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Super Moderator Emeritus
Every time I go to Yuba City. I especially like Caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks.


Let's restore slug's question: What's your favorite Starbucks' offering? (I'd like to get a few other recommendations on things to try...)
Tropical Island .... preferably in the Pacific

American Samoa, Fiji, Philippines, Guam, Okinawa .... mostly HAWAII

Either the island of Kauai or The Big Island of Hawaii :cool:

Next P - Same Q
I know this sounds corny but... Sacramento. I LOVE it here. I hope to raise my family here in the future. Although Cali is getting too darn expensive.

But if someone was to give me a chance to live in the Caribbean I wouldn't pass that by either...

Next P same q
:eek: I won't even mention what awful nickname I was given!

Your driving in the rain and you see two people stranded on the side of the road. One is a super hot babe (man or woman, whichever you prefer) and the other is an old lady who looks like she is getting ready to pass out from hypothermia. You can only help one, who do you let in your car? :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't have a favorite NBA player, exactly. My favorite NBA personality is Scot Pollard. He still cracks me up.

If you had to choose between never seeing rain again or never having a day over 75 degrees, which would it be?
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