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Oh my gosh, what a question! How do I pick just one! I listen to ALL KINDS of music so it's pretty varied... but (nobody laugh) Mariah Carey has been my favorite female artist since I was 10 years old, and I'm a loyal fan so I'll stick with that. But I listen and appreciate everything from Al Green to Green Day.

Next person same question
Christina Aguilera

In high school (whether you were once there or you are currently there OR even if your not there yet) what was was your impression on the cheerleaders?
I don't think O'Brien is making Chris' transition any easier. Chris keeps saying that he and AI are fine and that's not the problem. O'Brien wants AI to keep the ball like he has been doing and to **** with everyone else but I'm watching them play against Pistons and they finally seem to be getting it together. Chris knows it's AI's team and he seems Ok with that for now but I really don't think that will continue. IMHO Philly is not the right team for him and even though the haters out there think he has no trade value, that would probably be the best move for him.


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
nope but ill give you a round of applause ::claps::

how well do you think the Spurs will do without TD in the lineup?
Lucky if they go 50-50

Are you cheering for the 76ers to make the playoffs?
yes. Lance Armstrong is the Michael Jordan of bicycling (plus the man has fought back from cancer...i mean ya have to give it up him)

Do you like getting your picture taken?
well lets just put it this way...if i could lets say DRAW...i would be a fashion designer (i would of went to college for fashion design instead of fashion merch)

Is your mailbox at the curb or right outside of your door? Or do you live in an apartment where the mailboxes are all together...or maybe you have a PO box?
iheartBrad said:
well lets just put it this way...if i could lets say DRAW...i would be a fashion designer (i would of went to college for fashion design instead of fashion merch)

Is your mailbox at the curb or right outside of your door? Or do you live in an apartment where the mailboxes are all together...or maybe you have a PO box?
I live on 10 arces at the end of a dead end rd. 2miles off the main rd.All mailboxs are at the beginning of the rd.

diet or reg. soda


Homer Fan Since 1985
SIR HENRY 8 said:
I live on 10 arces at the end of a dead end rd. 2miles off the main rd.All mailboxs are at the beginning of the rd.

diet or reg. soda
Sir Henry, do you have guests from time to time? ;)


Who is the NBA Rookie of the Year in your opinion?
good question! If i had a vote Id vote for Emeka i mean he's been better than a lot of people thought ESPECIALLY scoring wise...PLUS he went to UCONN which obviously is CONNECTICUT where i reside :)...D12 has been great all year too...a lot better than i know i thought he was hyped up to be....and Ben Gordon WHOA! what can you say about him he looks like the guy he was at UCONN...i wouldn't be surprised if Ben got it...especially since the Bulls are better than the other two teams currently...i wouldn't be mad either...but IMO im going with Okafor

next person, same question (and include WHY)
RoyalDiva said:
I have to agree with you.

If, in a 24-hr. period of time you could do one thing without suffering any consequences, what would it be?
Remove money from banks.......ALL of them !!!!!!!

Next person......same question.
hmm..well I'm tempted to say something naughty but I'll keep it to myself! ;) I would say the whole, take money out of the bank thing, but I don't want to be a copycat...maybe take myself down to the Cadillac dealership and drive away in one of their Escalades to Mexico never to be found again...:p

If you could create one perfect basketball player from the talents and/or parts and/or personalities of any player in the NBA what and from whom would you use?
im gonna copy what Kenny Smith said a few months back on Inside the NBA

lets see if i can remember correctly..

-Chris Webber's hands
-Kevin Garnett's arms
-Shaq's shoulders
-Allen Iverson's heart
-Jason Kidd's eyes
-Tim Duncan's intangibles
-Kevin Garnett's leadership
-Lebron's James's legs
-Ray Allen's wrists
-Dwayne Wade's feet <--that one i added myself

In the summertime do you like to hang your clothes out on a clothesline or do you stick with the Dryer?
I'd have to say dryer..but if I had a clothesline I would probably be tempted to put clothes on it on a sunny and breezy day....but only towels and bedding I undies...with my luck they'd blow off the line and right into the neighbours yard!! :eek:

What brand/scent of deoderant do you use? (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT;Please, I really hope everyone over the age of 14 uses deoderant...:D )
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Wow okay I got a BILLION of's a blonde joke....I know it's bad..but because I AM a blonde I've heard em all! And it's clean I SWEAR!

A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain. "I would like to buy this TV," she told the salesman.

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

She hurried home and dyed her hair, then came back and again told the salesman, "I would like to buy this TV."

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

"Darn, he recognized me," she thought.

She went for a complete disguise this time; haircut and new color, new outfit, big sunglasses, then waited a few days before she again approached the salesman. "I would like to buy this TV."

"Sorry, we don't sell to blondes," he replied.

Frustrated, she exclaimed, "How do you know I'm a blonde?"
"Because that's a microwave," he replied.

I love blond jokes but this one is a little dirty I guess you'd say so if you get offended easily don't read it.
A little boy went into his parents bedroom and saw his mom on top of his dad going up and down.
He said "mom what are you doing?"
She replied "You know how big your dad's stomach is, we're trying to get it to go down."
The little boy looked confused and said, "but mom there's no point because when you go shopping the lady next door comes over and blows it back up again."

I thought that was funny, anyway same q next person. It's too early to think of a creative question.
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