Best Finish Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did that. Then I had to shower. I couldn't read very much. Their nick-name for Kevin is KMFDM. I would post what that stands for, but it wouldn't get through the profanity filters, of which they apparently don't have any. They (many of them) also appear to have a rather irrational hatred of us, considering we have never ripped out their hearts and stomped on them like the lakers did to us. I always thought spurs fans were a classy bunch (I'm not sure why I thought this) but I have been seriously disabused of that notion:D


Super Moderator Emeritus
I tried to warn you... The particular board you checked out seems to have a lot of built-up angst and a fascination with body parts as avatars.



Super Moderator Emeritus
Kingsgurl said:
Thanks, my bestest friend helped me come up with it...
Well all I can say is that bestest friend must be incredibly clever!

...and the cool new avatar is curtesy of Mad D, comic genius.
I wish Mad D would do more of his comics that earned him his "comic genius" moniker.

Ah, dagger to the heart of Grizzlies fan. This time courtesy of Dirk... but at least it tied the game and didn't bury them.

Bobby Jackson must have had a horrible deja vu flash.
SkinnerBox said:
It's a "people from countries who's main sport is soccer" thing. Have you watched an international soccer game? Those guys will literally cry and run to their mommas on the sidelines to get a call.
Soccer is the main sport in just about every country but America! But, now that you mention it....;)


ReinadelosReys said:
Soccer is the main sport in just about every country but America! But, now that you mention it....;)
Not my country. Count us out! Because it's KingsBasketball4LyF!:D (I think I'm homie!)
VF21 said:
You aren't going to see any whining Spurs fans, unless you go to Spurs board.

spurs zone or spurs report? i don't go in spurs zone much. i get my uncensored garbage from the usenet. i saw a little bit of whining about no call on bibby supposedly fouling ginobili and then touching the net while martin's shot was in the air. not so different than you'd see on any other fan forum, including this one.

i don't subscribe to officiating conspiracy theories. they make mistakes, but i don't trust my own objectivity to know if my team got hosed or not so i always let it go. i just assume that teams that get more calls deserve more calls, in general. and i've never seen anybody complain that their team won because of the refs (including the richest whiner in the world, mark cuban). i think complaining isn't about fairness, it's about wanting an advantage.