Bowen plays dirty , Gets Carter ejected...



striker, you're in denial homey. Lets say the tables were switched and Bowen was on another team and he took out Tim Duncan on a dirty play, would your views still be the same? It's obvious your just protecting the man cuz hes on your team. Truth is hes a decent defensive player, but hes dirtier than midget hookers on a Saturday night.
striker said:
In case yuo've never seen a classic Reggie Miller leg kick out to draw the foul.

Oh please, a guy is allowed room to come back down without somoene steeping down under them. It is why they added that hanging on the rim no T rule when a guy dunks and there is someone under then, the NBA is supposed to care that their players aren't getting hurt. What is Bowen doing anyways, I thought it was a great defensive rule not to try to block a jumpshooters shot? It's sad.
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lol ... if that was Bowen taking the shot, kicking out his leg and Carter defending people would be whining Bowen tried to karate kick poor Vince.


coolhandluke said:
What a cheapshot! Bowen undercuts Carter and someone actually posts it to defend Bowen. Stupefyingly hilarious!
my thoughts exactly. dam, spurs fans really do believe its good defense. LOL
Thanks for that clip, striker. I haven't seen any clips of that play.

I think Bowen's a good defender. But you don't need to do those cheap shots to become a better defender. Just need to injure the guy.

I'll be pissed too if I was Vince. This is not the first time Bowen did something like that to him.
striker said:
In case yuo've never seen a classic Reggie Miller leg kick out to draw the foul.

It's obvious you either don't play basketball or you're not a jumpshooter, it's natural for the leg to kick out when you're taking a jumpshot while jumping sideways, I'm a shooter and I do it naturally.

I also can't believe that Bowen said that Carter was the one who tried to trip him. What a jackass.
Striker, watch Bowen's left leg in your own gif. First he kicks out and underneath Carter as he's landing and then after the both of them land, Bowen hops backwards and whips that same leg back to trip Carter again.
its absolutely amazing that Bruce Bowen can manage a 7 page thread on kingsfans...

and its all about him being dirty...that should DEFINETLY tell you something
4cwebb said:
Is there a possibility that Bowen is BOTH a great defender AND a dirty player? 'Cause that is where I would put him. When you watch him play, he does an excellent job of moving his feet, not using his hands on the perimeter when his player actually has the ball, and just in general putting so much effort into defense that it frustrates the opposing player.

But then he does something like move up under a player who is shooting a jumper because he knows that he has done it before, and it might distract that player to think about injuring his ankle again, so he might miss the shot. And if that player lands on his ankle, that's not his fault, right?

And forget about VC and Ray going off on him...Michael Finley, a man who doesn't get angry with anyone and never really says anything bad about anyone else (unlike Ray-Ray with his silly Kobe fued) called Bowen dirty last year after Bowen clearly gave him a cheap-shot in the ribs when Finley wasn't looking (and neither were the refs). He's played dirty before. There's no shame in admitting it.
Far and away best post in the thread.
striker said:

Been through it before. I don't think it was intentional. You're going to say I'm a ridiculous homer. Fine. Let's assume it was intentional. How long ago was it? How many similar incidents have there been? How many players had far more flagrant fouls, more than one? Artest? Kenyon? Juwan Howard alone has put two Spurs on the IR with flagrant fouls. Bradley with his flying elbows? I can name dozens more. One potentially balatant event that has become the "Bowen's dirty" lynch mobs bible. Sorry not impressed with your overwhelming evidence from a nine year career.
Bowen is a filthy bastard. Trying to use other other filthy players is a bit like trying to defend Mao's "cultural revolution" by pointing out Ghenghis Khan's attrocities.

YOU are the one who places him in their company, and you know what? He is their king.
SaCKiNgS24 said:
not all of those pictures are dirty plays, but 70% of them are.
The argument is that he purposely leads with his lower body against opponents who've left the ground. That's definitely a recipe for tweaked knees and ankles. Any player is allowed to his ground vertically (from floor to ceiling). This is the premise underlying the charge/block call. You can't bowl over someone if their feet are planted, for example.

When Bowen is angling his lower body so that his feet violate someone else's space (when they come down from a jumper or layup), he should be called for a foul when there is contact.

I think there will come a time, with more and more incidents such as the one with Carter, that the refs will realize he's purposely acting in an unsportsmanlike manner. We can all hope...
You're kidding right Gargamel. Half of those photos Bowen's getting charged into and many are just random photos with a guy in the air. I can post random photos of your boy Kobe that are as "damning" as those. lmao

Oh my God!!!!!! Look!!!! Tracy McGrady undercutting Kobe!!!!!

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Nuggets coach Karl sees himself in Spurs' Bowen


Star-Ledger Staff

Roughly 30 years and 30 pounds ago, George Karl was one of the most annoying defenders in basketball, an inexhaustible pest who played so hard and defended so persistently he was known as "the flea."

So admittedly, Bruce Bowen is Karl's kind of player.

But the Denver coach understands why the Nets could be miffed by Bowen's tactics Friday night, when the Spurs swingman effectively took Vince Carter out of the game to spark a comeback.

"Bruce is good. I love his tricks, man -- he reminds me of me a little bit," Karl said before the Nets' 94-79 victory over the Nuggets last night.

"But you're getting into a really tough area. I don't think Bruce Bowen's a dirty player. He's a competitor, he's an angry defensive competitor who makes his living covering people and getting into people's heads.

"He's pushing the line all the time, some people think he crosses the line. I personally don't think he does. I just think he pushes it to the point where it becomes annoying. That's usually the sign of a great defensive player, a guy that gets annoying." Eventually, Karl got to the point: Whether Bowen's final "tactic" was a dirty play is in the eye of the beholder.
"I think Bruce crosses the line if he's playing against me," Karl said. "If he plays for me he doesn't cross the line."
So, the best endorcement of Bowen not being a dirty player is a coach saying that if Bowen played for him coach'd look the other way, but since he doesn't, yeah- Bowen is a dirty player.

I'm sold.
striker said:
You're kidding right Gargamel. Half of those photos Bowen's getting charged into and many are just random photos with a guy in the air. I can post random photos of your boy Kobe that are as "damning" as those. lmao

Oh my God!!!!!! Look!!!! Tracy McGrady undercutting Kobe!!!!!
Every player has at least once positioned themselves under another (either accidentally or during a lapse of judgment). Difference is, Bowen frequently does it as a tactic to intimidate his opponents with sprained ankles or knees.

Find as many "random" photos of Kobe jutting his feet out under opponents. Nothing random about what Bruce is doing.

The Tracy McGrady pic doesn't show him undercutting Kobe. He's not in the vicinity of where Kobe is going to land and he's also not making contact with Kobe. See if you can find a TMac pic where he's kicking his leg out at someone while they're trying to make a layup.
mcsluggo said:

Hmmm, threads about Bowen as the single dirtiest player in the nba on Kings, Lakers and Mavs board simultaneously (after a dirty play against a Raptor)

Must be an anti –spurs/bowen conspiracy.
Maybe mass hypnosis?
Clearly we just don't see how cutting edge Bowen is as a defender.

PS: You know Spurs fans would be up in arms if one of Tim's defenders crowed him all game and he finally wound up with a sprained ankle. That's not even in question. The momos at SR would be calling for that player's head, no less.
Sorry Gargamel. Have to go with a guy who's actually played and coached pro ball and doesn't have an agenda (unless the Nugget's are playing the Spurs which he's honest enough to admit).


Super Moderator Emeritus
striker said:
Sorry Gargamel. Have to go with a guy who's actually played and coached pro ball and doesn't have an agenda (unless the Nugget's are playing the Spurs which he's honest enough to admit).
Maybe just maybe George Karl was also perceived by some to be a good defender and borderline dirty. Has that occurred to you?

I cannot believe this is still going on. Tell you what, striker, we'll just start calling you Cleopatra around here okay? And if some of us come to a Spurs board and try and deny something all Spurs fans seem to think is valid, then you can return the favor.