Best Finish Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The heartbreaks and disappointment in Kings playoff basketball history have been too numerous to let down after screw-up or defensive assignment recent as one game ago we get our hearts ripped out....

its about time we tasted the sweet thrill of a last second buzzer beating, will-it-or-won't-it-yes-it-will-count-it-game-over-go-home-spurs driving lay-up over gangly fundamental muppet baby...

The final seconds of a game could not have been more exciting, more beautiful to witness....I almost hit my head on the ceiling I was jumping so high....and my ceilings are 12 feet high!!


if just for one game, one moment....even if we go on to be eliminated in 5 games.....

WE deserved this Kings fans!!!

Congratulations to Kings organization, players, Rick Adelman, Kevin Martin, all Kings fans. And since I have been a fan since '85, congratulations to me.


Lets do it again on Sunday.

No more open threes = 2-2 series tie.

More K9 and and SAR are their sloppy fundamentals on the bench = 2-2 series tie.

More Ron at 4 = 2-2 series tie.

Slide Bonzi to 3, more minutes for K-Mart in backcourt = 2-2 series tie.
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Spurs fans are hella bitter. After we lost last game I gave props to the Spurs for being a championship level team. At least they were giving ron-ron some respect. I still think that this was a good game, but that's exactly what it is "one game". Just like Ron said you can only celebrate for so long.


Hall of Famer
Burrito06 said:
Spurs fans are hella bitter. After we lost last game I gave props to the Spurs for being a championship level team. At least they were giving ron-ron some respect. I still think that this was a good game, but that's exactly what it is "one game". Just like Ron said you can only celebrate for so long.
they can cry me a river. They have 3 rings in the last 7 years. For once the things don't go their way and they are whining. Manu must be their representative
Exactly what I was thinking. I have never seen someone act as good as he does once he gets a little contact. Must be a Euro thing. Vlade was known for the same thing but I think Manu is better.
bench_blob said:
The heartbreaks and disappointment in Kings playoff basketball have been numerous to let down after screw-up or defensive assignment recent as one game ago we get our hearts ripped out....

its about time we tasted the sweet thrill of a last second buzzer beating, will-it-or-won't-it-yes-it-will-count-it-game-over-go-home-spurs driving lay-up over gangly fundamental muppet baby...

The final seconds of a game could not have been more exciting, more beautiful to witness....I almost hit my head on the ceiling I was jumping so high....and my ceilings are 12 feet high!!


if just for one game, one moment....even if we go on to be eliminated in 5 games.....

WE deserved this Kings fans!!!

Congratulations to Kings organization, players, Rick Adelman, Kevin Martin, all Kings fans. And since I have been a fan since '85, congratulations to me.


Lets do it again on Sunday.

No more open threes = 2-2 series tie.

More K9 and and SAR are their sloppy fundamentals on the bench = 2-2 series tie.

More Ron at 4 = 2-2 series tie.

Slide Bonzi to 3, more minutes for K-Mart in backcourt = 2-2 series tie. that you...HA..:) couldnt resist


Hall of Famer
Burrito06 said:
Exactly what I was thinking. I have never seen someone act as good as he does once he gets a little contact. Must be a Euro thing. Vlade was known for the same thing but I think Manu is better.
Manu is from Argentina
It's a "people from countries who's main sport is soccer" thing. Have you watched an international soccer game? Those guys will literally cry and run to their mommas on the sidelines to get a call.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
When I saw the ball drop and heard the buzzer I was just stunned having had that happen the wrong way so many times to this team over the years. I realize that we are still in the hole but tonight's moment was probably the best feeling I've had as a Kings fan since we won game 5 against the Lakers in 2002.

And yeah, Manu annoys the hell out of me too. At least the refs swallowed their whistles when the game was on the line tonight.
I've been sitting here, reading the threads and just extending the moment. I was just one of our members who was lucky enough to be in Arco tonight. My throat is so sore and as I read VF21's PBP and then the game thread, I could see written out all the emotions I was feeling in the last couple of minutes of that game.

I was so wrapped up in that last play, I didn't realize time expired, because I was watching that shot bounce. When I saw the 0.0, I was just stunned for a moment. It happened so fast.

Arco was loud and great tonight. And when that shot fell, it just went crazy! A lot of people hung around and kept cheering the replay. It was hard to stop watching that last sequence. (Thanks Fillmoe for posting the clip. :)) People were shouting and high-fiving everybody in the concourses. You could hear people celebrating, hollering, honking, jumping all over each other in the parking lot.

Its been a hard year for Kings fans. But I will never forget this game and that last sequence as long as I live. It was incredible.

Congrats on a spectacular play. After that Barry 3-pointer that hit everything on the court save for the hotdog stand, this game winniner was a nice concession for Kings fans.
SkinnerBox said:
It's a "people from countries who's main sport is soccer" thing. Have you watched an international soccer game? Those guys will literally cry and run to their mommas on the sidelines to get a call.
That's Hilarious! BTW...

WOO HOO!!!!!!

What a sweet way to end that game! Go Sac!!!!!!
If we win Sunday, the Spurs could be ripe for the picking. Heres hoping to a blowout of the Spurs in game 4 and make them lose some confidence or even make them second guess their ability to put us away.


Homer Fan Since 1985
kennadog said:
I've been sitting here, reading the threads and just extending the moment. I was just one of our members who was lucky enough to be in Arco tonight. My throat is so sore and as I read VF21's PBP and then the game thread, I could see written out all the emotions I was feeling in the last couple of minutes of that game.

I was so wrapped up in that last play, I didn't realize time expired, because I was watching that shot bounce. When I saw the 0.0, I was just stunned for a moment. It happened so fast.

Arco was loud and great tonight. And when that shot fell, it just went crazy! A lot of people hung around and kept cheering the replay. It was hard to stop watching that last sequence. (Thanks Fillmoe for posting the clip. :)) People were shouting and high-fiving everybody in the concourses. You could hear people celebrating, hollering, honking, jumping all over each other in the parking lot.

Its been a hard year for Kings fans. But I will never forget this game and that last sequence as long as I live. It was incredible.

kennadog, I am ecstatic that you had such a fantastic experience. Here is hoping my experience on Sunday is just as incredible.
I am proud of this team. For only being together for a year, you can tell that they are starting to trust eachother and they are starting to gel as a team. After watching this series, I think it's essential to re-sign Bonzi. Artest and Bonzi are going to wreak havoc on the league for years to come. All we are missing is that shot blocking rebong guzzling big man, that I know is going to be aggressed this summer.
piksi said:
we deserve much more than that but it is a start
I agree. This last game means nothing if we lose the next. I've noticed on this board there tends to be extreme highs and extreme low's. Let's not get to high, stay even and wait for tomorrow.
DocHolliday said:
I agree. This last game means nothing if we lose the next. I've noticed on this board there tends to be extreme highs and extreme low's. Let's not get to high, stay even and wait for tomorrow.
Eh, screw that, there may not be that many tomorrows. The future is uncertain, take as much pleasure from the moment as you possibly can:D
Kingsgurl said:
Eh, screw that, there may not be that many tomorrows. The future is uncertain, take as much pleasure from the moment as you possibly can:D
Hey I agree. I was excited, I'm still super happy. But, I'm focused on the next game at this point.