yeah.............but then we all wouldn't be extactic and crying tears of joy!!;)

But.... we would be crying tears of sorrow if it had missed. Thomas owes Bibby!!
What was he thinking and why was Peja so {what word am I looking for here?}
That was not so smart on either side. If he was going to charge down the floor, why didn't he take care of business? :confused:
well, while everybody else was crying, I was half-sleep....I was really tired last nite so me and my sis were knocked out during the 4th quarter..then we both woke up at the same time just in time to see Kenny Thomas throw a bad pass to Peja .....and I looked at the time and there was I think 24 seconds left in the game...then someone on the Clippers flew right by everybody for an easy 2 ....and i was like oh crap! how in the world did he just do that...anyway, I had a feeling Bibby was gonna take the shot and when it went in me and eb were screaming "He did it again!" so then my dad( who is a Lakers fan) came running and stomping down the stairs saying how Bibby is truely clutch!

Go Bibby!!!!!!!!
The thing I love is what this must be doing for Mike's confidence. I'm sure that his coming out so agressive to start the game had something to do with the win over Memphis.

You gotta feel sorry for anyone that steps in front of Mike while he's in full swagger.
Kingsgurl, I know what you mean. Living on the East Coast, most Sac games come on extremely late, and since I kept falling asleep during half-time, I ALWAYS tape the games now, so I got the memphis shot, the Clippers shot, and even our amazing win against the Knicks on tape. It really pays off, and I'm gonna tape ALL the playoffs, cause I would kill to see the WCF 2002 again. Maybe one day they'll be on ESPN classic.