Ask The Person Below

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iheartBrad said:
Christina Aguilera (i love her to death)
Emerill (ya gotta eat and ya gotta have someone cook it)
Oprah (she'd be great for conversation)
Orlando Bloom (he's just flat out dreamy)
Ellen DeGeneres (who wouldn't want her on the island she's frickin hilarious)
Shaq (he's a HUGE kid...he could prolly entertain you for hours...and honestly i think coupled with Ellen could be just GREAT-from the humor side of things...some hate Shaq but ive always liked him..i just hated Shaq the LA LAKER)
If your house/apartment was burning down and you had a chance to run and get ONE thing what would it be and why??


Homer Fan Since 1985
iheartBrad said:
If your house/apartment was burning down and you had a chance to run and get ONE thing what would it be and why??
An oil painting that a friend did of my mother.

Do you like children (not your own) or do you tolerate them?
i love kids...actually i always say that i have ZERO patience(sp?) but when it comes to kids i some how have all the patience in the world...i can't wait to have one of my own

Which environment would you rather live in...a place like New England where there is a distinct 4 seasons or place thats hot all year long??
Umm..I would never want to live in New England, maybe since I love Cali! So I would have to say neither! Cause its not hot all year where I live!

If you went on the tv show survivor what would you take as the luxury item?
rhuber said:
hmmm.... how 'bout a taco truck ;)

If on you were on the same show... would you fly below the radar, or stand out?
I would fly below the radar so I could observe everyone's personalities, strengths, and short comings, then I'd use everything I learned about everyone and use it to my advantage.

Would you rather go to dinner with friends or go to the club on a friday/saturday night? (and you can't say both)
well if i had to actually buy SOMETHING (like a material thing) would too be a nice big house...but the first thing id really do was payoff all my credit card bills (I LOVE TO SHOP!) and then my student loans.....AND THEN the materialistic shopping spree would start

next person, same question
Blue. Is that even debateable? Would you rather live in an ascension of a civilization or in it's decline?(stole it from Poindexter --Revenge of the Nerds)
^^ Yes, I think this is a good deal for the Kings.

Why don't people talk about trades until they are a done deal? Isn't it a waste of time to talk about a trade that might not even happen?
GoGoGadget said:
Ya big ol' copycat!!

-- Pardon the intrusion....on with the questions --
:p Would you like me to change my;)

doone said:
Would you rather drown or be burned alive?

I definately prefer neither.

Why is it people are suprised when we have Tornados/Funnel clouds when we have them every 3-4 years?


Homer Fan Since 1985
slugking50 said:
:p Would you like me to change my;)

I definately prefer neither.

Why is it people are suprised when we have Tornados/Funnel clouds when we have them every 3-4 years?
Because 1 every 3-4 years is still something to be surprised about. We have dozens and dozens sighted in Illinois every year. And we won't even talk about the hundreds sighted in Oklahoma every year.

If you live in Sacramento and are not attending next Sunday's "get-together", why not?
Sorry 6th, I said I was going to come, but am now unable to. I hate having such a busy schedule!

Why do some girls think that bragging about not eating, forgetting to eat, makes them appear skinnier?
RoyalDiva said:
Why do some girls think that bragging about not eating, forgetting to eat, makes them appear skinnier?
Beats me. But, I once got lectured by a friend -- aquaintance, really -- that I was never going to land a man if I continued to eat so much in public, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask. Apparently, some people think that boys don't like girls who eat.

As nosy/curious/inquisitive as I am, why can I never think of a question to ask in here??
KP said:
Too many inane trade rumors have muddled your mind.

Is Rick Adelman a Great coach?
Of course he is.

Why do people still knock on the door at my job even though there's a sign that clearly states "We are away at Lunch from 12-1, please come back at 1?"
Because they are too pushy, I used to go through the same thing at a prior job long ago. Some people just have too big a sense of entitlement.

Putting aside where you live now, what parts of the U.S. would you most and least desire to live, and why?
well putting aside where i live now is pretty hard cuz i hate it...but not including where i live have to say id least want to live in those Northern States like Montana/Wyoming/Idaho/Minnesota/Wisconsin..cuz they either seem real real boring or they have harsh harsh most want to live in a place where its either hot or a mild temp all year long like Texas, Arizona...but i actually am moving to NorCal at the end of next year...which i guess would be more on the mild temp side of things

Pick one, soup or salad?
Hmm? It depends on the weather. This time of year. Soup!
A nice big bowl of New England Clam Chowder or my mother's fantastic 15 bean soup.
And as always with a great big piece of really good French Bread.


The ever popular friends question-Top 5 men/women you would have guilt free (even though married, engaged, involved etc......) sex with if given the chance?

#1-James Marsters
#2-Ewan McGregor
#3-Peja Stojakovic
#4-Chris Webber
#5-Mike Bibby

Alternates include-
Hugh Jackman
Antonio Banderes
HOLY CRAP! that was definetly the WRONG question to ask me...LOL...well i won't take a much time as Ross did...and i also won't laminate my

-David Beckham
-Colin Farrell
-Justin Timberlake
-50 Cent
-Allen Iverson
oh a question...i was just so caught up in that last question i completely forgot

if you could have your own celebrity personal assistant who would it be? (keep in mind this is someone you are gonna have to spend A LOT of time with and someone thats gonna have to be responsible enough to do the job)
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