know his talent. so they have exactly two options. the kings either a) offer him a max extension before the deadline, or b) whisper sweet nothings in his ear all season long and grovel at his feet come season's end and hope that it's enough to get him to happily sign on the dotted line, because you cannot be late to the party when more attractive teams come calling...

personally, i'm down with funkykingston's theory that the new regime wants to give demarcus cousins a test drive this offseason before they extend him, sortofa good faith gesture on behalf of both parties. but brick is absolutely right about the lakers, the heat, and other potential suitors for DMC. the lakers are a franchise that has been called home by wilt chamberlain, kareem abdul jabbar, shaquille o'neal, and andrew bynum. their roster is currently home to a one-foot-in-the-grave steve nash, an on-his-last-legs kobe bryant, and an over-the-hill pau gasol. they will have considerable cap space next offseason, and ya don't think they'll target demarcus cousins? please. every team will have a contingency plan in place should they miss out on lebron or carmelo, and demarcus cousins will be the most attractive young piece on the market that you can legitimately build a team around, should the kings be foolish enough not to extend him ASAP...

then there's pat riley, a legend among legends who has a historic big man fetish. as happy as he is with his back-to-back championship miami heat, does anybody seriously think he doesn't squirm every time he's asked a question about his team's lack of an interior presence? does anybody seriously think he's satisfied with the birdman down low, and isn't actively considering life-after-chris-bosh? you wanna talk about two, three, four moves ahead of the field? that's pat riley, the guy who waited years to put his james-wade-bosh plan into action. if PDA has a supposed reputation for thinking several moves ahead, then he had better be thinking about pat riley, and whether or not it's worth the risk to wait until next offseason to offer demarcus cousins a new contract...

but here's the worst part: the kings have set themselves up for another losing season. if they don't offer demarcus cousins a max extension while they can, it's not like he doesn't have the perfect excuse to willingly listen to other offers from the kinds of major market franchises who will commit to winning now. if he listens to the lakers' pitch, and if he listens to the heat's pitch, and if he listens to pitches from half a dozen other teams with better franchise track records in the win/loss column than the sacramento kings, and then you decide to match, how happy do you think he's gonna be to come back here after he's seen what's out there?

i'm sorta flabbergasted right now. for four seasons, all i've heard from a massive contingent of kings fans is that demarcus cousins is too immature to lead, too much of a hothead to build a team around, too much of a liability to keep. and now it's all sunshine and rainbows because vivek ranadive has arrived, as if that would be enough to convince a volatile once-in-a-generation center to remain content and professional on a team that was late to it's own goddamn party...


the team's rookie owner, rookie gm, and rookie head coach would be fools to think that they know better than kings fans just how much of a headache demarcus cousins can be when he's unhappy. you either lock him up now, or you pray that demarcus doesn't try to force his way outta town in a season or two after you've matched offers from teams like the los angeles lakers or the miami heat, teams that will undeniably look attractive to demarcus considering that he didn't receive loyalty enough from sacramento by way of an extension. if you extend DMC and you're unable to build a winner around him, he and dan fegan might flex those trade demand muscles anyway, so why wait? so you can rest on your laurels? so kings fans can prop up their inferiority complex?

for the record, i don't care if demarcus hasn't "earned it" yet. none of that **** matters to me. this is small market basketball. rather, it's losing basketball in an undesirable small market in the contemporary nba, where small market teams regularly overpay just to cling to the potential of all-star talent. if you wait around, if you sit on your hands, if you're too ***** to pull the trigger on the potential of talent, then you're just gonna watch every tyreke evans, demarcus cousins, and andrew wiggins who walks through the door head right back out of it. the kings will become a farm team for the bigger markets who aren't afraid to take chances. again, i'm gonna assume that funkykingston's on the right track, and that the new regime has every intention of extending demarcus cousins after they've spent more time working with him this offseason. but if they don't, then they've made things considerably more difficult for themselves...

i will continue to maintain that's it's a hope-and-a-prayer strategy when you don't lock up young talent with all-star potential as soon as you possibly can. you're just hoping that you can retain that talent at a later date, or you're praying that you can replace it via free agency (not exactly a boon for a small market franchise in sacramento) or the draft (when was the last time the kings scored the #1 pick?) or on the trade block (who's sending back all-star potential for scraps)? i don't like gambling on those kinds of factors. that's betting against the house. i prefer to bet based on the cards in my hand, based on what i can see. and what i saw was an elite slasher with all-star potential who was allowed to walk out the door, and what i see is an elite center with the potential to dominate his position for a decade who has yet to be extended. you whiffed on the former. fine, it's time to move on. but you'd better lock up the latter, because there will be plenty of teams salivating at the chance to coax him away from you, or to, at the very least, muck up your locker room by giving him second thoughts about his loyalty to a franchise that didn't extend him when it should have...
Was this needed? Does anyone disagree that Cousins needs an extension?