Congratulations Padrino!

thank you so much, dear hearts!!


i am excited to finish my manuscript, anxious to submit it along with the video content, and appreciative of your support. i've come a long way as a writer, and it'd be something special to acquire a publishing deal just months after completing my MA program. so it's nose-to-grindstone time. i feel like i'm back in school again. hah!!
my apologies in advance if the following plug comes across as less tasteful than i would like, but i find myself needing to call upon the close-knit ties i have to this lovely online community. earlier in this thread, i wrote a post regarding my advancement to the second round of Write Bloody Publishing's 2013 Book Contest. needless to say, being handpicked as one of twenty finalists--among many hundreds of submissions--was a big moment for me, but i'm confident i can go further, and you can help me do so,!!

as part of the selection process for round two, Write Bloody is interested in seeing how well a writer can promote his or herself by way of online circulation. and, as a press that send their poets out on the road to perform, they are also interested in seeing how well you can read your own work. that said, i would ask that my gracious friends of watch the youtube video embedded below, and travel to the youtube link itself (here: in order to "like" the video by clicking the little thumbs up icon you will find below the video. i would also ask that my gracious friends of re-post it on their facebooks, twitters, tumblrs, etc., with the very simple instruction that the viewer must watch and "like" the video. it's just a quick two-and-a-half minutes of your time!!

these "likes" only account for a small portion of the final selection process, but i believe in being thorough, and i appreciate any help you all are willing to provide!! anyway, that's enough preamble. the following poem is titled "Asterisk":

now, as for the much larger part of the selection process, i'm close to the completion of my 40-poem manuscript. it's shaping up nicely, and i am tremendously confident that it's a winning manuscript. if i am selected, i will be awarded a publishing deal with Write Bloody, with a spring 2014 release date for my first book...

thank you so much for the love and support, dear hearts of!!

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thank you so very much, dear friends!! it means a lot to have's support!! truly!! and to those who i've contacted via PM, thank you again, as well!!

here's one more bump of the thread, because it's an important week for me. tomorrow, i'll be submitting a manuscript of 40 poems, as well as the video linked below, to Write Bloody Publishing for review, in the hopes of earning a publishing contract for my first official collection of poems. i've worked very hard to arrive at this point, and the opportunity means so much to me...

my manuscript is nearly finished, barring a few final touches, but my vid's been in the pipeline for almost two weeks now, and while i'm sure that damn near every regularly-posting member of has gotten the memo by now, i'm still reaching out to anybody who might have missed earlier posts in this thread, or might not have been inclined to give my poem a chance...

all I would ask of you is that you travel to the link below and hit the little "like" button directly beneath the video. don't be shy!!


and if you wouldn't mind sharing the link to my video with others, i would be most grateful. spread the word one last time on your facebooks, twitters, tumblrs, etc. send emails. tap a roommate on the shoulder. convince a family member. ask your classmates. as the final "likes" trickle in, know that I have nothing but mad love for you all...


note: for the record, i'm in a scrum for second place in total "likes" among the 20 finalists who have submitted their videos. the guy in first place is waaaaay out in front, and i have no hope of catching him, but i would definitely like to cement a second-place finish. as i've mentioned before, these "likes" only count for a small portion of the final score as Write Bloody's editors consider each finalist, but i'm determined to give them every reason to select me as tomorrow's deadline approaches. thank you,!! your support means a lot!!