Bye Bye Smart (merged)

So Long, Keith Smart

Keith is a good guy, but he never should have been made a head coach, he just isnt qualified. best of luck to him in the future. but i cant wait to see this team under a real system

and i thought this picture BleacherReport used was pretty hilarious!

Wish him well, but good riddance. A nice personality does not make you a good coach. Hopefully, Malone is hired (officially) soon so we have some stability and so he can start contacting the players and developing relationships.
TOTALLY agree with rainmaker.

Keith Smart single-handedly may have destroyed the Kings near future, by retarding the growth of Tyreke and DMC, and keeping the Kings a laughingstock of the NBA so no competitive players want to come here.
It will take a good coach to turn this organization around, and I hope to god Mike Malone is up to the task of teaching this group of misfits real, competitive NBA basketball.

Keith Smart deserves NO THANKS whatsoever for this shameless, embarrassing display of crap basketball the past 2 years.
TOTALLY agree with rainmaker.

Keith Smart single-handedly may have destroyed the Kings near future, by retarding the growth of Tyreke and DMC, and keeping the Kings a laughingstock of the NBA so no competitive players want to come here.
It will take a good coach to turn this organization around, and I hope to god Mike Malone is up to the task of teaching this group of misfits real, competitive NBA basketball.

Keith Smart deserves NO THANKS whatsoever for this shameless, embarrassing display of crap basketball the past 2 years.
Westfail did 10x the damage.
He's a good guy, and you feel for anyone who is fired/rejected.. As per the article, he probably does feel as if he needed just another year etc.. What's keeping me from feeling excessively sorry for him is that he has had the chance to coach two NBA teams, which is lucky for a coach of his calibure, 100% not a shot - just the truth.. most coaches of all levels don't get the opportunity.. I wish him 100% luck and happiness in the future