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How much time do you think TF spends at Raley's trying to spot Kings personnel? (Not that it hasn't crossed my mind to hang out at her store instead of my own!) :)
There is only one explanation: TF is a mall rat

What, in your opinion, is the best romantic movie you have ever seen? (No one realizes how tough it is to make a good movie in this genre)
grewupdown said:
Too many to choose from...most recently The Notebook

Celebrity Poker Showdown or World Series of Poker?
WSOP!! CPS is just awful. I dont care about hollywood hasbeens trying to get attention for themselves under the guise of doing it for charity. That goes for all of those celebrity shows:p

Isnt it great the Delta breeze is back?
Paper usually. I ocassionally get plastic because the bags come in handy and I like to keep some around the house.

doone said:
Does anyone here have a song that has anything to do with penguins?
Had to go back to this question.

Penguins Are So Sensitive, by Lyle Lovett.

Coloring: in or out of the lines??
GoGoGadget said:
Paper usually. I ocassionally get plastic because the bags come in handy and I like to keep some around the house.

Had to go back to this question.

Penguins Are So Sensitive, by Lyle Lovett.

Coloring: in or out of the lines??
Out. But i dont do it on

Why does deliscous food have to have so much salt?
doone said:
Hmmmm....because sodium chloride IS salt? :p

Why am I always late for class?
You subconsciously like to be the center of attention. All your classmates notice you when you walk in late. And cuz skool sux. ;)

Why the hell do streets that need paving go unpaved and streets that don't need it get paved every 5 years?
because the streets that need paving are in areas that can't afford scheduled pavement.

if a person's hair and clothes are on fire do u put them under the safety shower in the lab and turn it on?
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