my apologies in advance if the following plug comes across as less tasteful than i would like, but i find myself needing to call upon the close-knit ties i have to this lovely online community. earlier in this thread, i wrote a post regarding my advancement to the second round of Write Bloody Publishing's 2013 Book Contest. needless to say, being handpicked as one of twenty finalists--among many hundreds of submissions--was a big moment for me, but i'm confident i can go further, and you can help me do so,!!
as part of the selection process for round two, Write Bloody is interested in seeing how well a writer can promote his or herself by way of online circulation. and, as a press that send their poets out on the road to perform, they are also interested in seeing how well you can read your own work. that said, i would ask that my gracious friends of watch the youtube video embedded below, and travel to the youtube link itself (here: in order to "like" the video by clicking the little thumbs up icon you will find below the video. i would also ask that my gracious friends of re-post it on their facebooks, twitters, tumblrs, etc., with the very simple instruction that the viewer must watch and "like" the video. it's just a quick two-and-a-half minutes of your time!!
these "likes" only account for a small portion of the final selection process, but i believe in being thorough, and i appreciate any help you all are willing to provide!! anyway, that's enough preamble. the following poem is titled "Asterisk":
now, as for the much larger part of the selection process, i'm close to the completion of my 40-poem manuscript. it's shaping up nicely, and i am tremendously confident that it's a winning manuscript. if i am selected, i will be awarded a publishing deal with Write Bloody, with a spring 2014 release date for my first book...
thank you so much for the love and support, dear hearts of!!