Big Ups, Big Props to Rick Adelman.....

yea...starters aren't showing any heart...bibby is still working through it though but is still not the same. I still think we can make history again by winning the series still...we have had the home court advantage in the past so this is still new. After playing at arco I think theres gonna be a big upside.
Hell Yeah, Reign!

You have got to stick with the players that are making plays- and the ones who look like they wanna be out there.

Just like the last game, it's a crying shame that there isn't one more quarter of ball to go, and I know that there are going to be a lot of people on this board on a suicide watch after going down 0-2.

But I'll take (somewhat of a) comeback final, losing by 12, as compared to the 26 point drubbing that looked to be upon us earlier in the game. Great effort and hustle by the bench tonight, and all things considered, a pretty darn exciting game. If what Larry Brown says is true- That the playoffs don't start until someone loses a home game, I still a pretty happy guy.

Hopefully the benching of the starters for the 4th will motivate them to actually come out with some fire for the entire game on Friday. Just a shame this is what it may take to make it happen.
It's the human element that makes sports so fascinating and frustrating. Why are a bunch of talented guys playing so badly? Why is Cuttino Mobley so selfish at the wrong moments? Why does Peja turn into The Invisible Woman in the playoffs? He grabbled some boards, but, hey, if we are going to have a sf who can't jump, he damn well better make some shots! How can supposedly competent professionals do a consistently one sided, lousy job two nights in a row and get away with it? (I'm speaking of the refs). How can our most talented and experienced players roll over and play dead, then be outclassed by our bench? Yaarrgghh!
Sparky said:
It's the human element that makes sports so fascinating and frustrating. Why are a bunch of talented guys playing so badly? Why is Cuttino Mobley so selfish at the wrong moments? Why does Peja turn into The Invisible Woman in the playoffs? He grabbled some boards, but, hey, if we are going to have a sf who can't jump, he damn well better make some shots! How can supposedly competent professionals do a consistently one sided, lousy job two nights in a row and get away with it? (I'm speaking of the refs). How can our most talented and experienced players roll over and play dead, then be outclassed by our bench? Yaarrgghh!
I love the parts about the Invisible Woman and those jackass refs. Keep up the good work. :)
Team Dime said:
Hopefully the benching of the starters for the 4th will motivate them to actually come out with some fire for the entire game on Friday. Just a shame this is what it may take to make it happen.
That could turn out to be a brilliant move by RA. I really hope it fires them up.
The ball movement was terrible throughout the game. Good things come out of moving the ball but yet they opt for the quick jumpshot. Peja just disappears and is just not reliable anymore. If he doesn't make his shots he is a liability imo. Bibby is just out of sorts right now and I think Ridnour's length and quickness is giving him fits. Mobely is doing is best impression of Kobe Bryant out there with less than half the efficiency. The Sonics bigs are just knocking our bigs around like pingpong balls. Brad was the only one who was doing anything and even he was out with foul trouble. Skinner and Thomas are non- entities out there. The defense just plain sucks, this team is gotta be one of the worst at rotating and helping out on defense. I'm just terribly upset at the effort and intensity from the Kings side. Sorry if this is coming off as harsh but I woke up really early to see the game and I thought they just didn't play with any desire and tehn the live feed got cut half way through the 4th quarter.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
KingKong said:
The ball movement was terrible throughout the game. Good things come out of moving the ball but yet they opt for the quick jumpshot. Peja just disappears and is just not reliable anymore. If he doesn't make his shots he is a liability imo. Bibby is just out of sorts right now and I think Ridnour's length and quickness is giving him fits. Mobely is doing is best impression of Kobe Bryant out there with less than half the efficiency. The Sonics bigs are just knocking our bigs around like pingpong balls. Brad was the only one who was doing anything and even he was out with foul trouble. Skinner and Thomas are non- entities out there. The defense just plain sucks, this team is gotta be one of the worst at rotating and helping out on defense. I'm just terribly upset at the effort and intensity from the Kings side. Sorry if this is coming off as harsh but I woke up really early to see the game and I thought they just didn't play with any desire and tehn the live feed got cut half way through the 4th quarter.
Man, normally I feel bad for you that you don't get to watch the Kings play more often...tongiht I feel bad for you that you got to see them. :)

Well, hang in there. I am not terribly hopeful about the rest of this playoffs, but I do think we may have the pieces to make some significant moves in the offseason and be reborn from our ashes as an elite team again.
Bricklayer said:
Well, hang in there. I am not terribly hopeful about the rest of this playoffs, but I do think we may have the pieces to make some significant moves in the offseason and be reborn from our ashes as an elite team again.

We will have TDOS to find out. Hopefully we'll get a surprise that will leave us agasp jumping up and down screaming because we got Garnett, Lebron, and Wade.;)
slugking50 said:
We will have TDOS to find out. Hopefully we'll get a surprise that will leave us agasp jumping up and down screaming because we got Garnett, Lebron, and Wade.;)
He's my prayer. Package BoJax, Mobley, Peja and Thomas for KG. I read in Sports Illustrated that anyone who trades for KG may also have to take Wally and Hudson along with him since the Wolves would want to get rid of their contracts too. I'm not too big on Wally, but I'd do cartwheels to get KG, I also think it'd be worth giving up the farm to get him. It may not be possible but, I'd like to see us keep Bibby and Brad in a deal for KG.
Bricklayer said:
Man, normally I feel bad for you that you don't get to watch the Kings play more often...tongiht I feel bad for you that you got to see them. :)

Well, hang in there. I am not terribly hopeful about the rest of this playoffs, but I do think we may have the pieces to make some significant moves in the offseason and be reborn from our ashes as an elite team again.
Thanks Brick. Yeah I haven't been able to watch a live Kings game in quite sometime now, but this year has definately been better than the previous years as I figured out a way to download some games this year. It was sad to see them stink it up the way that they did this morning (last night for you), but your words leave me optimistic about our future.:)
Team Dime said:
He's my prayer. Package BoJax, Mobley, Peja and Thomas for KG. I read in Sports Illustrated that anyone who trades for KG may also have to take Wally and Hudson along with him since the Wolves would want to get rid of their contracts too. I'm not too big on Wally, but I'd do cartwheels to get KG, I also think it'd be worth giving up the farm to get him. It may not be possible but, I'd like to see us keep Bibby and Brad in a deal for KG.
Yeah, KG is a guy who can carry his team in the playoffs. Oh, wait ... you have to be in the playoffs to do something like that.
N.U.F.A.N. said:
I like House.... he's definitely gonna be huge in this series
Its a problem when the three best players on the team thus far are all 6 foot nothing! Mike, Bobby, and Eddie seem to be the only guys capable of doing anything out there. O TAG Whereart thou? Brad is limping around like Nancy Kerrigan. O Peja whereart thou? Corliss Williamson is NOT a center....He's not even a PF! Cuttino is not Kobe,T-Mac, or (Insert great SG here)! OUR BIG GUYS AREN'T BIG! If everybody on our team had Eddie's heart we would be up 2-0 not down 2-0!!!!!!!
Adelman knows what he needs to do. He was just testing out rotations against the Sonics. He figured it was a great opportunity to do it at the Sonics house these first two games. He didn't want to break their hearts just yet. He's going to respond in Arco. Was trying to give this league a bit more drama you know.
Bad Boy Bo said:
Adelman knows what he needs to do. He was just testing out rotations against the Sonics. He figured it was a great opportunity to do it at the Sonics house these first two games. He didn't want to break their hearts just yet. He's going to respond in Arco. Was trying to give this league a bit more drama you know.

Maybe some drama is what this team needs, anything to get a rise out of these guys. Show me some passion and intensity, just don't roll over and die.