holy ****. i submitted three poems to Write Bloody Publishing's 2013 Book Contest, and I was selected as a finalist (you'll see my name second on the list below)!!
the task before me now in the second round of the contest is to submit a 40-poem manuscript and accompanying video of myself reading one of my poems. should my manuscript and video be chosen, i will be awarded with a publishing contract and book release for spring 2014. i'm kinda excited at the prospect...
here's the deal: i will soon be posting a video of myself performing a poem to youtube. as part of the selection process for round two, Write Bloody is interested in seeing how well one can promote oneself. that said, when the video goes online, i would ask that my gracious friends of KF.com "like" the video on youtube, and i would also ask that my gracious friends of KF.com re-post it on their facebooks, twitters, tumblrs, etc., with instruction that the viewer must "like" the video. these "likes" only account for a small portion of the final selection process, but i believe in being thorough, and i appreciate any help you all are willing to provide!! i'll update this thread when the video goes live...