Attention: Cable and satellite viewers


Super Moderator Emeritus
If you have cable or satellite and live outside the Sacramento area, be sure and check to see if League Pass is on for you. The free preview period has apparently started.

DishNetwork - check channel 565. Keep in mind it will be blacked out if you can get it on Comcast.
I have comcast cable and am not getting the free preview yet, because I tried to watch the Bulls/Grizzlies game earlier and it was still not showing it.
I'm talking about league pass...I think it starts on ch 442 or one of those channels.
I'm talking about it too. I am in Illinois. I have Comcast cable (so no CSN-W like Directv viewers are getting). I am watching the game on a NBA League Pass, channel 445.

I did subscribe to League Pass already so I'm not sure if it is "free" or not, but this is the first preseason game I have been able to watch on League Pass.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Regardless of what your provider says, a number of them have gone ahead and opened up the access to League Pass early. All I'm saying is check it. You might be pleasantly surprised.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Down here in Surf City we get most if not all preseason games on Direct TV League Pass. Channels 751-759 plus the occasional game on NBA TV Ch-601. Have seen every Kings game so far.